Friday, July 31, 2009

National Advocacy & Awareness Disability Campaign

SPEECH by Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
held on 31st July 2009 @ SEGI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE

at the Opening Ceremony..from left Professor Dr. Muhamad Awang (SEGi University College Vice Chancellor), Mr. Kamal Malhotra(Resident Representative of the UNDP) & Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
(photo by CFL)

First and foremost, allow me to take this opportunity to thank the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and SEGI University College for inviting me to officiate the National Advocacy and Awareness Disability Campaign. I am pleased to see such a distinguished gathering of representatives from policy makers, NGOs, schools, academia, media and civil society. We are all here for one purpose: to fight attitudinal prejudices and to galvanize support for disabled persons to ensure their rights and full participation in all aspects of society.

It is for this reason that “Real Lives, Real Abilities” has been chosen as the theme for this campaign today. It helps to draw our attention to the fact that disabled people are very much a part of our community and really like the rest of us want to enjoy life to the fullest. In this regard, every one of us here has a role and responsibility to play in order to mainstream the disabled people in all aspects of society and development. Also, we need to ensure they are not left behind as the country move forward.

Ladies and gentlemen,
The World Health Organisation estimated that there are approximately 650 million persons around the world living with disabilities – that is about 10 per cent of the world population and this ballpark figure applies to countries as well. In Malaysia, there is no comprehensive data on the prevalence of disabilities. As of Mac 2009, 256, 364 are registered with the Department of Social Welfare although the actual figure is expected to be significantly higher. The main reason for the low registration is because registration is voluntary. At the time being, the Government has no plans to make registration compulsory as we believe that persons with disabilities must be given informed choice. However, there is a need to create awareness among persons with disabilities and their families on the importance of registration and to encourage them to come forward to register.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Persons with disabilities encounter myriads of physical and social barriers and challenges that impede their participation in society. Society’s attitudes, prejudices, beliefs and ignorance create obstacles to inclusion. In addition, there is often failure to recognise their social and economic contributions and a tendency to see only the disability rather than the person. The lack of accommodation in employment, education and transportation present a much serious challenge. As a result, persons with disabilities often do not have access to the same opportunities as others, have higher rates of unemployment, live in poverty and they are more likely to be socially isolated.

However, the scenario is changing and affecting persons with disabilities globally. There has been a paradigm shift in attitude and approaches in dealing with issues of disabilities, from the medical model to the social model. Persons with disabilities are no longer seen as “objects” of charity and a medical problem but as “subjects” with rights. They are capable of claiming those rights and making decisions for their lives based on their free and informed consent as well as being active members of society. The problem of disabilities lies not within the individual but rather on the social and physical barriers in our environment. This paradigm shift from charity-based to rights-based is the result of Disabled People’s Organisations who have work together to reposition disability as a human rights issue and also the work of the United Nations.

The United Nations General Assembly declared 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons. This is followed by the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons in 1982 and the Decade of Disabled Persons 1983-1992, urging member nations to bring positive changes to the lives of persons with disabilities. The Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 1993, providing policy guidelines in promoting the same opportunities to persons with disabilities that others enjoy, and most recently the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which is aimed to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights by persons with disabilities.

at the Press Conference (photo by CFL)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Malaysia has also moved in line with this paradigm shift. This is proven by the effort taken by the Government to put in place the National Policy on Persons with Disabilities to enhance their well-being and to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy equal rights and full participation in the Malaysian society.

The Policy sets out 28 strategies focussing on 15 priority areas namely advocacy, accessibility, health, rehabilitation, education, employment, personal safety and social protection, support services, social, development of human resources, participation of society, research and development, housing, children with disabilities and women with disabilities. A National Plan of Action has also been drawn to realise the objectives set out in the Policy and is being carried out through multi-sectoral collaboration.

Malaysia has also signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 8 April 2008. The signing of the Convention is our commitment to promote an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for persons with disabilities, and is in line with other international agreements such as the “Proclamation for Full Participation and Equality of Persons with disabilities” and “Biwako Millennium Framework for Action” adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), of which Malaysia is a member.

Although Malaysia has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the signing itself shows our support for the Convention and an indication of our intention to ratify the Convention at a later date. I believe there will be no problem for Malaysia to ratify the Convention as the mechanisms are in place. Moreover, the Convention provides for progressive realisation as far as social and economic rights are concerned.

Ladies and gentlemen,
The Government has also passed the Persons with Disabilities Act which has come into force on 7 July 2008. The Act is the first legislation for persons with disabilities. It is also a first rights-based legislation in Malaysia, paving the way for equal opportunities and full participation of persons with disabilities. With the enforcement of the Act, physical and social barriers faced by persons with disabilities will be addressed. Thus, they will be able to enjoy better public transport facilities, amenities and services and equal opportunities to health, education, information, communication and technology, rehabilitation, improved employment opportunities as well as full participation in sports, leisure and cultural life.

Ladies and gentlemen,
The enforcement of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 is just the first step and a catalyst in ensuring that Persons with Disabilities enjoys equal rights and opportunities. It must be accompanied by actions and much works need to be done to produce the results aspired in the Act. First amongst all is the need to change society’s attitude on persons with disabilities.

As I have mentioned earlier, there is still lack of societal awareness on persons with disabilities. Disability frightens people and society often has negative attitudes and stereotype assumptions about persons with disabilities. Reaction such as rude stares, unkind remarks and discrimination are still rampant. This together with the lack of accessibility to the built environment and transportation has hinders their daily activities causing many persons with disabilities to be segregated from mainstream society.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I hereby congratulate UNDP and SEGi University College for the initiative taken to organise this awareness campaign. I understand that this campaign is not a one off programme but rather part of a national advocacy and awareness campaign to fight attitudinal prejudices and to galvanize public support for the need to ensure their full participation in all aspects of society. The campaign is being supported by two UNDP projects which are currently being implemented with the support of the Economic Planning Unit, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, and the State Planning Units for Johor and Penang. The projects aim to reduce barriers that persons with disabilities face in finding and retaining employment and accessing public transportation respectively, with the long-term objective of increasing their economic and social independence.

I know it is not easy to change deep-rooted perception and misconception about disability. However, we all can play a role to help hasten the process of mainstreaming disability by discarding negative perceptions of persons with disabilities as objects of pity but as individuals with different abilities and with rights as anyone of us. Therefore, it is time for us to come together to act and take steps to facilitate and ensure the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities into the society. Let us start by changing our mindset and perception on disability and dismantling the physical and social barriers that exist in our society.

On that note, ladies and gentlemen, I have pleasure to launch the National Advocacy and Awareness Disability Campaign. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MOU Signing & Launching of “IMPACT PROGRAMME” of WEDC & COWAY

(photo by CFL)

National Chairman of Wanita MCA

On behalf of WEDC, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Woongjin Coway for working with us to offer job opportunities to women through the implementation of this “Impact Programme”.

I am indeed very happy that such a large and reputable corporation like Woongjin Coway has chosen to fulfil its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a programme targeted specially for women.

Today Women Entrepreneur Development Centre (WEDC), an initiative of Wanita MCA and Woongjin Coway (M) Sdn Bhd (Coway) has come together today in partnership to recruit more Malaysian Women into the service support industry under the Coway CODY Recruitment Project. The CODY Recruitment Program will be part of WEDC’s “Impact Programme”, a programme that acts as a bridge to encourage women into entrepreneurship programmes in particular amongst those who have less access to existing social nets including single mothers.
Under the stewardship of WEDC ‘Impact Programme’ - the Coway’s CODY Recruitment Project provides a platform to enhance Malaysian women’s professional development. WEDC serves as the channel for Malaysian women to apply as a CODY (Coway Lady), at the same time enabling Coway to concentrate on the training program and cultivation for Malaysian women to be a professional CODY. As such, this collective effort between Coway and WEDC can in effect contribute to the development of Malaysian women in the economy.

(photo by CFL)
Ladies and gentlemen, This “Impact Programme” aims to encourage women into entrepreneurship programmes and introduce an alternative or additional household income solution with flexible working hours. This initiative could not be introduced in a better time. During this time of economic downturn, women face greater challenge to survive economically and to sustain their family financially. It is of utmost importance that every woman regardless of their education level, economic status and location amongst others to be financially savvy.
This is in line with the endeavour of The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development which focuses on the three main areas namely
i. Economic empowerment activities as first and foremost;
ii. Followed by Capacity building programmes; and
iii. finally Enhancing the quality of life.In addition, the Ministry has conducted over 200 training programmes to educate women on financial management and to encourage women to practise good financial management both for their personal and of their families.
Ladies and gentlemen, In today’s fast-paced world, it can be clearly seen that women have progressed, made inroads and earned recognition in many fields. Women of today are holding senior positions; they are owner of companies and professionals even in the fields that were previously dominated by men.
With the rapid urbanisation that the country is undergoing, women who make up almost half of the total population of Malaysia at 49.1% are not only playing a major role at home, but also contributing their skills and knowledge at the workplace and in the country to sustain the nation’s economy growth. This is especially so when women’s education level is on the rise with 61.7 percent of the enrolment to Higher Learning Institutions is female students.
Participation of women in the nation’s economic activities is no longer an option, but a prerequisite to boost Malaysia’s competitiveness. There are 45.7 percent women in the labour force in 2008; however a drop compared to 47.3 percent in year 2004. The Ministry is currently addressing the declining proportion of women in labour workforce and strategising to increase the participation rate of women in labour force particularly in income generating activities.
(photo by CFL)
Ladies and gentlemen, These programmes are being carried out with the aim to equip women with the knowledge and skills that can be utilized for them to start their own income generating activities.
Eliminating gender disparity is one of the key visions of my Ministry in promoting equal opportunities for both women and men at work. Hence, Woongjin Coway’s efforts assisting women in Malaysia particularly through this programme is highly commendable and should serve as a benchmark and role model to other private sector corporations. Thus, we would like to invite Coway to be part of the Jalinan Niaga which stands for Business Matching, an integral part of the Jalinan Rakyat from BN Wanita.
Ladies and gentlemen, As such, I hope that this “Impact Programme” will achieve its objectives and once again I would like to thank Woongjin Coway for providing this great opportunity to women from all over Malaysia. I hope Malaysian women would not miss this great opportunity to improve their financial status especially without having to interrupt their daily routine with flexi-work arrangements in addition to attractive remuneration packages.
Last but not least, I wish Woongjin Coway all the best in your future endeavours and with that, I launch the “Impact Programme”. Thank you.





也是馬華婦女組主席的周美芬今日(週二,7月28日)見證大馬Woongjin Coway私人有限公司與馬華婦女組婦女企業發展中心簽署推出CODY徵員計劃的諒解備忘錄後說,老人遭遺棄的課題,當然不僅是只有貧窮的一群遺棄自己的父母,一些不孝的子女,也是會這麼做,但婦女部目前還未討論到立法懲罰遺棄父母的子女。




光华日报:二零零九年七月二十八日 下午五时十五分
周美芬:立法惩罚遗弃父母者 等于承认大马人不孝



周美芬也是马华妇女组主席。她今日见证马华妇女企业发展中心与WoongJin Coway签署CODY谅解备忘录后,受媒体询问时这么说。







Chew: Many childcare centres being charged exorbitant fees

The Star News : Sunday July 26, 2009

PETALING JAYA: Many local councils and authorities are charging childcare centre operators exorbitant licence fees, sometimes as high as RM5,000 annually, said Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.

Local authorities should be mindful of the importance of childcare centres and not view them as merely business entities, she added.

“Many of these local councils are not aware of the nature of this industry so they impose expensive licence fees,” she said at the SEGi College’s closing ceremony of its fourth Early Childhood Professionals appreciation day yesterday.

Chew, however, acknowledged that it was difficult for local councils to develop a set of uniform guidelines or regulations to govern childcare centres.

“There are different by-laws and regulations for different local authorities,” she said.

Chew also voiced out concerns on some providers who went ahead to operate childcare centres while waiting for approvals from the different authorities, which sometimes could take up to two years.

“When the various local councils have many applications to vet through, those from the childcare centres are usually not given priority,” she said.

Chew also told parents to only choose childcare centres registered with the Social Welfare Department (JKM).

She said there were 2,266 registered centres with the ministry and they were required to display their licences.

“The ministry has done our part to amend the law (2007). We have tightened the monitoring system for childcare providers.” she said.

周美芬:要转型 马华须上下齐心

光华日报 :二零零九年七月二十七日 晚上八时十九分







Tingkatkan keintiman suami isteri

Berita Harian 28 Julai 2009, oleh Sariha Mohd

(photo by CFL)

Perceraian beri impak negatif kepada keluarga terutama anakPASANGAN suami isteri yang sudah lama berkahwin sering mengalami masalah dalam perhubungan intim yang dikatakan semakin merosot, akibat wujud pertambahan komitmen dalam rumah tangga, sekali gus menyebabkan perkara itu bukan menjadi keutamaan lagi. Kurangnya komunikasi di antara pasangan dan perkongsian emosi akhirnya menjurus kepada ketiadaan persefahaman di antara suami isteri dan keadaan menjadi bertambah parah apabila pasangan membawa haluan masing-masing.

Dalam alam rumah tangga, jika ada sesuatu yang tidak memuaskan hati pasangan, ia pasti melukakan hati pasangan yang seorang lagi dan ada kalanya, hati yang terluka itu sukar diubati sehingga menimbulkan konflik dalam perkahwinan. Konflik inilah yang akhirnya menjadi penanda aras sama ada rumah tangga yang dibina itu bahagia atau sebaliknya kerana jika pasangan bahagia, jumlah konflik yang berlaku adalah kurang. Malah, keadaan ini boleh berlaku walaupun pada saat kedua-dua belah pihak iaitu suami dan isteri masih menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawab masing-masing.

(photo by CFL)
Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, berkata pakar keluarga berpendapat krisis dalam rumah tangga biasanya berlaku selepas lima tahun berkahwin dan di Malaysia, peratusan cerai mengikut kumpulan umur boleh dikatakan hampir seimbang pada setiap peringkat umur mereka yang berkahwin.

Ini bermakna, perceraian berlaku bukan saja kepada pasangan yang baru berkahwin, malah turut membabitkan pasangan lama. Disebabkan itu, program pemantapan perkahwinan perlu diberi bukan saja kepada bakal pengantin, tetapi juga mereka yang sudah lama berumah tangga.

“Institusi perkahwinan di negara ini perlu diberi perhatian yang serius ekoran bilangan perceraian yang semakin meningkat dengan kebanyakan kes disebabkan kurang persefahaman.

“Setiap perceraian yang berlaku meninggalkan kesan trauma kepada keluarga terutama anak-anak, malah kajian yang dilakukan sebelum ini menunjukkan anak yang masih kecil lazimnya tidak mempunyai hubungan yang akrab dan mesra dengan bapa walaupun bapa terus memberikan nafkah, menyediakan keperluan pendidikan dan material kepada anak terbabit.

“Malah, kajian di Barat mendedahkan perceraian memberi impak negatif kepada anak dalam banyak perkara terutama tingkah laku antisosial mereka, gangguan emosi, pencapaian akademik merosot dan kemurungan.

(photo by CFL)
“Jadi, ada baiknya jika kita belajar kaedah dan cara untuk meningkatkan keintiman antara pasangan yang akan diberi oleh pakar perkahwinan dan kekeluargaan dari Amerika Syarikat, Dr Huang Wei Jen, dalam usaha mengelak berlakunya perceraian,” katanya ketika merasmikan Seminar Perkahwinan Bijak: Laluan Kepada Keintiman, di Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.

Majlis anjuran kementerian, Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) dan Focus On The Family (FOTF) itu turut dihadiri, Ketua Pengarah LPPKN, Datuk Aminah Abdul Rahman dan Pengarah Eksekutif FOTF, Lee Wee Min. Antara eleman yang sering dilupakan atau kurang diberi penekanan dalam perhubungan pasangan adalah kecerdasan emosi dan dalam perkahwinan atau perhubungan dengan pihak lain, elemen kepekaan dan perkongsian emosi amat penting.

Chew berkata, perkahwinan harus dibina berasaskan kasih sayang dan keluarga yang dibentuk dengan asas penekanan emosi yang kurang, tidak akan memiliki daya tahan dalam mengharungi cabaran.

“Usaha meningkatkan kualiti perhubungan antara pasangan berkahwin adalah teras kepada perhubungan yang berkualiti sesama ahli keluarga. Jadi, LPPKN meletakkan kepentingan pengukuhan perkahwinan melalui pendidikan praperkahwinan dan pemantapan keluarga `SmartStart’ kepada pasangan baru atau akan berkahwin yang dilaksanakan sejak 2006.

“Cabaran yang dihadapi keluarga pada masa ini menjadikan hanya mereka yang berdaya tahan saja mampu melepasi dugaan yang datang, selain perubahan dan cabaran dalam hidup.

“Jadi, kita perlu belajar resipi meningkatkan perhubungan intim dalam rumah tangga sebab perkahwinan yang kukuh sekalipun, mungkin akan dilanda badai dan terluncur daripada landasannya,” katanya.

Large number of Chinese at homes

The Star News : Monday July 27, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR: Chinese make up a huge number of old folk abandoned at welfare homes.
Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said 33% of the residents in government-run old folk homes were Chinese.

At the same time, the Chinese only make up about 25% of the 27 million Malaysians.

Last year, 125 of the 293 old folk abandoned at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital and 11 of those 24 dumped at the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital in Seremban were Chinese.

Chew, who is also Wanita MCA chief, said the statistics “certainly did not augur well” for a community in which filial piety was much revered as a traditional value.

In Singapore, where 75% of the population are Chinese, a law has been enforced since 1996 to compel children to care for their aged parents.

Those parents aged above 60 years and who do not have the means of supporting themselves, can sue their children for upkeep under the Maintenance of Parents Act.

There were 127 new cases of parents suing their children for support last year, as compared to 109 in 2007 and 79 in 2006.

Project to allow women flexi working hours

The Star News : Saturday July 25, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR: A project offering jobs with flexible working hours for women will begin next week.

The partnership between Wanita MCA’s women entrepreneur development centre with a South Korean company will kick-start at 10am at Wisma MCA on Tuesday.

Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said the target group was women below 40.

“They can earn up to RM2,000 a month,” she told reporters after chairing the wing’s central committee meeting yesterday.

“It is for those who need to spend time with their family, but also need to generate income to help support them.”

Between 200 and 250 women are expected to benefit from this programme, as it aims to create jobs and business opportunities, she said.

She added that the centre and its partners would offer job placement, soft skills training and entrepreneurship guidance.

The centre would sign a memorandum of understanding with another company next month to offer similar opportunities.

Monday, July 27, 2009


2009-07-26 10:32














撰文:春金 攝影:Terry

Thursday, July 23, 2009


We note with great concern the recent press reports on the challenges which our President Y.B. Dato’ Sri Ong Tee Keat has to face in his handling of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) issue.

This is an appropriate time for us to show our unity and our support for the leadership of Dato' Sri Ong Tee Keat as our President.

We share his stand that the interests of the people must be adequately addressed, as the government and the public await for an acceptable solution to the PKFZ saga. Those who create obstacles, make threats, suppress the truth and mislead the public must be condemned in the strongest terms possible.

MCA is now on a difficult and tedious journey to redeem itself and to win back the support of the Chinese community in particular and all Malaysians in general.

We need a leader who has the credibility and moral standing to make MCA a modern, reconfigured and cohesive party that is able to support and strengthen the Barisan Nasional.

Dato’ Sri Ong is our clear choice to perform such a task.

He has not only answered the call for change but has been at the leading edge of reforms within the party as well as the party’s efforts to serve the members and Malaysians.

Our President has shown us in recent times by example the importance of having selfless leaders who can wade the party through the dangerous places and rivers we have to cross.

We pledge our support for our President in his principled stand in addressing party issues and concerns, consistent with our party constitution and mission.

We assure the President of MCA that we shall stand shoulder to shoulder with him as our party move forward in its struggles. We have to work as a team and as one Party to build Malaysian Chinese Association into a worthy partner in the Barisan Nasional coalition under the leadership of our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The signatories to the above statement are:
Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai , Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen, Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, Datuk Chor Chee Heung, Datuk Lee Chee Leong, Senator Heng Seai Kie, Dr. Hou Kok Chung & Saudara Wee Jeck Seng












拿督斯里江作汉, 拿督斯里廖中莱, 拿督斯里黄燕燕医生,
拿督魏家祥博士, 拿汀巴杜卡周美芬上议员, 拿督威拉曹志雄, 拿督李志亮, 王赛芝上议员, 何国忠博士, 黄日升

Wednesday, July 22, 2009







Wanita MCA calls on NRD to register Teoh Boon Hock’s child in father’s name & amend outdated birth registration laws

Press statement by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun

Sharing in the grief of the fiancé and family over the tragic loss of the late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock, Wanita MCA calls on the government to register Sdr Teoh as the father of the child upon birth and to amend whilst complying with conditions the existing law necessitating the physical presence of the biological father at birth registration whereby when the child is born, the baby’s birth certificate will only carry the mother’s details.

This is in line with the efforts by the government and announcement by the Home Minister Dato’ Sri Hishamuddin bin Tun Hussein Onn to decide on the application for Malaysian citizenship for four categories i.e. applicants for permanent resident status; stateless children; those without birth certificates; and those without documents who are residing in Sabah and Sarawak.

The NRD should register the birth of Teoh’s child identifying Teoh as the father. Moreover, the couple had made known to all relatives and friends that they were scheduled to register their marriage on 17 July 2009.

In conjunction with the upcoming submission of three (3) memorandums by Wanita MCA to the Home Minister in our citizenship registration project that seeks to address citizenship rights of Malaysians in the following areas:
1) children born to at least one Malaysian parent,
2) foreign spouses of Malaysian citizens,
3) stateless Malaysians whose births were either not registered, or who were not given citizenship despite having been born and bred in Malaya/Malaysia all their lives and having applied for citizenship,

Wanita MCA and the MCA Citizenship Task Force will study existing laws related to citizenship and registration of births. Recommendations to insert or amend or remove any existing clauses that hinder the identity and/or citizenship rights of rightful Malaysians will be tabled in the memo.

Given such circumstances surrounding the death of the deceased and on humanitarian grounds, Wanita MCA urges the Home Minister to allow the child to be registered in the father’s name when he/she is born. It is a gross injustice to the unborn child to be registered in his/her mother’s name as the innocent child will suffer the stigma throughout hi/her life of being identified as a mother’s love child rather than as a child of both parents. At all times, the rights of a child to citizenship and identity should respected and safeguarded.

Chew: Welfare aid not for everyone above 60

The Star News Saturday July 18, 2009

Applicants for welfare aid have to fulfil certain criteria before they are approved under the welfare aid scheme.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said some people misunderstood the scheme as some people thought anyone aged above 60 could claim welfare aid.

Chew said this after paying a surprise visit to the Welfare Services Department (JKM) office in Pekan Ampang recently to understand how help was provided and to assess its performance.

While there, she spoke to the poor and disabled who were there to collect financial aid.

She said the office was in a strategic location, but it was not conducive to the disabled and elderly as there were no drain covers and the floor was uneven, making it unsafe for them.

JKM officers said steps would be taken to address those problems.
Additionally, a pedestrian bridge is being built making the road outside the office uneven.

JKM officers are there every Tuesday and Thursday to register applicants and distribute aid money.

Welfare officers under Project CARI are also stationed there to register the destitute and the disabled.

Project CARI is a project conducted by the JKM to search and identify those who were eligible to receive welfare aid.

According to Chew, Selangor had been allocated RM50mil out of the national allocation of RM800mil for welfare aid.

Police & MACC must conduct thorough investigation on Teoh Beng Hock’s sudden demise – Wanita MCA

17 July 2009

Press statement by Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun calling on police & MACC to conduct thorough investigation on Sdr Teoh Beng Hock’s sudden demise

Extending our deepest sympathies to the family of the late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock, Wanita MCA mourns with concern the deceased’s unnatural departure at the MACC Selangor Headquarters building yesterday, 16 July 2009.

The women’s wing of MCA urges the police to conduct a thorough probe and leave no stone unturned at this most unfortunate incident which robbed the life of a youth at a tender age of 30.

The government should also consider setting up a royal commission to investigate Teoh’s death and releasing the findings of the inquiry to public.

To show that MACC has nothing to hide, it becomes incumbent on MACC to furnish to the public the entire details and circumstances surrounding the commission’s duration spent with the late Beng Hock as well as his presence at the MACC office. This includes from the moment the MACC raided his office, seized his laptop computer, took him in for questioning, his release at 3:45 a.m., his nap on the settee at the MACC office, and the discovery of his body at 1.30 p.m.

If the matter is not investigated and handled properly or efficiently, the reputation of MACC is at stake and its credibility will be lost.

Wanita MCA hopes that truth and justice will prevail. We urge MACC to give full co-operation to the police in their investigation. If any MACC employee or any other individuals are found to be involved, prosecution charges must be reined on them accordingly.

WANITA MCA fully supports MCA President Dato Sri’ Ong Tee Keat to investigate and reveal the truth on PKFZ

17 July 2009

Press statement by Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun expressing support for MCA President on the PKFZ issue

Reference is made to the press interview with MCA President, Dato’ Sri Ong Tee Keat as published by Sin Chew Daily on the PKFZ investigation.

Wanita MCA fully supports the MCA President’s courage in handling the above-mentioned issue according to the following points:

(1) It shows the determination of Barisan National to ameliorate the shortcomings of the past and move forward with a brand new start
(2) Immediate correction can be taken through investigation. This could avoid further losses that could hurt our economy.
(3) The investigation will offer a comprehensive detail towards possibly amending any policy related with PKFZ
(4) If no investigation is conducted, it is similar to an act of self-deception
(5) If no correction or improvement is carried out owing to non investigation, issues surrounding PKFZ maybe a lurking time bomb waiting to bring massive destruction

Wanita MCA supports and respects the decision and action taken by the MCA President, although in the process, a lot of obstacles and threats are encountered.



















“在婦女及社會發展部911名員工在推行“尋找計劃”(Program Cari)下,化被動為主動地尋找需要尋求協助的貧窮人士,以協助他們渡過困境。”
















Monday, July 13, 2009




“马华妇女组一直以来都在关注外籍配偶和孩子的居留权和公民权课题.并以作出相关努力。上个月5日(5/6/09),妇女组针对有关课题,曾与包括律师公会 (BAR COUNCIL)妇女援助机构(WAO),全国妇女理事会(NCWO)和隆雪华堂妇女组等数个非政府组织举办对话会,除了听取相关民间组织的意见,亦提出本身的看法。”





Wanita MCA: Home Ministry should expedite citizenship application

Press statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun welcoming the announcement by Home Minister Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin bin Tun Hussein Onn of a decision on the fate of applicants for Malaysian citizenship

Wanita MCA welcomes the announcement by the Home Minister Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin bin Tun Hussein Onn to decide on the application for Malaysian citizenship for four categories i.e. applicants for permanent resident status; stateless children; those without birth certificates; and those without documents who are residing in Sabah and Sarawak. Wanita MCA urges the Home Minister to expedite the Ministry’s decision on granting Malaysian citizenship on humanitarian grounds.

Citizenship for “stateless” Malaysians
Wanita MCA is deeply concerned that many residents born in Malaya before our country’s independence in 1957 have still not been issued with a blue MyKad. There are also cases of red MyKad holders who were born in 1965 during the separation of Singapore and Malaysia, and owing to technicalities, have not been granted Malaysian citizenship. These residents who call Malaysia home are loyal, law-abiding people who pay taxes and contribute to the nation’s development.

Equally worrisome are the scores of indigenous children living in rural areas in the Peninsular or in the deep interiors of Sabah and Sarawak, and children born in estate plantations whose births have not been recorded and no birth certificate issued. The women’s wing of MCA strongly urges the National Registration Department to expedite the documentation of births and issuance of Malaysian citizenship to these very deserving cases.

Right of stay of foreign spouses
A forum on foreign spouses in Malaysia on 5 Jun 09 organised by Wanita MCA raised awareness on long-standing challenges faced by foreign spouses, both foreign wives and husbands and also children of a foreign parent.

Foreign wives/husbands encounter challenges in terms of social visit pass, spousal visa, permanent residency and citizenship. The process to renew spousal visa and, application for residency and citizenship is often cumbersome as the visa needs to be renewed annually with the mandatory presence of the sponsor of a foreign spouse which is usually the Malaysian female or male citizen.

The mandatory presence of the sponsor is particularly problematic with cases involving domestic violence as women are placed at the mercy of their husbands where they may have to continue enduring violence in their home for fear of being deported. Compounding this would be if they have children who are born in Malaysia and the foreign wife would fear having to be deported without her children. Or in situations where their husband disappears or in the case of divorces, and they face real risk of deportation without a sponsor. Thus, foreign wives may be stranded here in Malaysia for she may not be able to bring home her children due to financial constraints and her children need to stay in Malaysia since they are Malaysia citizens.

Wanita MCA also urges the Home Ministry to look into the predicament faced by foreign husbands. Current consideration of a foreign husband’s citizenship application is based on a case-to-case basis at the discretion of the Minister. However, this right to citizenship is not stipulated for any foreign husband of a Malaysian. On the grounds of gender equality, a foreign husband’s application for citizenship should be considered on an identical basis as that of a foreign wife.

Citizenship for children
Children who are born to Malaysian women and her foreign spouse are not entitled to citizenship. This is because Malaysian women are not accorded equal rights to confer citizenship to her children if they were to be born outside of Malaysia (UNHCR 2002; WCC statement Apr 2008 citing New Straits Times, 25 Apr 2008). Evidently there is double standard where a Malaysian father could confer citizenship to his child(ren) irrespective of the place of birth.
Similarly in the case where the marriage between a Malaysian citizen and his/ her spouse is not registered in Malaysia, their child(ren) when born would be recorded as “non citizen” in the birth certificate.

Wanita MCA is of the view that all children whose one parent is Malaysian is entitled to citizenship whether born in Malaysia or overseas. Children born prior to the registration of marriage should also have equal rights to citizenship.

By improving the quality of family life of Malaysian citizens, this is consistent with the “1 Malaysia” vision, which is inclusive of non-Malaysian spouses.
Speech by YB Datin Paduka CHEW MEI FUN,
Chairman of Selangor Wanita MCA

at the 34th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Delegates of Selangor Wanita MCA on 12th July, 2009, at 13th Floor, Wisma MCA

First and foremost, I would like to warmly welcome our comrades, sisters and friends of the media for your attendance to our annual general meeting of delegates. I would like to thank our Secretary General and Selangor State Liaison Committee Chairman, and President of Dewan Negara, YB Senator Wong Foon Meng for taking time off to officiate this meeting. Let us put our hands together to congratulate YB Datuk Wong for his appointment as the President of Dewan Negara on 7th July.

Fellow comrades, in the last 16 months, comrades at MCA continued to endure public indignation after the general election. It was a very difficult and trying period for both the BN and MCA as we were blamed for anything we did. However, despite the grave challenges, our members remain undaunted!

We did not face our loss of the power in the State with pessimism. Instead we continue to actively carry out various programmes and activities because we know that MCA, a 60-year old political party, has a solid foundation. But whether we can return to the mainstream in the political arena depends largely on our ability to recover from defeat or our courage and fighting spirit. As long as we are decisive to carry out reforms, innovations and remain steadfast, we shall prevail and will be back in power.

Although the taking of office by the new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak did not create the intended response and effects similar to those when previous Prime Ministers firstly assumed office, his steady and pragmatic approach; his brainchild the 1 Malaysia concept and a recent series of liberalization and democratic measures announced by him has seen an increase to his approval rating to 65% from 45% in May this year. These positive initiatives by the Prime Minister coupled with intensifying internal conflicts of Pakatan Rakyat, which has merely been in power for slightly more than a year yet continues to claim only credit and passes the buck, exploits various issues, instigates public emotions, and disregards the economic welfare of the people as if it is still in the opposition in addition to an array of policy blunders by the Pakatan, have led wise Malaysians to begin to appreciate the sincerity of BN in implementing reforms and Pakatan’s pan politicalization and irresponsibility. They now realize the importance of giving a fair platform to both BN and Pakatan to compete for public opinion. They now realize that giving a biased support to Pakatan can only lead to its complacence while taking the BN to task for everything it does is detrimental to the nation’s democratic development. In fact, the ruling party and the opposition can exercise mutual supervision and check and balance against each other.


In other words, the honeymoon of Pakatan is over. The time for people to be realistic and practical has come. I would like to call upon all Wanita members to review and dispose of the role they used to play as part of the ruling coalition as soon as possible and change their attitude where they used to leave it to their male comrades to express their views and represent their voices. Instead, they should actively play their role as an opposition party and closely monitor the policy and actions of Pakatan by speaking out loudly and clearly without fear or favour. In addition, we should fully embrace the arrival of the e-Era by making full use of the cyberspace to create personal blogs to express our views and tell the truth in addition to rebutting lies, distortions and sensational postings in certain blogs so as to turn the tide of the publicity war in the cyberspace, in which we are still disadvantaged, to our favour and regain our say by revealing the truth and communicating the good policies introduced by BN to the public.


Fellow delegates, leaders of the Pakatan state governments are infamous for their preoccupation with personal political interest and gain. Immediately after coming to power in several state governments, they soon displayed their excellent skills by acting like rugby players which are even superior to star players of the Manchester United soccer team. Just like rugby players in the field they would dearly hold on to any piece of good news, even though it was a leftover achievement by the previous BN government, and try to pass it on to their teammates to maximize its political mileage until they touch down over the goal line and score. But whenever they are faced with any tricky issue, they would make a 180 degree change and conveniently kick the ball to the court of the previous BN government. This trick has been repeatedly used by Pakatan after the March 8 general election. But now the Rakyat have seen the true colours of Pakatan and will no longer buy it!

Life under the Pakatan rule is not a bed of roses as anticipated by many voters. Recently, when speaking at the 29th Anniversary Dinner of the South Johor Hawkers Association, the president of the Malaysian Federation of Petty Traders Associations Datuk Ghai Soo Ming complained that hawkers and petty traders in Selangor are now in a much more difficult situation since the Pakatan government came into power. During its election campaign, the CAT government in Penang led by Lim Guan Eng promised to resolve the land issue for the villagers of Kampung Buah Pala. But sadly, after the election, the buck was passed to the previous BN government. But the residents no long buy it.

Lim claimed that his Penang state government is a government of Credibility, Accountability and Transparency, or CAT in short. But he did not have the guts to face the lawyers and residents of Kampung Buah Pala over the land issue. He only allowed five residents to see him without the presence of their lawyers. May be he thought that it would be easier for him to convince the five residents than their lawyers and also for him to pass the buck to others again!

On the other hand, the frankness of Parti Keadilan is equally shocking. As reported in the press, PKR Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) whip Johari Kassim who was sacked by the Penang government for boycotting the swearing-in ceremony of former North Seberang Prai district officer Mokhtar Mohd Jait as new council president, has openly apologized to Lim Guan Eng just because he wanted to save his post as the PKR whip and councilor of the Seberang Prai Municipal Council. He said in a statement that he decided to apologise for his personal criticisms against the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng after taking into consi­deration the people’s and Pakatan Rakyat’s interest and Anwar’s struggle for justice.[1] Fellow delegates, as we can clearly see from such an important statement, the core objective of the struggle of Parti Keadilan appears to be for Anwar only. Obviously, they believe that the people’s interest must be based on the victory of Anwar. From this, we can see how Parti Keadilan idolizes Anwar, and this is extremely dangerous.

Fellow delegates, as we know, PAS champions the cause of Islam while Parti Keadilan struggles for Anwar, and the DAP struggles for pan politics. I wonder who in Pakatan Rakyat truly struggles for the people and the nation?

In the past, a substantial number of Chinese voters traditionally supported the opposition in their belief of the need to exercise political check and balance. As a result, MCA was subjected to intense pressure in Chinese-dominated constituencies. But whether such opposition-biased belief has changed after the opposition gained power in several states and getting the opportunity for them to prove themselves and allowing the people to compare Pakatan’s performance with the past record of BN government? Personally, I am optimistic. I think that this is the time for us to turn a crisis into an opportunity. When the assemblymen and assemblywomen under-perform, our dedicated and tireless service to the people will be appreciated.


Fellow delegates, to advance we need a clear direction and goal. We need to put our strategy to work and we need strategic approaches to do that. We can only bring hope to the people when we innovate and reform!

The theme for this year’s Annual General Meeting of Delegates of MCA Wanita Selangor is “Policy-Guided and Professional Political Participation” which forms part of the 7 Objectives and 5-Point Action Plan advocated by the National Wanita MCA. The object of this theme is to highlight the direction of political struggle as follows:

As a political party we must return to the origins of our political struggle;

As the leading body for 22 Divisions State Wanita MCA, MCA Wanita Selangor shall actively take interest in state and national policies- to be aware, to deliberate, to initiate or implement national policies;

As part of a multi-ethnic nation, we must care for all the citizens of Malaysia and break down any racial political barrier; and

We must face up to the challenges in a rapidly changing information age and to progress, we need to be professional, factual and pragmatic in our political debate and deliberation.


In line with the overall objective of the Policy-Guided and Professional Political Participation, the National Wanita MCA immediately formed the Political Strategy Bureau after the new committee was elected last year. The Bureau has carried out studies and deliberated on various issues concerning women’s rights and has taken effective actions to rectify and safeguard rights for women. In addition, it has over a short span of 9 months, expressed the views of Wanita MCA on a range of national issues and has addressed several issues and in the process of addressing some issues:

The recognition of the Malaysian Women Tourist Guides Association by the Ministry of Tourism, allowing its members to renew their licenses without being affiliated to the Malaysian Tourist Guide Council which had rejected their application as an affiliate member;
The stern policy announced by the Tourism Minister YB Dato’ Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen that licenses of travel agencies will be revoked if they continue to require women tourist guide/tour leaders to share the same room with their male colleagues while on tour;

According to a reliable source, prohibition on the use of sexist and gender discriminatory language in Parliament by the Dewan Rakyat Proceedings Regulations Subcommittee chaired by the Speaker and the prohibition will be integrated into the existing Standing Orders upon the approval by the Dewan Rakyat;

Consent of the past President of the Dewan Negara to amend the Standing Orders to safeguard the image of the Parliament and the dignity of members of Parliament of both genders. We believe this amendment will soon materialize following the appointment of MCA Secretary General Y B Senator Dato’ Wong Foon Meng as the new President of Dewan Negara;

Active participation and initiative with party leaders and non-government organizations on the proposed amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 to ensure that such amendments will not affect the rights of non-converting spouse, children and family members when a spouse convert to Islam; and

The organization of a seminar on The Rights of Foreign Spouses which was actively participated by non-government ogranisations and the on-going preparation of a memorandum to the Ministry of Home Affairs to comprising recommendations which includes amendments to relevant legislations to safeguard rights of foreign spouses and their children in Malaysia.

When we fully complete the above tasks, we will call for a meeting with child care centre operators to discuss how district and municipal councils could simplify and standardize the regulations governing child care centres and resolve the issue of exorbitant license fees imposed upon child care centres. This would help address the social issue revolving the shortage of child care centres and reduce the over-reliance on foreign maids. Upon completion of this Memorandum to relevant authorities, we will organise meetings with child care centre operators in all states so as to pool our resources and strength to present to relevant district and municipal councils with proposal on improving the current situation and ensuring prompt implementation of our recommendations.


Fellow delegates, with regard to the recent June intake of Chinese studies university graduates who intend to teach in Chinese schools upon graduation from the Teacher Training Programme for Postgraduates (KPLI) were yet again arbitrarily placed by the Ministry of Education into National Schools (BCSK) and the shortage of over 30 lecturers in the teacher training colleges all over the country, we hope the government could recognize the seriousness of the situation and take immediate and effective measures to resolve this long outstanding issue.

I believe the reason for the arbitrary placement of university graduates of Chinese studies enrolled under the Teacher Training Programme for Postgraduates (KPLI) by the Ministry of Education into National Schools (BCSK) was that both the Chinese Primary Schools and National Primary Schools are facing immense shortage of Chinese language teachers. The incident of “teachers’ pinching” between Chinese Primary Schools and National Primary Schools happened because graduates in Chinese language from teacher training colleges are inadequate to meet the demand for such teachers. The shortage of Chinese language lecturers in teachers training college will further aggravate the problem.

In light of the foregoing, we call upon the government to expedite the recognition of degrees in Chinese studies from China and Taiwan to help resolve the shortage of lecturers in Chinese Language in teacher training colleges as well as recognize the Unified Examination Certificate of Chinese independent secondary schools in order to attract more students to apply for teachers training.


On the topic of teaching of the subjects of mathematics and science in English, we welcome the recent decision of the government to resume the teaching of mathematics and science in national primary schools in Bahasa Malaysia and mother tongue in Chinese primary schools. However, we have reservation about the use of Bahasa Malaysia to teach mathematics and science in secondary schools. We hope the Ministry of Education could review this decision to avoid any problem of adaptation faced by year one secondary students who are now learning mathematics and science taught in English when the language swap takes effect in 2012 as well as to avoid the problem of language continuity when secondary students proceed to tertiary education which is generally taught in English.


Fellow Delegates, while our memory on the infamous Istana Zakaria built by the late Port Klang assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Md Deros is still fresh, another controversy has taken place over Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, the former Selangor Menteri Besar ’s brand-new palatial mansion. We hope that the BN government could view this matter seriously and make a clear stand to wipe out corruption by carrying out an internal investigation and taking firm action if any corruption is proven in order not to allow a bad apple to spoil the rest.


Fellow delegates, our party is structured into various levels at the branch, divisional, state and central. Each level is entrusted with specific roles and functions in carrying out respective duties: community relations and services as the main axis at grass root level; while the participation in state and national policy making forms the main axis of State and national party setups.

Looking forward to years ahead, MCA Wanita Selangor will intensify its monitoring over the Selangor state government while complementing the National Wanita in promoting various policies. In addition, it will fully support efforts to recruit more members and continue to uplift its standard of service to empower underprivileged women and children. It will assist the Party to set up more para-counseling centres in the various states across the nation and continue to organise courses in implementing the Life Long Learning campaign for the community. In a continuous effort to breakdown any racial barrier and promote the spirit of an extended family among all Malaysians, we will encourage all divisions to organise community programmes and activities which are open to all races. We hope to regain the people’s support and approval with a series of innovations and transformations, and by working with the party’s central leadership to work for political rights, economic development and racial harmony and the 1Malaysia democratic policy advocated by the Prime Minister.

Fellow delegates, in another two to three years, we will be facing the next general election. We, therefore, must remain united and systematically uplift our service quality, strengthen grass-root organization and linkages, sincerely rally the support of the rakyat with a brand new image and strategy, and go all out to reinforce our existing seats in the Parliament so that we can effectively launch an offensive to recapture the seats which we lost in the last election.

Thank you very much and I wish you good health and happiness.
[1] Sin Chew Jit Poh 7 July 2009, pg 7


日期:2009年7月12日, 时间:上午9时, 地点:马华中央党部 13楼




虽然首相拿督斯里纳吉的上任并没有如过往般产生新首相效应,然而随着他沉着坚毅的表现,他贯彻《一个马来西亚》精神的多项民主政策陆续出台后,人民对他的支持度已从5月的46%提高到65%, 加上民联政府内部矛盾日益激化、执政一年多依然不改功劳全揽,错误推诿,同时不断借题发挥,煽动情绪,忽略民生经济的在野本色和多项施政失误后,精明的人民已开始感受到了国阵革新的诚意和民联的泛政治与不负责任。人民开始发现为国阵与民联在民意上提供公平竞争平台的重要,一味的倒向民联只会让他们得意忘形,而动辄谴责国阵也将有损朝野互相监督,相互制衡的民主发展。









林冠英说他领导的槟州政府是CAT 政府,即 Credibility 诚信, Accountability 负责和Transparency透明,但是他在处理豆蔻村村民土地事件上却以一句“我个人不曾承诺,在大选前更因时间紧凑未踏足该村”试图脱罪,同时不敢面对豆蔻村的律师和所有的村民,连会见村民也只限5名,同时不让律师陪同,大概他认为说服5名村民比说服他们的律师容易而尝试借机推卸责任吧!









1) 成功为马来西亚女导游协会申请获得旅游部的承认,无需通过拒绝该会加入的马来西亚导游协会的协助即可协助属下会员跟新执照;




























周美芬今日(週五,7月10日)為2009康復之路(Reach to Recovery 2009)網站主持推介禮時指出,為人夫者必須明白和支持患病的妻子或身旁女性,丈夫的支持和鼓勵是幫助患者的最主要動力。








The Star News: Saturday July 11, 2009

Now cancer patients can virtually learn about the illness

KUALA LUMPUR: When property manager Jessie Chai was diagnosed with breast cancer, she felt devastated. Her immediate thoughts were whether she could continue to eat sambal, practise Qi Gong or even where she could buy a wig.

“I went on a frantic search for information,” she said. “But I realised then that there was no related information based on Malaysians’ dietary habits and our style of living.

“Most of the information were for Westerners,” she said, adding that the thousands of pages she downloaded from websites and books were too clinical for her to understand.

To prevent Malaysian women like Chai from flailing in the dark, the breast cancer survivors’ support group Pink Ribbon had launched its website at with information on the illness.

Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said the group played a significant role in providing peer support to breast cancer patients.

“One woman, who previously has been treated for cancer, can be a valuable source of support for another who has been recently diagnosed,” she said, adding that some 1.2 million people worldwide had cancer. The illness kills 400,000 people yearly.

Chew urged women to conduct breast self-examination regularly and go for mammogram screening each year, adding that 31% of cancer patients in Malaysia had breast cancer.

She said women, who were above 40 years old with a household income of RM5,000 or less, would also be eligible for a RM50 subsidy if they were to go for screening at private mammogram centres registered with the National Population and Family Development Board.



































Saturday July 11, 2009
Now cancer patients can virtually learn about the illness
KUALA LUMPUR: When property manager Jessie Chai was diagnosed with breast cancer, she felt devastated. Her immediate thoughts were whether she could continue to eat sambal, practise Qi Gong or even where she could buy a wig.
“I went on a frantic search for information,” she said. “But I realised then that there was no related information based on Malaysians’ dietary habits and our style of living.
“Most of the information were for Westerners,” she said, adding that the thousands of pages she downloaded from websites and books were too clinical for her to understand.
To prevent Malaysian women like Chai from flailing in the dark, the breast cancer survivors’ support group Pink Ribbon had launched its website at with information on the illness.
Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said the group played a significant role in providing peer support to breast cancer patients.
“One woman, who previously has been treated for cancer, can be a valuable source of support for another who has been recently diagnosed,” she said, adding that some 1.2 million people worldwide had cancer. The illness kills 400,000 people yearly.
Chew urged women to conduct breast self-examination regularly and go for mammogram screening each year, adding that 31% of cancer patients in Malaysia had breast cancer.
She said women, who were above 40 years old with a household income of RM5,000 or less, would also be eligible for a RM50 subsidy if they were to go for screening at private mammogram centres registered with the National Population and Family Development Board.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The 3rd East Asia Gender Equality Ministerial Meeting

Date: June 24(Wed) ~ 26(Fri), 2009
Venue:The Shilla Seoul
Hosted by : Ministry of Gender Equality, Republic of Korea

Group photo of all invited guests from Brunei Darussalam, India, Islamic Repulic of Pakistan, Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Suriname, Uzbekistan, UNESCAP, UNDP.

Chew Mei Fun presenting "The Economic Crisis and Women" during the Plenary Session.

Opening Session (25 June 2009)
Session 2 Presentation by Chew Mei Fun on "Violence Against Women"

High-level Roundtable
Exchange souvenir with Kantha Phavi Ing, Minister for Women's Affairs, Cambodia
Krishna Tirath, Minister of Women and Child Development, India
Do-Yoon Byun, Minister of Gender Equality, Korea

Xiurong Chen, Vice-Chairperson of All-China Women's Federation, China

Farida Akbarova, Chairperson of Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan

2 other delegates from Malaysia : En Mohammad Foad Haji Abdullah (Timbalan Pengarah Jabatan Pembangunan Wanita) and Ms Chua Fong Ling (Private Secretary to Chew Mei Fun)