Wednesday, February 24, 2010
(八打灵再也21日讯)妇女,家庭及社会发展部副部长拿汀巴杜卡周美芬希望大家勿存有传统的过于保护主义,因为无论是国家,政党或社团,都是在为民服务,而非属于任何一个团体。 她是针对早前指华团或取代马华地位的报道回应时,如是指出。
“华团领袖可以直接和内阁领袖沟通,这开创了 ‘无障碍沟通’. 华团或其他社团可以代表华社和政治领袖沟通,而政党则可通过政治管道协助人民。” 她是在出席马来西亚留台校友会联合总会新春团拜后,如是表示。
“虽然现在的局面有些乱,但是却出现了前所末有的新现象,如新的政治文化,新的政治模式,新的社团或政党的定位, 种族关系的变化等,都在成长著。”
询及与华团妇女组的关系情况时,周美芬表示她不仅和华团妇女组关系非常融合,连妇女援助中心 ( WAO )和回教姐妹组织 ( Sister In Islam ) 也常联系及合作,最近更曾一起商讨妇女膳养费课题。
惟 , 从长远来看, 我们认为必须设立一个机制以一劳永逸的解决问题,因此她已向它部门部长献议研究仿效澳洲成立儿童/家庭支援系统, 获得部长的积极反应。
馬華婦女組將呈大會議案 执行委员不可隨意換

(pic: CFL)
周美芬要提统一组织 采取同样任免权程序

助赤贫者迈向经济独立 妇女部实行“生产力福利”
2010/02/22 6:25:18 PM ●南洋商报
(吉隆坡22日讯)妇女、家庭及社会发展部实行“生产力福利”计划,以协助我国赤贫人士迈向经济独立。该部副部长拿汀巴杜卡周美芬说,政府不再单靠提供福利予赤贫人士,反之开发他们的潜能,让他们在2 年内无需依赖政府,摆脱穷困。
周美芬是出席甲洞美娜园小贩公会及Indigo Inn联办的新春慈善活动后,在记者会上说,部长早前已召集相关内阁部长,包括农业部、联邦直辖区部及人力资源部等,商讨如何协助赤贫人士。
她说,该部目前致力协助4 万4000人从赤贫转移至贫穷阶段,最终目标是要他们达致经济独立。
政府每年拨8 亿充福利金
周美芬相信,国内仍有许多贫穷人士,不过部门暂时将专注4 万4000人。
她也说,政府每年拨出8 亿令吉作为每月福利金,而去年也拨出7 亿1400万令吉福利金,其中一半是给予长者。
Issues faced by Child Care Operators in the Application for Operating License
23 February 2010

Issues faced by Child Care Operators in the Application for Operating License
1. A very good morning to all of you. Xin Nien Kwai Le to those celebrating Chinese New Year.
2. First and foremost, I sincerely thank all of you for taking time off your busy schedule to participate in this morning’s roundtable discussion on issues faced by child care operators in the application for operating license. Also we apologise for any inconvenience caused in the re-scheduling of this roundtable meeting.
3. Child Care Centres or more well known as “taska” is important on 2 grounds. Firstly, it plays an important role in nurturing young children especially in their early developmental years. Secondly, the taska facilitates participation of women in the labour workforce. Statistic in 2005 showed that 58.1% of women in the labour workforce are married[1]. Given the traditional gender role stereotypes, working mothers carry the additional burden of assuming the nurturing role.
4. As more women enter into the labour market, there is a corresponding higher demand for child care centres. In cases where both parents work, there is a need for more taska in meeting the increasing demand for support in child care. This is an issue which relates to empowering women to make informed decisions about their lives and has been championed by many women’s organisations. Guided by the intention to create a conducive environment for women to work, the Government has made numerous initiatives to encourage the setting up of more taska as child care support for families with both working parents.
5. Hence, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) made amendments to the Child Care Act 1984 in 2007. Amongst others:
a. Expanded the existing range of categories of child care centres to include workplace-based and community-based child care centres in addition to the previous two categories of home-based and institution-based child care centres.
b. Extended duration of license from 12 months to 60 months.
6. All these efforts are intended to ease the setting up of more taska for child care operators. At the same time, the government has decided to set up 10 community-based taska every year and now there are a total of 36 Taska Community throughout the country, e.g. Taska Komuniti Kompleks Penyayang Bakti in Sungai Buloh.
7. However, even though efforts have been made to improve provisions in the Child Care Act which falls under the jurisdiction of Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, however the setting up of a taska involves 3 other technical agencies as well- namely local authorities, Bomba and Jabatan Kesihatan.
8. It is important to note that concerted efforts by the Government, private and business entities or even social organisations in contributing to child development may be halted if interested child care operators face daunting challenges in setting up child care centres, especially in relation to getting approval from local authorities. For example,
a. The differing sets of provision, rules and regulations amongst local authorities pose a great challenge to prospective child care operators when requirements for approval are not streamlined;
b. Variation in levy and license fees imposed on child care operators by select local authorities.
c. A range of requirements by local authorities from the need to apply for business license from local authority, need to change residential status to institution, need to fulfil the condition of parking lots, residential houses prohibited from running child care, prohibition of setting up taska in shops and businesses complexes.
d. Exorbitant fees to build child care centres in residential areas.
9. Aside from various challenges arising from obtaining approval from local authorities, additional requirement of getting approval from the Department of Land and Surveys and requirement by the Bomba for second set of stairways in double storey houses delay the license application process further.
10. Therefore, in view of the range of issues faced by child care operators, we have called for this roundtable meeting with all key stakeholders. We need to sit down as a small group to further understand, discuss and resolve critical issues faced by child care operators in their application for operating license when dealing with different agencies by not compromising on the quality of service and most importantly the safety of all the children. For example,
a. Even with the 2007 amendment of the Child Care Act 1984, there is a pertinent need to find a practical solution to address non-uniformity in the requirements for approval by local authorities. Given that local authorities have their own jurisdiction and own set of provisions and regulations, it is rather difficult for the Ministry of Housing and Local Government in attempting to streamline the diverse sets of standards for approval.
b. On levy and licensing fees, the rates should be kept low and streamlined across all local authorities as the taska industry should be viewed as a social service industry which benefits society and not merely as a profiteering commercial industry.
c. We need to identify a plausible solution whereby land could to be reserved for the setting up of taska at a fraction of the commercial price.
11. As a start, Wanita MCA will mobilise its division leaders and members to advocate for uniformity of requirements for approvals by local authorities and attempt to bring changes through dialogues with relevant stakeholders and submission of memorandums collating input on challenges faced by child care centre operators in their application for operating license. In addition, building on input from this roundtable discussion and feedback from the ground in various divisions, Wanita MCA will draft a Memorandum detailing key challenges faced and recommendations to ease license application process of child care operators, and we will present to relevant Ministries and agencies, state governments and local authorities.
12. We are privileged to have the honour of your presence this morning. We truly believe your invaluable input would benefit all of us and most importantly participation supports our effort to ease the process of setting up child care centres and to facilitate a friendly child care support for working families.
Thank you.

雪隆森3月开跑 托儿所批准权下放
2010/02/23 6:55:11 PM ●南洋商报

星洲日報‧國內 2010-02-23 10:12
Wanita MCA appalled by gender biased statement of Cuepacs Sec-Gen
Wanita MCA is appalled of the statement made by the Secretary-General of Cuepacs Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin that the upward trend of female employees in the civil service is a cause of concern and that it would implicate on the progress and growth of the nation in the long-run.
It is shocking that a leader of an NGO which represents civil servants expressed such a blatant gender biased position. Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin’s condescending and chauvinistic statement demonstrates sheer disregard and disrespect to women and women’s contribution to the nation. It also reflects utter lack of understanding on the actual state of female representation in decision-making positions and implications of gender dynamics.
As a secretary-general of an NGO, he is expected to represent the rights and interests of both women and men. Given his skewed position, it leaves one to wonder if decision-making within CUEPACS would ever be gender sensitive if not discriminatory towards women.
We would like to question on what basis was his statement that increasing dominance of female employees in the civil service will have long-term implications on progress and growth of the country?
Gender equality is increasingly recognised as an essential component of a modern growth strategy and for sustainable economic development. Women have notably contributed and are contributing to economic growth and social development of the country. As such, a wise administration would optimise all of its productive resources irrespective of gender to attain optimum growth. While true that both women and men should complement their skills and qualities, however, there should not be a presumption of a gender stereotyped order whereby it is alright for men lead while women take on the supportive role. Thus, it is imperative that the government recognises the significance of half the female force and its contribution to the growth and progress of the country.
As a government servant himself, we are surprised that he has not fully comprehended the national policy and its spirit of achieving at least 30% at all decision-making levels in Malaysia enunciated in August 2004 is a target and not a limiting quota of 30%. His inaccurate statement marks sheer disrespect towards government’s will and intention of increasing participation of women as reflected in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006 – 2010) and the government’s international pledge to the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action (BFPA) to ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in decision-making in government bodies and public administration entities, and to increase women’s capacity to participate in these arenas.
It is important to note 2 points- that Malaysia is still far from achieving gender equality and that the increasing participation of women in labour force does not correspondingly translate to higher proportion of women in decision-making.
(i) Malaysia has regressed in its overall rank over the years according to the Gender Gap Index 2009 []- with the rank of 101 out of 134 countries, a drop from its rank at 96 in 2008, While Malaysia ranks average at 77 in terms of gender gap in educational attainment given the high awareness on the need in providing equal opportunity for education for girls, however the Malaysia’s gender gap remain wide in economic participation and opportunity and political empowerment 。
(ii) Concurring with Puan Lok Yim Pheng, Secretary-General of the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), not only are decision-making positions within the teaching industry still dominated by men in spite of the higher ratio of female to male teachers, it is evident in the public sector. The dismal proportion of women in decision-making in the public sector speaks volumes despite increasing participation of women in the public sector, it remains an indisputable fact that men still dominate the public sector- 2 female secretary generals out of 24 ministries (8.3%), 12 female director generals out of 70 departments (17.1%) and 11 female chief executives out of 71 federal statutory bodies (15.5%)[Statistics on Women, Family & Social Welfare 2009].
The government’s efforts in achieving at least 30% of women in decision-making would be futile if such gender biased mindsets continue to permeate the society. The government’s target of achieving at least 30% women as decision-makers is well thought out and grounded on providing equal opportunities to women given the unequal playing field, glass ceiling and deep-rooted gender stereotypes which impede women’s career advancement despite notable qualifications and abilities, and also recognising the importance of gender perspective and women’s interest to ensure gender responsive policies both at formulation and implementation levels.
It is essential that the government continues to strive to achieve gender equality and to create a conducive environment for women to be educated, empowered and to give women equal opportunity not merely to contribute to the society but as decision-makers in all spheres. This would be not only in the spirit of “1 Malaysia” which is all-inclusive, and in line with this year’s International Women’s Day theme of “Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all” but also reflecting true democracy.
Datin Paduka Chew Mei FunWanita MCA National Chairman
The star News
Published: Tuesday February 23, 2010 MYT 8:56:00 PM
Women’s leaders slam Cuepacs chief’s sexist remark
PETALING JAYA: Wanita MCA and Wanita Gerakan are appalled by the gender-biased statement by Cuepacs secretary-general Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin, who complained about the upward trend of female employees in the civil service, as well as his alleged complete misreading of government policy on the issue.
Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said Ahmad Shah’s condescending and chauvinistic statement demonstrated sheer disregard and disrespect for women and their contribution to nation-building.
She said it also reflected an utter lack of understanding of the actual state of female representation in decision-making positions and the implications of gender dynamics.
“It is shocking for a leader of an organisation which represents civil servants to express such a blatant gender-biased position,” she said in a statement Tuesday.
Chew was responding to reports about remarks by Ahmad Shah expressing concern over the increasing female profile in the civil service, saying it would have long-term implications on the progress and growth of the nation.
He was also quoted as saying that women civil servants tended to be inflexible and rigid, and thus were unable to provide effective and friendly service, besides their need to go on long leave after giving birth.
Chew said Ahmad Shah’s inaccurate statement showed sheer disrespect for the Government’s intention of increasing women’s participation in decision-making in Government institutions and public administration bodies.
“The Government’s efforts in achieving at least 30% of women in decision-making (positions) would be futile if such gender-biased mindsets continue to permeate society,” she said.
Chew said that Ahmad Shah did not fully comprehend the national policy.
The Cuepacs secretary-general had said that almost three quarters of new posts in the administrative and diplomatic service were being filled by women, claiming that this was “contrary to the present government policy to reserve only 30% of decision-making posts for women.”
The actual government policy is to have women in at least 30% of decision-making posts.
Chew said Ahmad Shah’s inaccurate statement was tantamount to “sheer disrespect towards the Government ... and its international pledge to the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action to ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in decision-making in government bodies and public administration entities.”
She noted that according to Gender Gap Index 2009, Malaysia’s overall rank had dropped to 101 last year from 96 in 2008.
Echoing Chew’s sentiment, Wanita Gerakan deputy chief Ng Siew Lai said it was wrong for Ahmad Shah to question or worry about too many females in the civil service.
“We should not worry too much about the current dominance of female employees in the civil service. This is the nature of progress of society. However, we must also take measures to encourage males to become civil servants,” Ng said.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Issue 1: Holistic Approach in enforcing payment under Maintenance Order
We laud the government’s efforts in recognising hardship faced by Muslim single mothers whose husband default in payment under maintenance order with the recently approved allocation of RM15million to aid Muslim going through divorce to support their children as announced by Minister in the Prime Minister Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom on 11 January 2010 and subsequently by Syariah Judicial Department Family Support Division Deputy Director Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar Dr Mohd Naim that the aid would be in the form of cash advances and for a duration of 6 months (The Star 21 Jan 2010).
Noting that we live in a country rich with ethnic, cultural and religious diversities and in line with the spirit of 1 Malaysia, we stress that it is of critical importance to recognise that women irrespective of ethnicity or religion face similar hardships in the course of marital breakdown and particularly when their husband fails to fulfil his obligations under the maintenance order.
We urge the government to give recognition to non-Muslims who experience similar hardships in the civil courts just like their Muslim sisters in the Syariah courts when their husband defies the maintenance order. It is important to note that, even where a non-muslim single mother spends time and money to enforce the maintenance order in accordance to existing civil court procedures, there is likelihood where her husband defaults in payment of the maintenance order. As a short term measure, we hope that similar measure would be extended to aid non-Muslim single mothers who endure the same predicament as their Muslim sisters.
Of late, we have received some feedback from the communities in response to the announcement of such an available aid to Muslim single mothers. Wanita MCA Political Strategy Bureau has met up with several women NGOs to discuss this issue. Drawing from the discussion, we have the same view as Women’s Aid Organisation, Sisters in Islam and Wilayah and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Women’s Wing and a practising family lawyer on the need to set up a taskforce to look into instituting a child and/or family support system to assist and support single parents especially children as a long term measure. We have since conveyed to the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Jalil this idea of setting up a technical working group to look into a holistic approach in enforcing payment under maintenance order and pleased to inform that the Minister is positive with our proposal.
Issue 2: Extend TEKUN loan to Chinese and other ethnic groups
We laud the extension of TEKUN loan to Indian communities with the initial allocation of RM3million in 2008. Increased allocation to RM 15 million in 2009 and RM 20 million for 2010 reflects government’s acknowledgement of the need to extend TEKUN loans to Indian communities.
In the spirit of 1 Malaysia, we urge the government to open up or set aside similar funds like the TEKUN loan to all Malaysians and especially to women. This would be in tandem with the government’s concerted efforts in raising living standards of low-income households under the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) Roadmap and in line with the spirit of 1 Malaysia.
马华妇女组促修党章 6副总会长列理事会成员
她今日主持妇女组第五次执委会议后,在记者会上说,配合下个月举行的妇女组代表大会,妇女组吁请中央在参照了党章第75, 78和78A 条款及第101, 104 和104A条款后,在中央委员会的章节增加类似的条款,以全面统一各级组织在委任和终止的权力,确保一致。

星洲日報 · 2010.02.09 18:30 ·
注: 红色的部分是经过再一次确定后应参照的条款,和记者会上所引用的条款有点出入,特此更正。
周美芬吁政府一视同仁 应援助非回教失婚妇女
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
(pic: CFL)

周美芬:僅10%真正孤兒 民眾申請領養困難
周美芬今日為雪隆愛心孤兒院主持開幕時,這么指出。 周美芬指出,由于只有少于10%孤兒可以被領養,同時需符合許多條件,以致許多民眾以為申請領養孤兒程序繁雜。
Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Wanita MCA calls on stern action against Nasir
Press Release from Wanita MCA
Kuala Lumpur 3 February- Wanita MCA National Chairman Chew Mei Fun today on behalf of Wanita MCA sisters strongly condemn the statement made by the special officer to Prime Minister, Datuk Nasir Safar that Malaysian Chinese and Indians are foreigners (“pendatang”) and that Chinese, especially women came to Malaysia to enslave ourselves and for prostitution. Such expression not only has a racist undertone but also sexist in nature.
Chew Mei Fun expressed that Wanita MCA is truly grateful of the Prime Minister’s prompt response that Nasir Safar resigns. However, Nasir Safar’s speech has already hurt the feelings of other ethnic communities.
This remark reflects non-recognition of the contributions by the Chinese and Indian alongside other ethnic communities in nation-building through thick and thin over the years. Such remark has caused unprecedented humiliation to our Chinese sisters. As such, this is an issue beyond reprieve and cannot be resolved by a mere resignation.
She added that it is unbecoming that an aide who has no formal authority has the audacity to request that citizenship of Indians who opposed the policy of maximum 10 subjects for SPM be revoked. Not only is it arrogant, it has severely undermined our Prime Minister’s concerted efforts to promote and realise the “1 Malaysia” concept. Indeed, it is a serious blow to the Prime Minister’s credibility.
Therefore, an apology and resignation will not do justice. We call upon the government to take appropriate legal measures against him, which even includes invoking provisions of incitement laws to prosecute him. This would safeguard the Prime Minister and government’s credibility in fulfilling its pledge to realise the spirit of “1 Malaysia” with resolute determination.
Wanita MCA thinks that it is unconceivable for such a statement to be publicly made by Nasir Safar at a seminar “Rapat 1 Malaysia” organized by the Special Affairs Department which aims at promoting national unity. Not only has he directly contradicted the government’s concerted efforts in promoting the spirit of “1 Malaysia”, possibly he may have also incited hatred and racial sentiments.
Drawing from the recent exposé of racial slurs by some lecturers in conducting Biro Tatanegara courses, we feel that the government should be careful and mindful in the selection of speakers for any events to avoid “ruining” what we have been building thus far. Not only will the people receive wrong messages, they may also develop an indelible negative imprint of the government.
非道歉辞职可解决 - 马华妇女组呼吁更严厉对付纳西尔

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Kiwanis Malaysia’s Annual Children Party 2010
(pic: CFL)
First and foremost, allow me to take this opportunity to thank Kiwanis Malaysia for inviting me to officiate the Kiwanis Malaysia’s Annual Children Party 2010. This year is the 12th consecutive year for Kiwanis Malaysia to have this event, and I am delighted to learn that the organiser has bring together more than 550 children as well as care takers from various orphanages, welfare homes, learning disabilities centres etc from Klang Valley, Johore, Perak and Penang to join us today. The smiling faces of children have already made this special occasion an unforgettable one for me. In this respect, your good work and efforts is highly commendable.
Ladies and gentlemen,Disabled children always face grave risks to their education, health and well-being and are at significantly increased risk because of social stigma and ignorance. It undeniably has impeded them to enjoy the normal way of life like other children and access to the same opportunity as others and are being segregated from the mainstream society. Statistics from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) shows that about 98% of children with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school. To ensure and safeguard the rights of children and people with disability, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability has come into force in May 2008. The Convention has call for enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by children and adults with disabilities, and points for the importance of early intervention as well as inclusion in the education system from an early age.
Numerous studies showed that early childhood care and education are imperative to help children with special needs to be integrated into the society. This is because the early years offer a special opportunity to foster developmental gains in children as 80% of the brain’s capacity develops before the age of three. For example, children with Down syndrome are able to lead normal life like other people if they are given training. As such, early intervention programme including care, stimulation, parental support and access to relevant services enhances the effects of interventions for children with disabilities.
Recognizing the importance of care and support for children with special needs, the Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development has established Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Centre to provide services such as diagnosis, rehabilitation, treatment and special education as well as vocational training to prepare the people with disabilities for employment. As of 2009, there are 409 CBR centres throughout the country and benefiting 17,435 PWDs. Besides this, there are 140 health centres in Malaysia that provide rehabilitation services for children with special needs. In Budget 2010, the Government has increased the allowance rate from RM50 to RM150 a month for every disabled child enroled in NGO-organised special schools, effective 1 January 2010. And it is estimated that 4,000 disabled children will be benefitted under this aid.
Ladies and gentlemen,In 2009, the Government has approved the National Child Policy and its Plan of Action as well as National Child Protection Policy and its Plan of Action to ensure the well-being and welfare of the children as well as to shape and develop children into good citizens. The National Child Policy and its Plan of Action have underlined strategies which focusing on survival, protection, development, participation and advocacy, while National Child Protection Policy and its Plan of Action are to ensure children’s protection from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Besides this, child activity centres were established by the Department at the state and district levels as part of the efforts to provide locally-based services, especially for high-risk families and children. As of 2009, there were 139 child activities centres throughout the country. The services included child-related activities, counselling for children and parents, parenting courses as well as childcare services aimed at providing the psychological and motivational support to those affected. The activities, in some ways, contributed to the prevention of many social ills such as child abuse, child neglect, school dropout, truancy and moral decadence. In addition, it has fostered community relations and the caring spirit by serving as a place where the local community interact, exchange ideas and work together towards a common goal that is, the well-being of the child and family.
We all can play a role to help them like the motto of the Kiwanis “Serving the Children of the World”. It is our role to create a world that fit for all the children. Many organizations, like Kiwanis Malaysia are making conscious efforts to help the less fortune and children who have special needs. It is delighted to learn that the Kiwanis Club currently manage and operate 19 dedicated centres for children throughout Malaysia and 7 of these centres are Down syndrome centres. With regard to this, the Department of Social Welfare has allocated RM30,660 to Kiwanis Club at Taman Tun Ismail. Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the organising committee and those involved in today’s event. On that note, I have the pleasure to declare the Kiwanis Children’s Party open. Thank you and may you have a wonderful weekend.
