Friday, May 22, 2009
21/5/09 , 天后宫
各位,我不是经济专才无法和您分享在经济领域上我们应该通过怎样的改变以达到更大的进步。 但在个人的历程上,尤其是经历过了人生起落,生死一线的过程,同时预期未来将面对更多的挑战的现在,我想对于人生为什么必须改变以顺应、回应或超越眼前的一切,我已有了一定的体悟!
我今天想和大家谈的是我国政坛在过去这几年来的变化,让我们回顾伯拉2003年接棒成为我国第5任首相,并于2004年带领国阵赢得了前所未有的胜利的时候,当时的国阵为什么会赢得辉煌的胜利?因为经历了敦马22年的领导之后,人们开始对现况感觉到不满了,开始怀疑如果国家依旧如此由同一个领导带领,我们还会有什么不同的创建或什么不同的改变和改进吗? 看了22年,感受了22年,过去的22年来我们确实从一个落后的国家发展到今天先进的荣景,但这种荣景还能维持多久?我们在进步,但周遭是否还有更多的国家正以比我们更为快速的步伐在进步?因此,大家都期望有新的气息,有新的元素或甚至新的刺激,因此, 当伯拉在大家对敦马的领导开始觉得沉闷的时候出现,同时提出了许多人民心中所想看到的远景,许下了许多人们希望看到落实的承诺的时候,伯拉给了人们无限的希望与为当时的国家注入了无限的活力!
今天,我们的第6任首相上台了,他提出了一个全民马来西亚的口号,一个大家感觉蛮好,但概念尚不很清晰的理念,但可以确定的是,我们的首相他已收到了来自民间的声音,他开始尝试摆脱种族政治的束缚,尝试以民为本,以全民为本!他上台后的第一个良好施政是改教的政策!这个政策让他受尽来自于回教党和宗教极端分子的抨击,把它说成了违反宪法者; 他开放27个领域的股权,也导致他被批判为改变其父亲新经济政策的不肖子!我们现任的首相,他的上台和伯拉不同,他的上台是带着沉重的个人与政党抱负的,环绕于他个人的案件虽然对方无法出示任何的证据证明他涉及,但依旧如鬼魅附身,挥之不去;国家政局纷乱,国阵政权受到前所未有的挑战!他要走出个人的困境,他要带领国阵走出明天,明显的,他不得不带动改变,而这种改变必须是大刀阔斧的,必须是强而有力,而且是能够让人民感觉兴奋的!尤其是在目前这种人为政治纷乱的局势之中,改变如果不大,他将引不起注意,引不起注意也就失去了政治的效应!
以我们大家的SHUKIKOH 拿督斯里翁诗杰为例,他向来给人的印象是敢怒敢言,最近面对马来权威组织(PERKASA)的严辞批评,他依然不改本色直接回应!他坚持对于道德价值的评断,他坚持原则,对于某些事情他不妥协就是不妥协,这和以往那种为了党内和谐不惜招“安”,即使有关的“安”一点也不安的领导风格是一种极大的改变,而这种改变,也使得他受尽了批评!
Leading Through Change
on 21/5/09 @Thean Hou Temple
I have heard of a professional group under the umbrella of the association of Hainan for quite some time. However, I did not expect to have the opportunity today to meet you and to share some personal views for today's theme of "LEADING THROUGH CHANGE". Thank you for inviting me to officiate your seminar today.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am not an economist. I cannot tell you how we could change in the economic arena to achieve greater progress. However, from the perspective of an individual, in particular, after experiencing ups and downs of life, the uncertainties in life, and at the same time expecting to face more challenges in the future, I think I have a certain amount of understanding on what must be changed in order to respond to situations or to look beyond current success or failures!
What I want to talk about today is the changes in the Malaysian political arena over the past few years. Let us look into Pak Lah taking over the premiership in 2003 to become the 5th prime minister and in 2004 led the National Front to an unprecedented victory. At that time, why the National Front won brilliantly? Because having experienced 22 years of leadership by Tun Dr Mahathir, people began to feel dissatisfied with the situation then, and began to wonder if the State were still to be led by the same leadership, would we will experience any difference or will there be any changes and improvements? Looking back, in the past 22 years, we rose up from an underdeveloped country to achieving economic boom and development, but how long can this boom last? Yes, no doubt that we're making progress, are our neighbouring countries progressing more rapidly than us? Therefore, we all look forward to a new life, a new idea, or even to a new stimulus. Pak Lah took over at the time when people started to feel bored with Tun Mahathir’s leadership. And when people wanted to see implementation of commitments, Pak Lah succeeded in giving the people boundless of hopes and injected vitality into the country at that time particularly with the tagline “Work with me and not for me”!
By 2008, the people had experienced Pak Lah ‘s five years of leadership. The initial joy of hope turned into anger and disappointment. If we were to say that Pak Lah was not committed to change and was just out to win votes, I would say it is very unfair to Pak Lah! We could only say that the reform mission of Pak Lah could not cope with the mounting pressure of vested interests group, which eventually forced him to delay reform until the time he fell to the pit from the highest point. And finally when he decided to step down and fearlessly implemented some reform, unfortunately by then the people were not expecting anything from his leadership.
Today, the 6th prime minister took office, he raised a slogan of “One Malaysia”, which gives a feel good feeling of inclusiveness, sense of belonging and sense of togetherness. Although some may feel that this is merely a concept, but the certainty is that our Prime Minister was prepared to listen and has heard the voices of civil society, and thus began to shake off the shackles of ethnic politics and to be people-oriented! He came to power with good directives premised on change and in the interest of all. Subsequent to the policy on religion of children in the event one parent converts to Islam, he suffered and was even attacked by the Islamic Party and the religious fundamentalists. They accused the directive as a violation of the Constitution. The opening up of 27 fields of equity has also led to criticism of him as an unfilial son changing the economic policies of his late father! Our current prime minister came into power with a heavy personal and political burden. He is also surrounded by accusations and allegations although there is no proven evidence produced but still possessed, like ghosts and refused to go away. In addition, he also has to face up to the country's political instability. BN has suffered an unprecedented array of challenges! In the interest of all, he is leading the National Front on a path to the future, thus obviously, Najib has to drive change, and this change must be big, bold, and exiting! Particularly in the current man-made political chaos, if change were not bold enough, he would not garner attention nor support and would certainly lose out in terms of political mileage!
However, that change has a price to pay! Najib came to power with a few policies which were generally well received! But at the same time it has awakened the ethnic and religious "Tigers" to defend their sovereignty. While we have repeatedly claimed that there is no more communal politics, however until the day of announcement of the results, no one knew the effects of communal politics! As we can observe from the 308 general election, we knew as a fact that there was a strong current. However, no one knew exactly the extent of it. Take for instance my own experience: I understand the mentality of the voters in my constituency; as a result I am ready for defeat. But even until the day before the election, there were many who still favoured me to the extent of speculating a majority of 9 thousand votes. There were comrades who told me that they did not believe that 8 years of hard work can just destroyed by a gust of wind! But the fact remains. Even after the results, a radio DJ told me that she asked her boss repeatedly in disbelief: "Chew Mei Fun lost it?”. One can not change the fact! People change, the desire to change is strong!
Let’s take SHUKIKOH Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat as an example; he always gives us the impression of being outspoken. Recently when the Malay organization (PERKASA) sternly criticised him, he still did not change his colour in responding in a very direct manner! He insisted on the moral values, he insisted on the principle, he will not compromise on things which cannot and should not be compromised. His leadership style is a great deal of change to some, and such a change, also caused him to suffer from some severe criticism!
Our former MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting proposed a term limit for party leader. He was the first president to introduce such policy based on the rationale that holding onto a position for too long may result in abuse of power. In fact, he initiated the slogan "Integrity, Fair and just, commitment in discharging duties". He wanted to create a healthy political culture. He actually understood the crux of the matter before the 308 election, he knew that if there were no change in political culture, corruption and abuse of power will permeate the party and failure would await. However, it is a pity while MCA is changing, we can not quite change the whole political culture of the National Front. Unfortunately, despite MCA undergoing change in the last few years, MCA could not catch up with the speed of change of the people, thus resulting in the loss of more than half of the seats contested by MCA.
Ladies and gentlemen, as a conclusion, change is necessary, even if we must pay the price. Change must be timely and must be fast. It would be pointless to change at a low speed. Delay in changing, may result in us having to spend a longer period time to win back and regain trust. Thus, in any case as long as there is will to change and make a change, even if one were to be defeated, that would only be a temporary failure- for at least once the foundation is solidly build, it would be good enough to make a comeback!
A leader who drives to change the people before changes come, will always be in need. A leader who changes when people change, can still hold her ground. Leaders, who wake up only when changes are needed, still have the opportunity to stand up again. However, a leader who is stubborn when there is a need for change, will always be a lonely failure! Therefore, Change is necessary, “Change" is our motto to make progress and to strive for excellence!
With that, I would now announce the official opening of the seminar, thank you.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

周美芬週六(5月16日)出席粉紅三角基金會(PT Foundation)所主辦的“2009世界愛滋紀念日”活動後,在新聞發佈會上如此表示。

Monday, May 18, 2009

Program I-KIT bantu 85 ibu tunggal berniaga
PETALING JAYA 17 Mei - Seramai 85 daripada 349 ibu tunggal di seluruh negara berjaya memulakan perniagaan secara kecil-kecilan selepas menamatkan kursus latihan melalui Program Inkubator Kemahiran Ibu Tunggal (I-KIT) tahun lalu.
Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun berkata, program I-KIT diperkenalkan melalui Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9) dan diuruskan oleh agensi di bawah kementeriannya iaitu Jabatan Pembangunan Wanita (JPW).
"JPW telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan syarikat swasta untuk menawarkan latihan kepada ibu tunggal dalam bidang jahitan, kecantikan, masakan, kraf tangan, asuhan kanak-kanak dan pelancongan.
"Ibu-ibu tunggal juga berpeluang menceburi bidang keusahawanan dengan memasarkan produk keluaran mereka selepas menamatkan kursus latihan mereka," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan acara solekan anjuran bersama Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn. Bhd., Clara International Beauty Group dan Maybelline New York di sini hari ini.
Acara tersebut menyasarkan lebih 1,600 peserta agar ia mampu dicatatkan dalam Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) sebagai acara solekan terbesar di negara ini.
Mei Fun berkata, kerajaan sentiasa prihatin terhadap kebajikan ibu tunggal di negara ini dan mahu membantu mereka meningkatkan taraf ekonomi diri dengan menceburi bidang keusahawanan.
"Selain itu, ibu tunggal yang berpendapatan di bawah RM720 sebulan layak memohon geran sebanyak RM2,700 daripada JPW untuk memulakan perniagaan secara kecil-kecilan," katanya.
Terdahulu, beliau dalam ucapannya berkata, isu-isu ibu tunggal memerlukan perhatian segera dan khusus daripada pelbagai pihak supaya golongan itu berupaya menempuh cabaran dalam kehidupan seharian.
"Antara isu yang sedang diteliti oleh pihak kementerian adalah kesihatan fizikal dan mental ibu tunggal serta bagaimana mereka hendak menyara kehidupan anak-anak termasuk masalah perundangan.
"Bagaimanapun, masalah utama yang kami hadapi dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu tersebut adalah kekurangan data berkenaan keperluan spesifik golongan ibu tunggal dan kesesuaian antara polisi sedia ada dengan program bantuan yang telah dirancangkan," katanya.
Surge in women HIV carriers
KUALA LUMPUR: More Malaysian women are being infected by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) through unprotected sex than needle sharing.
Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said this could be observed from the rapid surge in the number of women HIV carriers.
She said the ratio between women and men infected with HIV was 1:70 in 1993 but now it is 1:10.

Raising AIDS consciousness: PT Foundation senior programme manager Mitch Yusmar (left) taking Chew for a tour after she opened the Multi-Faith Community Gathering in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.
“Although the total number of AIDS patients has dropped, more women and children have been infected.
“We are very worried about the unstoppable spread of HIV in the country,” she said, adding that as of last year, Malaysia recorded some 84,000 HIV carriers. Last year alone, 3,692 new cases were reported and 900 people died of AIDS, she said.
She praised the volunteers of PT foundation for their efforts and dedication to HIV/AIDS work that had led the non-profit body to win the Best NGO of the Year Award.
“You all have helped over 16% of the people under the Positive Living programme return to full-time em- ployment,” she said.
Later at Wisma MCA, Chew, who is also MCA Wanita chief, opened a Blog and Writing Skills Seminar attended by 60 Wanita members.
On an unrelated issue, Chew said the wing’s Women and Children Aid Unit was expected to begin operation next month.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
· 召开州选举不但浪费公款,而且民联也是稳操胜券。
· “选民早前已经做出选择,只不过是他们选出了一些跳槽者。这有何办法?”
Thursday, May 14, 2009



現場出動流動診療所提供診療服務。 (圖:星洲日報)
Siblings to meet their mums
GEORGE TOWN: The seven siblings of a seven-year-old disabled girl whose skeletal remains were found in a shallow grave recently, will get to meet their mothers, who were released by police on Wednesday.
Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said she met three of the children at Rumah Kanak-Kanak Taman Bakti (Kepala Batas) yesterday and they appealed to her to be allowed to see their mothers during weekends.
She said three boys were placed at the Rumah Kanak-Kanak Lelaki Serendah in Selangor and the seventh, a girl, was at the Rumah Kanak-Kanak Perempuan in Arau, Perlis.

“We will try to get the mothers to meet the children who are below 12 first, while the state Welfare Department will also make efforts to allow the mothers to visit the other four children.
Also present was state Wanita MCA chief Tan Cheng Liang and state Welfare Department director Arfan Sulaiman.
The girl’s disabled father, a 41-year-old odd-job worker, was arrested on April 28, on suspicion of outraging the modesty of his three other daughters.
One of the three victims later revealed how the father also allegedly abused her disabled sister, killed and buried her in 2006.
Her remains were exhumed from the shallow grave in an open field in Jalan Kampung Pisang. Police later picked up the man, one of his sons, and his two wives, aged 31 and 37, who are believed to be sisters.
On another matter, Chew said the Federal Government had allocated RM22mil to help those in need, including the poor, elderly, children and the disabled. She said the state government only spent about RM3.3mil for such needy people.
“The 740 poor families in Penang have already received aid from the Federal Government, and what the state government had done was to just top up the amount,” she added.
Monday, May 11, 2009


Saturday, May 9, 2009
昨天突访KEPALA BATAS TMN BAKTI孤儿院亲自探访了因父母兄长涉嫌“父親殺女埋尸”案,而被送往照顾的三位小朋友,喜见他们情况良好,精灵可爱!从陌生到熟络,和他们在一起的短短廿卅分钟里,小小年纪的他们不断地重复着要求会见母亲,并一再的保证只想在周末和周日会见母亲,同时肯定不会哭!
由于不了解案情发展,对其父母到底会被延扣多久没有概念,因此只有安慰他们将尽量向警方申请,只要获得批准将带他们会见母亲! 可是从他们专注的眼光中却看到了他们对答案的不满意! 幸运的是我离开该孤儿院不久后,就接获了他们的母亲已被释放的消息,他们会见母亲的愿望很快就可以实现了!
有人陶侃妇女、家庭及社会发展部只管妇女福利,其实只要您是家庭或社会的一份子,包括男女老少,贫贱富贵,只要一掉入了“vulnerable” 即“脆弱,易遭伤害的”的群体,几乎就已多多少少,直接或间接和这个部门有关。
(1) 对上述三位小朋友来说,亲情和母爱才是他们最需要的;
(2) 对身体强健但缺乏求生技能的人士来说,如何通过有效的培训以便自力更生才是脱离贫困的管道,毕竟长贫难顾,政府的税收不应也不宜用于不断的支助这类贫户;
(3) 对面对生活甚或家庭、情感打击的人士来说,福利是如何通过辅导让他/她重建心灵,获得慰藉;
(4) 对灾民来说,安定心灵,收拾心情,重建家园才是重点。。。。
但掌管全民福利的妇女、家庭及社会发展部却不是万能的,它需要其他许多个人、单位与部门的协助! 好的教育可以减少社会问题、好的人力资源与经济政策可以消除贫穷、有效的执法可以减少滥权。。。举例说:
有妇女致电本人助理告诉她:“你们是妇女部,我买的房子发展商已停建数年,我是妇女,您们应该帮忙解决!”- 她哑口无言!
有残障人士致电说:“我的印尼女佣回印尼了,家里没人照顾,因此要入院,但医院不收,你们福利部照顾残障人士,请叫医院收我入院!”- 他误会了医院的功能,他要找的是照护中心而不是医院!
家有ASTRO应该享有福利金吗?- 重点在于有关福利金的受惠者是因为真的有钱还是不会如何用钱?
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Deputy minister’s surprise visit to home
WOMEN, Family and Community Development deputy minister Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun paid a surprise visit to the Pokok Sena Old Folks Home near Alor Setar.
She was welcomed by the home’s management committee chairman Datuk Dr Ch’ng Kok Heong who described the visit as “historic”.
“This is the first time a high-ranking ministry officer has set foot in the home since it was established in 1955,” he said.
Dr Ch’ng said the committee was planning to pay a visit to the ministry to request for financial aid for its RM1mil building fund.
Chew said she was impressed with the way the home was being run and praised the committee for doing an excellent job.
“I’m satisfied with the conditions and environment of the home.
“The folk look happy and cheerful. It’s nice to see the residents dwelling in cottages in a resort-like atmosphere and they are free to move about,” she said.
She later gave away goodie bags to the residents of the home.

Caring act: Chew giving a goodie bag to Khor Kui Poo, 62, one of the residents of the old folk's home.
Chew urged the committee to submit a written request to her ministry for the building fund.
“My ministry in turn will make its recommendations to the Finance Ministry.
“My ministry has never given such assistance and it is not within my powers to do so,” she said.
He said the development plan which incorporated twenty rooms with attached toilet and kitchen facilities for each room had been submitted to the local authority and was pending approval.
“The building is estimated to cost about RM1mil and we will be inviting the tender next week.
“The committee is proposing a ringgit to a ringgit donation from the ministry to ease the strain on the committee to collect the funds,” he said.
There are 17 men and four women staying at the home.
Present at the welcoming ceremony were Pokok Sena MCA division chief Goh Chin Cheung, Kedah Wanita MCA chief Datuk Lim Bee Kau and Kedah MCA Youth chief Ong Soon Boon.
(柔佛‧新山)周美芬在擔任副部長之後,首次南下新山巡視位於新山拉慶拿汀哈麗瑪,由福利部所管轄的“希望之光收容所”(Taman Sinar Harapan Jubli)。她繼新山之後,將往北馬一帶與其所屬部門單位交流或進行“突襲檢查”,以確保所屬單位官員認真辦公。
“希望之光收容所”(Taman Sinar Harapan Jubli),專收容來自南馬的殘障人士,並為殘障者提供住宿和技職訓練。
MCA squad identifies disaster-prone areas
MUAR: The MCA’s National Crisis Relief Squad (CRSM) is not waiting until things are too late.
“We have trained about 50 volunteers in Sungai Lembing in Pahang and now plan to train another 100 in Grisek.
“Besides basic survival courses, we also want the volunteers to master boat-handling, especially in dangerous waters,” she said after presenting five boats with outboard engines to the Pagoh MCA’s CRSM in Grisek yesterday.
“There could be disabled and old people among them and they should be rescued first in an emergency,” she said.
Chew said the floods, which hit Pagoh in 2006 and 2007, had taught the CRSM teams some important lessons.
“We want the CRSM to be with the people all the time,” she said.
Chew: Learning about other faiths doesn’t mean conversion
PETALING JAYA: Learning about each other’s religions should not be misconstrued as a sign of potential conversion.

Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said it was important for people to learn and understand other religions to strengthen inter-religious ties.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Funeral aid for the poor
THE Love and Care project by NV Multi Corporation Bhd will donate RM2mil worth of funeral services and products to benefit the poor.
“Hopefully with this plan, the poor can rest in peace in a dignified manner and their surviving family members and friends can have the opportunity to pay their respects to them here,” NV Multi Corporation Bhd group managing director Datuk David Kong said.
Some RM1mil worth of caskets will be donated for those in the Klang Valley and the remaining RM1mil comprises payments for funeral services, with a total of 3,000 urn niches available.
The plan is only applicable to citizens and non-Muslims in Malaysia with a total family income of not more than RM1,200 per month.

Good start: (From left) Chew, Kong and NV Multi Foundation chairman Tan Kean Huat lighting candles to launch the project.
Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, who was present to launch the project, lauded the effort.
“In Chinese culture, both birth and death are important and this campaign can help the surviving friends and family,” she said.
For more information, call 1800-88-1818.
Friday, May 1, 2009