忍不住再继续追问:陈水扁和马英九两位都是曾经担任台北市长后才晋身为总统的人,那他们担任台北市长时的表现又如何呢? 司机的答案是:“两个一样,平平无奇” 我旋即例举了两项马英九在市长任内所落实的计划,他恁了一下,接着是沉默以对.我禁不住以有点愤愤不平的口吻说:“连我这个来自海外的人都说得出,怎么您竟然忘了呢?”,结果他的回答更不屑:“那是他本来就应该做的事,有什么了不起?”哈哈,关键就在--于人民的眼中很多的计划与改革是应该的,是理所当然的!人民对当选者的期望是特高的,在台湾如此,在马来西亚一样.相信在美国亦然!选举成绩赢得越漂亮者,人民的期望越高.胜选狂欢过后迎来的是挑战,前所未有的严峻挑战!
观看电视节目“101高峰会”,台湾法务部长受访时说,有民众看到她时,从远处向她高喊,大意是:“快点把他(陈水扁)抓起来吧!还等什么?”她说,法庭审讯有它的程序,快不得,不能干预!这就是司法公正的可爱之处,所以陈水扁下台后,最近还马不停蹄的到处举办群众大会,继续的对当政者左右开弓,国民党对他无可奈何,民进党也一筹莫展!这就是民主的可爱! 即使大多数的民众都对这样的情况感觉厌恶希望案情越早审结越好,但为了捍卫民主自由,唯有接受.仔细观察,发现台湾的大部份群众已对此采取见惯不怪的态度,反正只要不暴力流血,不动摇到国本,你有你造势,我有我观察,日常作息不受影响,马照跑,舞照跳!马来西亚最近的政坛百态,夺权闹剧,不也有所雷同吗?
congratulations!NCCU cheers!
D.P. Mei Fun,
Congrat! May ur experience and wisdom will make different for Perlis MCA.
As a lot of people discussed, we noticed more and more younger generation especially professional female choose PKR or DAP as their starting platform and we need to have a long term solution to attract and convince them about Wanita MCA...The structural and constitutional aspect of Beliawanis shall be reviewed by the party. I believe MCA youth dont mean to take any opportunity on this issue but just hope to offer our helpful heart and hand.
Honestly, when BN won tremendously in 2004, it actually arisen from the impact of 'high hope' towards new leadership under Pak lah especially to his integrity image. But we have a messy and lousy 5 years, rakyat started losing their patient and they actually want to show the power of Rakyat Rules! Some of us felt that voters didnt like P.R. but just express their disppoitment to BN in some issues. But my observation say that they are actually very annoy to what had happend which has direct or indirect impact on them and they actually hope that new government shall replace an 50 years old deceased power coalition through freedom of democracy! Therefore, only the willingness from the dominant side in BN towards changing of mind set and attitude can rescue BN, otherwise Rakyat will know how to utilize democracy freedom very well in next term.
Concurrentlly we have high hope to the party's new leadership but leaders should know how to utilize internal democracy space to perform in the best way, otherwise too strong emotion and personal interest will cause further conflict & destroy the party very fast, we cant quarrel between ourselve anymore! the whole Chinese Community and component parties are watching us!
To achieve what Martin Luther King 's dream in Malaysia is not a miision impossible, depends how we utilize the freedom of democracy in the best approach!
Regards, Wai Hung
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