28 November 2008
Media Statement
Issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun against Pasir Salak Member of Parliament Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s obscene remarks
Referring to the remarks unhurled by Pasir Salak MP Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman in Parliament on 27 November 2008, Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun expressed her utmost disappointment over the spews and urged Tajuddin to apologize to all women and take full responsibility over his irresponsible remark.
“Parliament should dish out a heavy disciplinary action against Tajuddin by suspending him from entering Parliament for at least two months as a warning to the other MPs not to repeat the same offense,” emphasized Mei Fun.
“Parliament should also set up a code of conduct against MPs who espouse obscene remarks or racist terms to prevent the same mistake being repeated by others”.
Mei Fun added that “after last year’s uproar over the “leakage” remark, another profanity was again unleashed in our august house. As a male MP, Tajuddin should lead a good example and he is supposed to voice out his views in a proper manner and not resort to treating Parliament as a coffee shop or an acting stage.”
She expressed that a good MP should be someone who could articulate well his views. “If he fails to do so, he must not be allowed to churn any obscene or treat irresponsible spews as a joke. She added that Tajuddin has done just the opposite of what he is entrusted by the people to carry out in Parliament in our democratic country.
Mei Fun expressed hopes that “Tajuddin will self-reflect over his own action and is willing to apologize to the public and be prepared to accept whatever punishment delivered to him.”
“If Tajuddin fails to do so, Beliawanis in Wanita MCA will organize a ‘Say “No” to discrimination against women’ campaign in Tajuddin’s constituency to protest against his actions and demand him to apologize,” reiterated Mei Fun.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
1)售卖酒精饮料必须在封闭式的地点进行,并需清楚设立售卖酒精饮品的告示牌- 有歧视享用酒类饮料者的嫌疑, 因此见不得人,必须在封闭的地点才能进行;
2)酒精饮品柜台服务员必须是非回教徒,同时必须另设酒精饮料收银柜台- 有在制造区分与隔离的意图;
3)市议会必须在不售卖酒精饮料的条件下,发出执照给便利商店、开放式餐馆、杂货店或药店及油站-- 有将售卖酒类饮品归类为罪恶,有罔顾市场需求,以个人信仰损及市场交易之嫌;
1)售卖酒精饮料必须在封闭式的地点进行,并需清楚设立售卖酒精饮品的告示牌- 有歧视享用酒类饮料者的嫌疑, 因此见不得人,必须在封闭的地点才能进行;
2)酒精饮品柜台服务员必须是非回教徒,同时必须另设酒精饮料收银柜台- 有在制造区分与隔离的意图;
3)市议会必须在不售卖酒精饮料的条件下,发出执照给便利商店、开放式餐馆、杂货店或药店及油站-- 有将售卖酒类饮品归类为罪恶,有罔顾市场需求,以个人信仰损及市场交易之嫌;
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
2008-11-23 19:45
“ 她( 周美芬) 才上任幾個月,林吉祥為何迫不及待地要抨擊她呢?為何不給她一個機會,讓她以時間去証明如何糾正這家政府子公司過去所存有的弊端呢?
要糾正一家大企業公司的弊端並非朝夕之事,需要一段時間。我促請林吉祥不要再繼續抨擊她了。”她表示, 馬華婦女組是全力支持當局採取有效行動去糾正任何政府子公司所出現的管理或投資不當的問題。
“ 華人有機會擔任政府子公司的最高領導人及行使執行權力,應該給予正面建議,而非不斷打擊他們在政府機構里的努力。”
Shouldn’t Politicians Have A Code of Ethics?
There is a Chinese saying that “If you want to eat salted fish, you must be prepared to endure the thirst.” Indeed, if you want to be involved in politics and hold important posts at the same time, you must be prepared to face all plausible and unfair challenges and criticisms.
In the wake of the defeat in the March 8 general election, some former members of parliaments have chosen to cross-over and accepted appointment by the DAP and Parti Keadilan for posts in organizations or companies linked to the state governments. Unlike them, I decided to remain with the MCA and BN to face the electoral setback and hope to contribute towards the transformation of the MCA and BN government, and thus working towards a better future for the nation.
I can clearly remember that in last April when Datuk Seri Azalina Othman, Tourism Minister received me for the first time at the Malaysian Tourism Centre, she told me apart from responsibilities in the company, she also hopes that I could help to promote the Malaysian tourism in the “Chopstick” markets (countries and regions which use the chopsticks, including China, Taiwan, Japan and etc).”
I was extremely thrilled by the offer as I was given an opportunity after my election defeat to have a platform to continue serving the country. I then decided to turn down an offer by a private company which was much favourable than the offer by the Tourism Ministry.
I thought it was nothing wrong for me to continue serving the country. Unfortunately, after assuming the position, I found that the company was plagued with financial and investment problems. Everyday, apart from looking for ways to stop the ‘bleeding” of the company, I have to endure incessant allegations and slander by various quarters, including those from within and without the party. Recently, I was asked to resign and return the company’s car to the company by YB Lim Kit Siang (in fact, I am still using my 6-year old Camry). Lim has also made a lot of unfair criticism and allegations against me in the media and the internet.
His ground for demanding my resignation is “because I am now the chairman of MCA Wanita”. Such a ground is indeed so ridiculous that perhaps he may even be amused in his dream.Does he means that I have no right to serve the country other than the Parliament platform? Or just because I am holding a party post? Isn’t that fair I need to earn a salary for my living? I am not entitled to pension at this moment as I have yet to reach the age of 50, furthermore, this is my only job, I don’t have any other business or income. Unlike YB Lim, he is not only getting monthly allowance as a MP, but also getting a pension as former state assemblymen. Is it wrong for me to work and get paid and enjoy the resources which come along with my job? Furthermore, due to the financial position of the company, I have to use my own car for official duties and travel in economy class with domestic flight so as to cut down expenses as much as possible.
To demonstrate the transparency and our sincerity in revamping the company, we have provided YB Lim the audit report by professional audit firm Pricewaterhouse Cooper. He knows very well that the losses of the company were incurred before my appointment. He is in possession of the information contained in the report and some facts which he firmly believes. But he is unhappy even though the Tourism Minister has repeatedly stated publicly that appropriate actions, including lodging a report to the Anti-Corruption Agency, will be taken. Instead he continues to make dubious allegations against me demanding that I provide answers which he likes to hear knowing very well that the company is still looking for the right solution to revamp the company and while all plans are still pending and anything made public would affect the proposed revamp. His political design in doing so is obvious.
But I will never dance to his tune. I will continue to put the interest of the nation and the company above all. The persons who should be held responsible for the investment mistakes and losses of the company will be eventually identified and punished after the investigation carried out by the relevant authority.
There is a saying that “There is honour even among thieves”. Then, shouldn’t there be a code of ethics among those who want to fish political capital?
Chew Mei Fun
There is a Chinese saying that “If you want to eat salted fish, you must be prepared to endure the thirst.” Indeed, if you want to be involved in politics and hold important posts at the same time, you must be prepared to face all plausible and unfair challenges and criticisms.
In the wake of the defeat in the March 8 general election, some former members of parliaments have chosen to cross-over and accepted appointment by the DAP and Parti Keadilan for posts in organizations or companies linked to the state governments. Unlike them, I decided to remain with the MCA and BN to face the electoral setback and hope to contribute towards the transformation of the MCA and BN government, and thus working towards a better future for the nation.
I can clearly remember that in last April when Datuk Seri Azalina Othman, Tourism Minister received me for the first time at the Malaysian Tourism Centre, she told me apart from responsibilities in the company, she also hopes that I could help to promote the Malaysian tourism in the “Chopstick” markets (countries and regions which use the chopsticks, including China, Taiwan, Japan and etc).”
I was extremely thrilled by the offer as I was given an opportunity after my election defeat to have a platform to continue serving the country. I then decided to turn down an offer by a private company which was much favourable than the offer by the Tourism Ministry.
I thought it was nothing wrong for me to continue serving the country. Unfortunately, after assuming the position, I found that the company was plagued with financial and investment problems. Everyday, apart from looking for ways to stop the ‘bleeding” of the company, I have to endure incessant allegations and slander by various quarters, including those from within and without the party. Recently, I was asked to resign and return the company’s car to the company by YB Lim Kit Siang (in fact, I am still using my 6-year old Camry). Lim has also made a lot of unfair criticism and allegations against me in the media and the internet.
His ground for demanding my resignation is “because I am now the chairman of MCA Wanita”. Such a ground is indeed so ridiculous that perhaps he may even be amused in his dream.Does he means that I have no right to serve the country other than the Parliament platform? Or just because I am holding a party post? Isn’t that fair I need to earn a salary for my living? I am not entitled to pension at this moment as I have yet to reach the age of 50, furthermore, this is my only job, I don’t have any other business or income. Unlike YB Lim, he is not only getting monthly allowance as a MP, but also getting a pension as former state assemblymen. Is it wrong for me to work and get paid and enjoy the resources which come along with my job? Furthermore, due to the financial position of the company, I have to use my own car for official duties and travel in economy class with domestic flight so as to cut down expenses as much as possible.
To demonstrate the transparency and our sincerity in revamping the company, we have provided YB Lim the audit report by professional audit firm Pricewaterhouse Cooper. He knows very well that the losses of the company were incurred before my appointment. He is in possession of the information contained in the report and some facts which he firmly believes. But he is unhappy even though the Tourism Minister has repeatedly stated publicly that appropriate actions, including lodging a report to the Anti-Corruption Agency, will be taken. Instead he continues to make dubious allegations against me demanding that I provide answers which he likes to hear knowing very well that the company is still looking for the right solution to revamp the company and while all plans are still pending and anything made public would affect the proposed revamp. His political design in doing so is obvious.
But I will never dance to his tune. I will continue to put the interest of the nation and the company above all. The persons who should be held responsible for the investment mistakes and losses of the company will be eventually identified and punished after the investigation carried out by the relevant authority.
There is a saying that “There is honour even among thieves”. Then, shouldn’t there be a code of ethics among those who want to fish political capital?
Chew Mei Fun
Saturday, November 22, 2008
为了表示透明与整顿公司的诚意,我们为他提供了由专业公司Pricewaterhouse Cooper的检讨报告,他知道公司的亏损是我入掌公司前所发生,他掌握了有关报告内所提供的资料和一些他选择坚信不疑的资料,虽然部长也曾数次公开的说会采取适当的行动包括向反贪污局呈报,但他不满意,他继续的对我作出似是而非的指责,要求我在公司寻求重整方案尚在进行中,一切尚未成熟而作出任何公布都可能影响重整计划的情况下按他所想听的方式为他提供答案!其政治意图路人皆知!
周美芬 21/11/08
为了表示透明与整顿公司的诚意,我们为他提供了由专业公司Pricewaterhouse Cooper的检讨报告,他知道公司的亏损是我入掌公司前所发生,他掌握了有关报告内所提供的资料和一些他选择坚信不疑的资料,虽然部长也曾数次公开的说会采取适当的行动包括向反贪污局呈报,但他不满意,他继续的对我作出似是而非的指责,要求我在公司寻求重整方案尚在进行中,一切尚未成熟而作出任何公布都可能影响重整计划的情况下按他所想听的方式为他提供答案!其政治意图路人皆知!
周美芬 21/11/08
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Press Statement by Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
19th November 2008
YB Mr Lim Kit Siang in his blog of 18th November 2008, has made unnecessary statements against me in my appointment as the Executive Director of Pempena Sdn Bhd and suggested that I should resign and return the company car.
Firstly, I wish to clarify that I am not the Executive Director but the Executive Chairman of Pempena. In this capacity, I am a fulltime chairman. I have been tasked to restructure Pempena and its group of companies, which requires full devotion of my time. Amongst my other duties, I also attend weekly post-cabinet meetings and chairs Pempena management meetings. I am also a Member of the International Advisory Council for the Ministry of Tourism and have led Tourism delegations to promote Malaysia overseas.
There is no conflict of my work as the Executive Chairman of Pempena with my position as MCA Wanita Chief.
I do not hold any other employment or post besides those mentioned above.
I must stress also that I need not have to take up this post in Pempena as I have various offers in the private sector. I have however accepted this job in Pempena as my national duty.
Pertaining YB Lim’s statement that I am provided with a company car, I must state strongly here that I am using my personal car for official duty. Neither is a new car planned to be purchased for me by Pempena.
On the statement by YB Lim in reference to my apparent ‘warning of another May 13’, let me clarify that the said newspaper has apologized for their error. YB Lim should have checked his facts before bringing up the issue, again and again, to gain political mileage.
I am very sad that YB Lim continues to harp on the same issue with regard to my employment in Pempena.
YB Lim’s continuous politicizing of the Pempena issue has done nothing but take precious time away from my team and I, which could have been used more productively to resolve issues that really matter.
Chew Mei Fun
YB Mr Lim Kit Siang in his blog of 18th November 2008, has made unnecessary statements against me in my appointment as the Executive Director of Pempena Sdn Bhd and suggested that I should resign and return the company car.
Firstly, I wish to clarify that I am not the Executive Director but the Executive Chairman of Pempena. In this capacity, I am a fulltime chairman. I have been tasked to restructure Pempena and its group of companies, which requires full devotion of my time. Amongst my other duties, I also attend weekly post-cabinet meetings and chairs Pempena management meetings. I am also a Member of the International Advisory Council for the Ministry of Tourism and have led Tourism delegations to promote Malaysia overseas.
There is no conflict of my work as the Executive Chairman of Pempena with my position as MCA Wanita Chief.
I do not hold any other employment or post besides those mentioned above.
I must stress also that I need not have to take up this post in Pempena as I have various offers in the private sector. I have however accepted this job in Pempena as my national duty.
Pertaining YB Lim’s statement that I am provided with a company car, I must state strongly here that I am using my personal car for official duty. Neither is a new car planned to be purchased for me by Pempena.
On the statement by YB Lim in reference to my apparent ‘warning of another May 13’, let me clarify that the said newspaper has apologized for their error. YB Lim should have checked his facts before bringing up the issue, again and again, to gain political mileage.
I am very sad that YB Lim continues to harp on the same issue with regard to my employment in Pempena.
YB Lim’s continuous politicizing of the Pempena issue has done nothing but take precious time away from my team and I, which could have been used more productively to resolve issues that really matter.
Chew Mei Fun
Monday, November 17, 2008
马华妇女组 《7大目标, 5大计划》
1. 扩大关怀面,当全民领袖
2. 政策倡导,专业问政
3. 纵横融汇,经纬贯连
4. 提供友善参政环境,招揽青年,培育青年
5. 强化,专业化妇女核心任务
6. 走入群众,融入社区
7. 贯彻健康政治文化
(1)专业论政,成立政治策略局,在国家议题与政府政策上主动出击, 适时回应!马华妇女组与时同脉,紧跟时局发展,适时回应,甚至介入;政治策略局将广纳人才组成智囊团,在新闻局与法律局的全面配合下定期会商,主动鉴定在国家立法与施政方面要倡导与寻求变革的议题,以做到专业问政所需要的“精,准,快!”
(2) 企动商机拼经济 – 成立经济局,扩大多元化终身学习中心功能为终身学习与经济发展中心,通过:(1)妇女技职培训、(2)商机与就业研发和(3)创业辅导,带领妇女突破经济颈箍咒,开创自主新天地!
(3) 招揽青年,培育青年 – 肯定与重视青年的参与,为青年提供友善参政环境:
(i) 缩小女青年年龄差距,凡35岁以下马华女性党员皆归类为女青年;
(ii) 除了已是正式中委的数名女青年外,委任来自各州的6名女青年领袖包括雪兰莪的邓丽 君、刘美霞;联邦直辖区的王小婷、黎美君,彭亨的郑春子,霹雳的黄美圆成为受邀中委,出席中委会,全程参与,并在适当时候委任适当者为正式中委。
(iii) 成立以总秘书王赛芝及女青年局主任郑慧玲为首,包含上述6名受邀中委的小组,与马青商谈组成联合委员会广招青年计划。
(4) 推动党员政治教育与因材施教 - 成立政治教育局,一方面配合党校系统性提供各级党员政治教育,另一方面则招募善于演说与写作的妇女党员进行相关培训,培训妇女论政议政人才。
(5) 专业化妇女核心任务,系统培训百人专业辅导志工,在总部及全国各州设立“妇女儿童援助局”,定期为弱势的妇女与儿童提供专业辅导与协助,并通过服务与专题研讨,收集改善政府相关领域的意见与资料,向政府倡议改革。
1. 扩大关怀面,当全民领袖
2. 政策倡导,专业问政
3. 纵横融汇,经纬贯连
4. 提供友善参政环境,招揽青年,培育青年
5. 强化,专业化妇女核心任务
6. 走入群众,融入社区
7. 贯彻健康政治文化
(1)专业论政,成立政治策略局,在国家议题与政府政策上主动出击, 适时回应!马华妇女组与时同脉,紧跟时局发展,适时回应,甚至介入;政治策略局将广纳人才组成智囊团,在新闻局与法律局的全面配合下定期会商,主动鉴定在国家立法与施政方面要倡导与寻求变革的议题,以做到专业问政所需要的“精,准,快!”
(2) 企动商机拼经济 – 成立经济局,扩大多元化终身学习中心功能为终身学习与经济发展中心,通过:(1)妇女技职培训、(2)商机与就业研发和(3)创业辅导,带领妇女突破经济颈箍咒,开创自主新天地!
(3) 招揽青年,培育青年 – 肯定与重视青年的参与,为青年提供友善参政环境:
(i) 缩小女青年年龄差距,凡35岁以下马华女性党员皆归类为女青年;
(ii) 除了已是正式中委的数名女青年外,委任来自各州的6名女青年领袖包括雪兰莪的邓丽 君、刘美霞;联邦直辖区的王小婷、黎美君,彭亨的郑春子,霹雳的黄美圆成为受邀中委,出席中委会,全程参与,并在适当时候委任适当者为正式中委。
(iii) 成立以总秘书王赛芝及女青年局主任郑慧玲为首,包含上述6名受邀中委的小组,与马青商谈组成联合委员会广招青年计划。
(4) 推动党员政治教育与因材施教 - 成立政治教育局,一方面配合党校系统性提供各级党员政治教育,另一方面则招募善于演说与写作的妇女党员进行相关培训,培训妇女论政议政人才。
(5) 专业化妇女核心任务,系统培训百人专业辅导志工,在总部及全国各州设立“妇女儿童援助局”,定期为弱势的妇女与儿童提供专业辅导与协助,并通过服务与专题研讨,收集改善政府相关领域的意见与资料,向政府倡议改革。
Wanita MCA di bawah pucuk pimpinan baru akan menjajarkan semula kedudukan dan transform melalui tujuh objektif dan lima rancangan seperti berikut:
1. Meluaskan horizon perkara-perkara yang kami ambil berat demi menjadi pemimpin untuk semua rakyat;
2. Memainkan peranan yang aktif dan utama dalam penentuan dasar kerajaan dan menggalakkan keprofesionalan dalam politik;
3. Memperkembangkan organisasi dan mengintegrasikan rangkaian kami dari seluruh segi;
4. Mewujudkan suasana yang ramah untuk menarik beliawanis menyertai politik serta memberi peluang untuk melatih dan memperkembangkan diri ;
5. Memperkukuhkan lagi serta memprofesionalkan misi teras kaum wanita;
6. Berintegrasi dengan komuniti dan menjadi organisasi yang berorientasikan rakyat ;
7. Menggalakkan budaya politik yang sihat
(Sila merujuk kepada isi kandungan yang ternyata dalam risalah kempen pilihanraya Ketua Wanita MCA)
1. Penubuhan Biro Strategik Politik untuk menuju ke arah keprofesionalan dalam bidang politik serta pengambilan peranan yang aktif dan responsif dalam isu-isu Negara dan dasar Kerajaan: Wanita MCA akan terus bergerak maju serentak dengan zaman, membincangkan isu-isu dan perkembangan terkini negara ini dengan mengambil tindakbalas yang cepat dan tepat pada masanya. Selain itu, Wanita MCA akan memainkan peranan aktif dan utama dalam penggubalan undang-undang dan pelaksanaan dasar Negara bahkan mengenal pasti topik yang sesuai untuk reformasi. Untuk mencapai matlamat ini, Biro Strategik Politik akan menubuhkan satu kumpulan Pemikir (Think-tank) dan bekerja erat dengan Biro Informasi & Komunikasi dan Biro Undang-undang untuk memastikan ia mencapai tahap “ungul, tepat dan cekap” yang diperlukan dalam pelaksaaan kerja politik yang profesional.
2. Penciptaan peluang perniagaan untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi: menubuhkan Biro Ekonomi untuk memperkembangkan fungsi Pusat Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat MPTC kepada Pusat Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat & Perkembangan Ekonomi. Dengan adanya 3 aspek utama iaitu (1) latihan vokasional untuk wanita, (2) penyelidikan terhadap peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan, dan (3) khidmat kaunseling untuk wanita yang berhasrat menceburi dalam bidang keusahawanan, Wanita MCA akan dapat membimbing dan membantu kaum wanita dalam usaha meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan mendirikan perniagaan sendiri.
3. Pengambilan dan pemeliharaan kaum belia: Penyertaan kaum belia dalam politik harus diberi pengitktirafan dan penghargaan yang sewajarnya agar dapat mewujudkan suasana yang ramah dan sesuai bagi mereka melibatkan diri dalam bidang politik: -
(i) Merapatkan jurang umur di kalangan ahli Beliawanis dan mengkategorikan semua anggota wanita MCA di bawah umur 35 tahun sebagai ahli Beliawanis.
(ii) Selain daripada beberapa ahli Beliawanis yang telah dipilih secara rasmi sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat, enam orang pemimpin Beliawanis dari beberapa negeri akan dilantik sebagai Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat secara undangan, mereka ialah Sdri Rachel Ten dan Sdri Connie Liew dari negeri Selangor, Sdri Nicole Wong dan Sdri Jessica Lai dari Wilayah Persekutuan, Sdri Tee Choon Ser dari Pulau Pinang dan Sdri Kathleen Wong dari negeri Perak. Mereka akan diundang untuk menghadiri semua mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pusat dan mereka yang sesuai akan dilantik secara rasmi sebagai anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat pada masa akan datang.
(iii)Pembentukan satu Jawatankuasa Kecil yang diketuai oleh Setiausaha Agung Sdri YB Senator Heng Seai Kie dan ketua Biro Beliawanis Sdri Tee Hooi Leng dan dianggotai enam ahli Undangan Jawatankuasa Pusat supaya menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa bersama dengan Pemuda MCA untuk membincangkan rancangan pengambilan kaum belia menyertai parti MCA.
4. Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Politik untuk anggota parti berdasarkan kebolehan dan kesesuaian: menubuhkan Biro Pendidikan Politik untuk berusaha dan bekerjasama dengan Sekolah Parti dalam menyediakan pendidikan politik secara sistematik kepada semua lapisan anggota parti. Selain itu, akan merekrut dan mengambil ahli wanita yang berbakat dalam pidato dan menulis untuk menjalankan latihan demi melatih dan meningkatkan penglibatan ahli wanita dalam hal ehwal politik.
5. Penubuhan Biro Bantuan Wanita & Kanak-kanak di setiap negeri - Perlaksanaan tugas teras wanita secara professional dengan memberi latihan kepada ratusan para-kaunselor sukarela yang sedia ada secara sistematik. Wanita MCA akan menubuhkan Biro Bantuan Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak di pusat Wanita MCA dan di semua negeri. Biro ini bersedia memberi khidmat nasihat dan bantuan kepada kaum wanita dan kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib. Selain itu, ia juga akan mengumpul maklumat dan data yang berkenaan melalui perkhidmatan yang diberi serta seminar yang dianjurkan demi mengemukakan cadangan dan maklumat kepada pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan supaya dapat memperbaiki dan meminda dasar atau rancangan berhubungan dengan wanita dan kanak-kanak.
Biro-biro lain akan meneruskan dan memainkan peranan masing-masing, pelan tindakan yang lebih perinci dan konkrit akan ditentukan selepas Mesyuarat Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat ke-2 dan Brainstorming yang akan diadakan.
1. Meluaskan horizon perkara-perkara yang kami ambil berat demi menjadi pemimpin untuk semua rakyat;
2. Memainkan peranan yang aktif dan utama dalam penentuan dasar kerajaan dan menggalakkan keprofesionalan dalam politik;
3. Memperkembangkan organisasi dan mengintegrasikan rangkaian kami dari seluruh segi;
4. Mewujudkan suasana yang ramah untuk menarik beliawanis menyertai politik serta memberi peluang untuk melatih dan memperkembangkan diri ;
5. Memperkukuhkan lagi serta memprofesionalkan misi teras kaum wanita;
6. Berintegrasi dengan komuniti dan menjadi organisasi yang berorientasikan rakyat ;
7. Menggalakkan budaya politik yang sihat
(Sila merujuk kepada isi kandungan yang ternyata dalam risalah kempen pilihanraya Ketua Wanita MCA)
1. Penubuhan Biro Strategik Politik untuk menuju ke arah keprofesionalan dalam bidang politik serta pengambilan peranan yang aktif dan responsif dalam isu-isu Negara dan dasar Kerajaan: Wanita MCA akan terus bergerak maju serentak dengan zaman, membincangkan isu-isu dan perkembangan terkini negara ini dengan mengambil tindakbalas yang cepat dan tepat pada masanya. Selain itu, Wanita MCA akan memainkan peranan aktif dan utama dalam penggubalan undang-undang dan pelaksanaan dasar Negara bahkan mengenal pasti topik yang sesuai untuk reformasi. Untuk mencapai matlamat ini, Biro Strategik Politik akan menubuhkan satu kumpulan Pemikir (Think-tank) dan bekerja erat dengan Biro Informasi & Komunikasi dan Biro Undang-undang untuk memastikan ia mencapai tahap “ungul, tepat dan cekap” yang diperlukan dalam pelaksaaan kerja politik yang profesional.
2. Penciptaan peluang perniagaan untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi: menubuhkan Biro Ekonomi untuk memperkembangkan fungsi Pusat Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat MPTC kepada Pusat Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat & Perkembangan Ekonomi. Dengan adanya 3 aspek utama iaitu (1) latihan vokasional untuk wanita, (2) penyelidikan terhadap peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan, dan (3) khidmat kaunseling untuk wanita yang berhasrat menceburi dalam bidang keusahawanan, Wanita MCA akan dapat membimbing dan membantu kaum wanita dalam usaha meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan mendirikan perniagaan sendiri.
3. Pengambilan dan pemeliharaan kaum belia: Penyertaan kaum belia dalam politik harus diberi pengitktirafan dan penghargaan yang sewajarnya agar dapat mewujudkan suasana yang ramah dan sesuai bagi mereka melibatkan diri dalam bidang politik: -
(i) Merapatkan jurang umur di kalangan ahli Beliawanis dan mengkategorikan semua anggota wanita MCA di bawah umur 35 tahun sebagai ahli Beliawanis.
(ii) Selain daripada beberapa ahli Beliawanis yang telah dipilih secara rasmi sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat, enam orang pemimpin Beliawanis dari beberapa negeri akan dilantik sebagai Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat secara undangan, mereka ialah Sdri Rachel Ten dan Sdri Connie Liew dari negeri Selangor, Sdri Nicole Wong dan Sdri Jessica Lai dari Wilayah Persekutuan, Sdri Tee Choon Ser dari Pulau Pinang dan Sdri Kathleen Wong dari negeri Perak. Mereka akan diundang untuk menghadiri semua mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pusat dan mereka yang sesuai akan dilantik secara rasmi sebagai anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat pada masa akan datang.
(iii)Pembentukan satu Jawatankuasa Kecil yang diketuai oleh Setiausaha Agung Sdri YB Senator Heng Seai Kie dan ketua Biro Beliawanis Sdri Tee Hooi Leng dan dianggotai enam ahli Undangan Jawatankuasa Pusat supaya menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa bersama dengan Pemuda MCA untuk membincangkan rancangan pengambilan kaum belia menyertai parti MCA.
4. Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Politik untuk anggota parti berdasarkan kebolehan dan kesesuaian: menubuhkan Biro Pendidikan Politik untuk berusaha dan bekerjasama dengan Sekolah Parti dalam menyediakan pendidikan politik secara sistematik kepada semua lapisan anggota parti. Selain itu, akan merekrut dan mengambil ahli wanita yang berbakat dalam pidato dan menulis untuk menjalankan latihan demi melatih dan meningkatkan penglibatan ahli wanita dalam hal ehwal politik.
5. Penubuhan Biro Bantuan Wanita & Kanak-kanak di setiap negeri - Perlaksanaan tugas teras wanita secara professional dengan memberi latihan kepada ratusan para-kaunselor sukarela yang sedia ada secara sistematik. Wanita MCA akan menubuhkan Biro Bantuan Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak di pusat Wanita MCA dan di semua negeri. Biro ini bersedia memberi khidmat nasihat dan bantuan kepada kaum wanita dan kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib. Selain itu, ia juga akan mengumpul maklumat dan data yang berkenaan melalui perkhidmatan yang diberi serta seminar yang dianjurkan demi mengemukakan cadangan dan maklumat kepada pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan supaya dapat memperbaiki dan meminda dasar atau rancangan berhubungan dengan wanita dan kanak-kanak.
Biro-biro lain akan meneruskan dan memainkan peranan masing-masing, pelan tindakan yang lebih perinci dan konkrit akan ditentukan selepas Mesyuarat Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat ke-2 dan Brainstorming yang akan diadakan.
7 Objectives and 5 Plans of Wanita MCA
Wanita MCA under the new leadership will realign its focus and transform through the below:-
1. Extending the caring horizon and be leaders for the people;
2. Changes guided by policies and political professionalism ;
3. Synergetic and integrated organizational network;
4. Friendly political environment to woo youths;
5. Professionalism in core mission for women;
6. Integration with the community and people-oriented;
7. Cultivating a healthy political culture
(Contents of 7 Objectives - Kindly refer to the Wanita National Chairman Election Campaign Flyer)
1)Formation of the Political Strategic Bureau towards professionalism in politics and adoption of an active and responsive role in national issues and government policy: Wanita MCA must keep abreast with times and provide timely response and provide constructive input and suggestions on the latest developments in the various areas and play an active and leading role in law-making and policy implementation and identify topics for reform. In this respect, the Political Strategy Bureau must have a think tank which comprises talents from the various fields and meets regularly. The bureau should be complemented by a Publicity Bureau and a Legal Bureau to ensure perfection, precision, and promptness as required by professionalism in politics.
2)Creation of business opportunities to financial independence: (a) to set up Economic Bureau and (b) expand and diversify the functions of the MPTC Life Long Learning Centre to Lifelong Learning & Economic Development Centre by providing (i) vocational training; (ii) business opportunities and employment research and (iii) guidance to business startup and sustenance.
3)Recruitment and nurturing of young people: The political participation by young people should be duly recognized and appreciated so as to create a friendly and conducive environment for young women to involve in politics:
(i)By narrowing the age gap among Beliawanis members and categorize all women MCA members below the age of 35 years as Beliawanis members;
(ii)In addition several Beliawanis members who have been formally elected to the Central Committee, six Beliawanis leaders from the various states, including Rachel Ten and Connie Liew from Selangor, Nicole Wong and Jessica Lai from the Federal Territory, Tee Choon Ser from Pahang and Kathleen Wong from Perak will be appointed as Central Committee by invitation and will be allowed to attend meetings of the Central Committee. Those who are suitable will be formally appointed as full members of the Central Committee in due course.
(iii)Formation of a subcommittee headed by Secretary General YB Sdri Senator YB Heng Seai Kie and chairperson of the Beliawanis Bureau Sdri. Tee Hooi Leng and comprises the above six members of the Central Committee by invitation to form a joint committee with MCA Youth to discuss the plan of recruiting young people.
4)Promotion of Political Education for Wanita Members: Formation of a Political Education Bureau to complement the efforts of the Party’s School in providing systematic political and public administration education to all levels of members while recruiting and training women members with excellent public speaking and writing skills to nurture members to be well-versed with political knowledge and government affairs.
5)Professionalization of the core tasks of Wanita MCA by setting up Women and Children Aid Bureau: Setting up Women and Children Aid unit in Head Quarter and various states will be carried out to systematically train hundreds of volunteer counselors. The bureau will regularly provide advice and assistance to underprivileged women and children. It also provides services and organizes talks and seminars to collect information and data on the relevant areas of the government with the view to promoting reforms and improvement.
The other Bureaus will continue to play an active role in promoting their respective functions. The detail and concrete plans will be formalized after the 2nd Wanita Central Committee Meeting and Brainstorming in 1-2 months’ time.
1. Extending the caring horizon and be leaders for the people;
2. Changes guided by policies and political professionalism ;
3. Synergetic and integrated organizational network;
4. Friendly political environment to woo youths;
5. Professionalism in core mission for women;
6. Integration with the community and people-oriented;
7. Cultivating a healthy political culture
(Contents of 7 Objectives - Kindly refer to the Wanita National Chairman Election Campaign Flyer)
1)Formation of the Political Strategic Bureau towards professionalism in politics and adoption of an active and responsive role in national issues and government policy: Wanita MCA must keep abreast with times and provide timely response and provide constructive input and suggestions on the latest developments in the various areas and play an active and leading role in law-making and policy implementation and identify topics for reform. In this respect, the Political Strategy Bureau must have a think tank which comprises talents from the various fields and meets regularly. The bureau should be complemented by a Publicity Bureau and a Legal Bureau to ensure perfection, precision, and promptness as required by professionalism in politics.
2)Creation of business opportunities to financial independence: (a) to set up Economic Bureau and (b) expand and diversify the functions of the MPTC Life Long Learning Centre to Lifelong Learning & Economic Development Centre by providing (i) vocational training; (ii) business opportunities and employment research and (iii) guidance to business startup and sustenance.
3)Recruitment and nurturing of young people: The political participation by young people should be duly recognized and appreciated so as to create a friendly and conducive environment for young women to involve in politics:
(i)By narrowing the age gap among Beliawanis members and categorize all women MCA members below the age of 35 years as Beliawanis members;
(ii)In addition several Beliawanis members who have been formally elected to the Central Committee, six Beliawanis leaders from the various states, including Rachel Ten and Connie Liew from Selangor, Nicole Wong and Jessica Lai from the Federal Territory, Tee Choon Ser from Pahang and Kathleen Wong from Perak will be appointed as Central Committee by invitation and will be allowed to attend meetings of the Central Committee. Those who are suitable will be formally appointed as full members of the Central Committee in due course.
(iii)Formation of a subcommittee headed by Secretary General YB Sdri Senator YB Heng Seai Kie and chairperson of the Beliawanis Bureau Sdri. Tee Hooi Leng and comprises the above six members of the Central Committee by invitation to form a joint committee with MCA Youth to discuss the plan of recruiting young people.
4)Promotion of Political Education for Wanita Members: Formation of a Political Education Bureau to complement the efforts of the Party’s School in providing systematic political and public administration education to all levels of members while recruiting and training women members with excellent public speaking and writing skills to nurture members to be well-versed with political knowledge and government affairs.
5)Professionalization of the core tasks of Wanita MCA by setting up Women and Children Aid Bureau: Setting up Women and Children Aid unit in Head Quarter and various states will be carried out to systematically train hundreds of volunteer counselors. The bureau will regularly provide advice and assistance to underprivileged women and children. It also provides services and organizes talks and seminars to collect information and data on the relevant areas of the government with the view to promoting reforms and improvement.
The other Bureaus will continue to play an active role in promoting their respective functions. The detail and concrete plans will be formalized after the 2nd Wanita Central Committee Meeting and Brainstorming in 1-2 months’ time.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
拨云见日(32)- 越来越火
我呼吁被逮个正着的议员别喊冤,因为你知法犯法、你不懂得避风头、你进错党!这就有如广东谚语所说的:“蕃薯跌入火坑,该wui (烤)?”
我呼吁被逮个正着的议员别喊冤,因为你知法犯法、你不懂得避风头、你进错党!这就有如广东谚语所说的:“蕃薯跌入火坑,该wui (烤)?”
Friday, November 7, 2008
忍不住再继续追问:陈水扁和马英九两位都是曾经担任台北市长后才晋身为总统的人,那他们担任台北市长时的表现又如何呢? 司机的答案是:“两个一样,平平无奇” 我旋即例举了两项马英九在市长任内所落实的计划,他恁了一下,接着是沉默以对.我禁不住以有点愤愤不平的口吻说:“连我这个来自海外的人都说得出,怎么您竟然忘了呢?”,结果他的回答更不屑:“那是他本来就应该做的事,有什么了不起?”哈哈,关键就在--于人民的眼中很多的计划与改革是应该的,是理所当然的!人民对当选者的期望是特高的,在台湾如此,在马来西亚一样.相信在美国亦然!选举成绩赢得越漂亮者,人民的期望越高.胜选狂欢过后迎来的是挑战,前所未有的严峻挑战!
观看电视节目“101高峰会”,台湾法务部长受访时说,有民众看到她时,从远处向她高喊,大意是:“快点把他(陈水扁)抓起来吧!还等什么?”她说,法庭审讯有它的程序,快不得,不能干预!这就是司法公正的可爱之处,所以陈水扁下台后,最近还马不停蹄的到处举办群众大会,继续的对当政者左右开弓,国民党对他无可奈何,民进党也一筹莫展!这就是民主的可爱! 即使大多数的民众都对这样的情况感觉厌恶希望案情越早审结越好,但为了捍卫民主自由,唯有接受.仔细观察,发现台湾的大部份群众已对此采取见惯不怪的态度,反正只要不暴力流血,不动摇到国本,你有你造势,我有我观察,日常作息不受影响,马照跑,舞照跳!马来西亚最近的政坛百态,夺权闹剧,不也有所雷同吗?
忍不住再继续追问:陈水扁和马英九两位都是曾经担任台北市长后才晋身为总统的人,那他们担任台北市长时的表现又如何呢? 司机的答案是:“两个一样,平平无奇” 我旋即例举了两项马英九在市长任内所落实的计划,他恁了一下,接着是沉默以对.我禁不住以有点愤愤不平的口吻说:“连我这个来自海外的人都说得出,怎么您竟然忘了呢?”,结果他的回答更不屑:“那是他本来就应该做的事,有什么了不起?”哈哈,关键就在--于人民的眼中很多的计划与改革是应该的,是理所当然的!人民对当选者的期望是特高的,在台湾如此,在马来西亚一样.相信在美国亦然!选举成绩赢得越漂亮者,人民的期望越高.胜选狂欢过后迎来的是挑战,前所未有的严峻挑战!
观看电视节目“101高峰会”,台湾法务部长受访时说,有民众看到她时,从远处向她高喊,大意是:“快点把他(陈水扁)抓起来吧!还等什么?”她说,法庭审讯有它的程序,快不得,不能干预!这就是司法公正的可爱之处,所以陈水扁下台后,最近还马不停蹄的到处举办群众大会,继续的对当政者左右开弓,国民党对他无可奈何,民进党也一筹莫展!这就是民主的可爱! 即使大多数的民众都对这样的情况感觉厌恶希望案情越早审结越好,但为了捍卫民主自由,唯有接受.仔细观察,发现台湾的大部份群众已对此采取见惯不怪的态度,反正只要不暴力流血,不动摇到国本,你有你造势,我有我观察,日常作息不受影响,马照跑,舞照跳!马来西亚最近的政坛百态,夺权闹剧,不也有所雷同吗?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wanita MCA : Open tenders show the government's initiative to boost the economy
5 November 2008
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
MCA Wanita National Chairman, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, welcomed the suggestion by our Deputy Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak that the government may consider carrying out an open tender policy whereby private and Government Link Companies (GLC) may bid for government projects openly. She lauded the suggestion as "such a move may help to generate more revenues for our country."
The government unveiled an RM7 billion stimulus package to reinforce and stimulate the economy and Mei Fun therefore believes that, "if the suggestions by the Deputy Prime Minister are implemented effectively and successfully, the government will definitely reach its objectives as well as helping to relief the burden of the public at this economically challenging time."
"As mentioned by the Deputy Prime Minister, there are certain conditions and guidelines for open tender projects that must be met by the private sector or any of the GLCs whereby the blueprints of their companies should get prior government approval to obtain any of the government projects."
"MCA has always urged the government to practise open tenders regardless of any field as we need to be more open-minded in facing this era of globalization where competitiveness is embraced above any protection policy practices" said Mei Fun.
She added that, "in short, the government should maintain a macro outlook to rectify the imbalance between bumiputera and non-bumiputera companies in the distribution and awarding of government projects which have occurred. The government should agree that every race in this country should have equal opportunities when bidding for open tenders for government projects."
Finally, Mei Fun re-emphasized that, "the suggestion of open tender policies for government projects has proven the earnestness of our ruling Barisan Nasional government to hear the concerns and interest of the people while adopting measures to overcome the economic recession as a result of the global finance meltdown."
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
MCA Wanita National Chairman, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, welcomed the suggestion by our Deputy Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak that the government may consider carrying out an open tender policy whereby private and Government Link Companies (GLC) may bid for government projects openly. She lauded the suggestion as "such a move may help to generate more revenues for our country."
The government unveiled an RM7 billion stimulus package to reinforce and stimulate the economy and Mei Fun therefore believes that, "if the suggestions by the Deputy Prime Minister are implemented effectively and successfully, the government will definitely reach its objectives as well as helping to relief the burden of the public at this economically challenging time."
"As mentioned by the Deputy Prime Minister, there are certain conditions and guidelines for open tender projects that must be met by the private sector or any of the GLCs whereby the blueprints of their companies should get prior government approval to obtain any of the government projects."
"MCA has always urged the government to practise open tenders regardless of any field as we need to be more open-minded in facing this era of globalization where competitiveness is embraced above any protection policy practices" said Mei Fun.
She added that, "in short, the government should maintain a macro outlook to rectify the imbalance between bumiputera and non-bumiputera companies in the distribution and awarding of government projects which have occurred. The government should agree that every race in this country should have equal opportunities when bidding for open tenders for government projects."
Finally, Mei Fun re-emphasized that, "the suggestion of open tender policies for government projects has proven the earnestness of our ruling Barisan Nasional government to hear the concerns and interest of the people while adopting measures to overcome the economic recession as a result of the global finance meltdown."
Selection of Acting General Manager of Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) should transcend above race
4 November 2008
Press Statement by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Wanita MCA National Chairman, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun expressed her disappointment over Selangor Menteri Besar YAB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's decision to finally bow down to pressure from UMNO and PAS; that is, after Sdri. Low Siew Moi's contract ends, the position of Acting General Manager of Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) will be filled up by a Bumiputra candidate. After Tan Sri Khalid made the announcement that Low's service will end next year, PAS had already recommended 19 candidates to him to fill up her position.
"Khalid should stand firm to his principle to adhere to the criteria of using only 'capability as the main guideline in any selected position regardless of race'. In fact, Pakatan Rakyat always emphasizes a multi-racial approach in governing the country. Thus, there should not be any quotas or limitations on the selection of candidates for any government positions, but rather it should be open to suitable candidates including searching among non-Bumiputra candidates for any government position", Mei Fun reiterated.
"Even though Low had reached the retirement age and her contract had been extended to serve the state government, however there are certain PAS and UMNO leaders who question her capabilities to helm PKNS. Their actions serves only to cover up their racial mindset," she added.
Mei Fun then questioned whether the appointment of any government position should be in accordance with one's capabilities or adhering strictly to a Bumiputera quota.
On another matter, referring to the statement made by Pakatan Rakyat's de facto leader, YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim who expressed that Pakatan Rakyat had agreed to select Malay professionals to fill up the related position, Mei Fun urged Selangor DAP leaders to state their stand over Anwar's statement.
Press Statement by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Wanita MCA National Chairman, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun expressed her disappointment over Selangor Menteri Besar YAB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's decision to finally bow down to pressure from UMNO and PAS; that is, after Sdri. Low Siew Moi's contract ends, the position of Acting General Manager of Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) will be filled up by a Bumiputra candidate. After Tan Sri Khalid made the announcement that Low's service will end next year, PAS had already recommended 19 candidates to him to fill up her position.
"Khalid should stand firm to his principle to adhere to the criteria of using only 'capability as the main guideline in any selected position regardless of race'. In fact, Pakatan Rakyat always emphasizes a multi-racial approach in governing the country. Thus, there should not be any quotas or limitations on the selection of candidates for any government positions, but rather it should be open to suitable candidates including searching among non-Bumiputra candidates for any government position", Mei Fun reiterated.
"Even though Low had reached the retirement age and her contract had been extended to serve the state government, however there are certain PAS and UMNO leaders who question her capabilities to helm PKNS. Their actions serves only to cover up their racial mindset," she added.
Mei Fun then questioned whether the appointment of any government position should be in accordance with one's capabilities or adhering strictly to a Bumiputera quota.
On another matter, referring to the statement made by Pakatan Rakyat's de facto leader, YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim who expressed that Pakatan Rakyat had agreed to select Malay professionals to fill up the related position, Mei Fun urged Selangor DAP leaders to state their stand over Anwar's statement.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
拨云见日(30) - 重要的是:你愿意
今天如果我说,其实国内的绝大多数,包括位于城市资源丰富的国小和国中还依旧使用着拉开数间课室的隔板后形成的传统 ‘礼堂’ 的话,也许您会认为我在找开脱的借口,但您不得不同意这证明了即使未来政府制度化了各源流的兴学办校,除非政府能承担起各校董家教的所有发展要求,否则为华校筹款的日子看来不会终结,然而是不是要缴这第二份的所得税,没有法律约束,主权在你,重要的是你愿意!重要的是无怨无悔!而马华能袖手旁观吗?显然很难!
今天如果我说,其实国内的绝大多数,包括位于城市资源丰富的国小和国中还依旧使用着拉开数间课室的隔板后形成的传统 ‘礼堂’ 的话,也许您会认为我在找开脱的借口,但您不得不同意这证明了即使未来政府制度化了各源流的兴学办校,除非政府能承担起各校董家教的所有发展要求,否则为华校筹款的日子看来不会终结,然而是不是要缴这第二份的所得税,没有法律约束,主权在你,重要的是你愿意!重要的是无怨无悔!而马华能袖手旁观吗?显然很难!
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