Saturday, January 31, 2009
总之,要在下届大选前扭转乾坤,纳吉, 您要有:
Friday, January 30, 2009
Chew brings joy to old folk
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun was at the Seri Setia Old Folk’s Home in Sungai Way recently to hand over ang pows and goodies to the elderly residents in conjunction with the Chinese New Year.
The home’s 62 residents received ang pows totalling RM1,240 sponsored by Magnum Corporation Sdn Bhd.
“It’s noble for people to share the festive joy with the senior citizens especially during this economic downturn,” said Chew.

Time to share: Chew (standing left) and Magnum Corporation central regional manager Chan Chee Fai (standing middle) giving ang pows and bags of goodies to the senior citizens at Seri Setia Old Folk’s Home in Sungai Way, Selangor. Standing on the right is Seri Setia Old Folk’s Home sub-committee level vice-treasurer Hoh Chew Hong.
Magnum and its group of companies will be distributing over RM400,000 worth of ang pows, goodies and cash donations to 143 welfare and charitable homes throughout Malaysia.
A total of 7,800 inmates from old folk’s homes, orphanages and welfare organisations will be receiving the goodies.
Residents of the Seri Setia Old Folk’s Home also received free Chinese medical services by Sau Seng Lam volunteers.
Kuen Lock Association Sungai Way also donated RM1,000 to the Ping Rong-NFK Haemodialysis Centre.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

總會長兼交通部長翁詩傑、總秘書兼上議院副議長拿督王茀明、副總會長兼財财政部副部長拿督江作漢、副總會長兼衛生部長拿督廖中萊、副總會長兼柔州行政議員陳國煌、馬青總團長兼教育部副部長拿督魏家祥、婦女組主席拿汀巴都卡周美芬、總財政丹斯里鄭福成、組織秘書長姚偉豪、副總秘書拿督陸垠佑、副總財政兼沙巴州首席部長署副部長拿督丘克海、副組織秘書長顏豐守 、新聞局主任李偉傑、華團歷史研究促進會主任兼高教部副部長何國忠、政治教育局主任顏炳壽、公共服務及投訴局主任王乃志
Albukhary基金丹斯里賽莫達、前財政部長敦達因、多美集團執行主席丹斯里吳德芳、泛亞集團拿督林曉春、Hirotako控股集團總經理拿督關炳順、CNI集團執行主席拿督高程祖、INS國際控股集團首席執行長拿督葉紹全、英迪控股公司首席執行長陳友信、雙威集團總裁拿督周志堅、雙威集團董事經理拿督陳嘉祿、巴生港務局總經理林添祥、Biosience Capital有限公司主席拿督慕拉李、JV(馬)有限公司執行主席拿督鄧晉華、Duta Land有限公司董事經理拿督葉永松、董事潘程銘、成功集團環保私人有限公司董事經理卓潤德、成功集團基本建設私人有限公司首席執行長羅華泉、Nexbis有限公司主席拿督斯里佐翰楊、Mediharta有限公司執行董事拿督阿林安達、
Green Packet有限公司集團首席執行長潘振祥、RB生物科技有限公司董事經理陳兆俊、亞航董事范利宜、首席執行長阿茲蘭奧斯曼、亞航執行副總裁陳凱霖、檳州港務局主席陳清涼.
Monday, January 19, 2009


Sexist BN reps will be dropped
Friday January 16, 2009
KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional elected representatives, particularly those from Umno, who utter sexist remarks and behave in an unparliamentary manner, will be “sacrificed” in the next general election.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said the party did not want to lose in the next polls.
“I will remind our Whip to issue the reminder to all our representatives,” he said after accepting a memorandum from Wanita MCA at Parliament House yesterday.
Nazri said he would pursue the matter with both the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara Speakers next week.
“I hope that members of the Parliamentary Select Committee will also file a motion to discuss this,” he said.
Wanita Chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said it wanted an amendment to the Parliamentary Standing Orders and other corresponding rules in the state assemblies by including a prohibition against these remarks and behaviour as well as to suspend those uttering such statements without pay.
“MCA MPs and state assemblymen will stand up and object strongly if such sexist remarks were made in the House,” she said.
Among others, the memorandum called for the suspension of between two and six months without pay or allowances for elected members who fail to adhere to the prohibition, with heavier penalties for repeat offenders, and compulsory orientation and gender sensitive courses.
Speakers will also be tasked to issue a stern warning against these remarks and behaviour at the beginning of each session.
The memorandum was supported by 12 NGOs.
The Star On Line : MCA Wanita to expand aid services

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA is planning to expand its women and children’s aid services throughout the country after the programme’s success in Selangor.
“The aid services programme, provided by 16 MCA divisions in Selangor, is effective and now we want to expand it nationwide,” Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said.
She said there were also plans to set up an aid centre to provide training to women, especially single mothers.
The centre would also act “as a bridge” to connect the women to corporate companies that were willing to employ them while offering flexible working hours.
“They have to be able to watch over their children and run the household as well, so it is important that they have flexible hours,” she said.
Chew was speaking to reporters after party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat presented about 200 single-parent families with hampers and other Chinese New Year goodies at Berjaya Times Square here yesterday.
Ong said the caring and sensitive culture of the party in giving out aid to the needy was not enough to alleviate their plight.
“With the help of the MCA and corporate citizens, we need to focus on ways to instil self-confidence in single mothers so that they can be independent,” he said.
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun says there are plans to set up a Women and Children's Aid Centre to provide training to women, especially single mothers. Please view:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
让人百思不得其解的是,难道有人会在众目睽睽之下(三为众,而四名证人固然为众,可以同时见证,因此足称“众目睽睽”) 进行性暴力? 而看着他人被性侵犯而视若无睹,还可以当证人者,这种证人的道德价值何在?公信力何在?按道理,还得一起惩罚,因为目睹而不阻止等于共犯!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Submitted by:Wanita MCA And other women organizations
Contact Details: Wanita MCA, 7th Floor, Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala LumpurTel : 03-2161 8044 Fax: 03-2161 8211
Date: 15 January 2009
This memorandum is submitted by MCA Wanita and other women organisations.
We call for stern actions to be meted out against sexist elected representatives both in the Parliament and the State Assemblies and positive measures to create gender sensitivity amongst legislators to promote respect for women and to uphold gender equality and non-discrimination in the Parliament and State Assemblies.
We share a common vision of upholding the principle of substantive gender equality and non-discrimination on the basis of gender through the promotion of women’s human rights. We note with grave concern that the occurrences of sexist, derogatory and gender-insensitive remarks uttered by elected representatives continue to persist. We are concerned that such high level of tolerance against sexism and gender discrimination in the Parliament and State Assemblies is greatly attributed to the lack of or inadequacy of policies or guidelines governing decorum of elected representatives, whether in their substance (existence of such clause prohibiting any forms of gender discrimination), structures (interpretation and application) and cultural element (beliefs and prejudices perpetuating sexism and gender discrimination in the Parliament and State Assemblies).
We have been monitoring sexist behaviour of elected representatives and in particular the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) comprising women’s rights groups have been monitoring closely the debates in Parliament since the late 1990s. Until now, no Member of Parliament or State Assemblies who made sexist and discriminatory remarks has been punished by the august House.
Firstly, sexist and offensive language used by members of the highest legislative body in the country reflects blatant disrespect to women and disregard for the decorum of the august House. Secondly, the lack of sanctions or rather the absence of some form of punitive measures seemingly condones sexist behaviour of elected members in the Parliament and State Assemblies in particular and in general that sexist remarks towards women are acceptable. This is further compounded by the support by other elected members or state office bearers either in defense (active support) or silence (passive support) towards sexist behavior of elected members which reinforces discrimination against women. Support whether actively or passively by other elected members or society in general contributes to the creation of an enabling condition conducive for discrimination against women resulting in unjust and unfair treatment towards elected women representatives and also women in general.
We would like to remind that Malaysia has made several commitments which uphold the principle of gender equality and non-discrimination on the basis of gender. At the national level, amendment to Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution which prohibits any forms of discrimination against any person on the basis of gender is a clear testament to promoting gender equality locally. At the global front, Malaysia, a signatory to the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) since 1995, has an obligation to uphold principle of gender equality and non-discrimination on the basis of gender.
As such, the sexist and discriminatory remarks made by anyone including legislators of the Parliament and State Assemblies are unconstitutional1 contravening Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution. Given that elected representatives were voted in to represent all sections of society, such sexist behavior of some elected representatives in both the Parliament and State Assemblies in effect undermines the government’s commitment both at the national and international levels in promoting gender equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of gender.
We reiterate numerous calls made by various groups and individuals who are committed towards ending sexism and gender bias and discrimination at all levels, in urging and demanding that the Minister in the Prime Minister department in-charge of Parliamentarian affairs, Upper and Lower House Speakers, all elected representative in both the Parliament and State Assemblies to view sexism and gender discrimination seriously and to take immediate measures to end sexism and gender discrimination in the Parliament and State Assemblies.
We propose that the Parliament and State Assemblies adopt the following measures to address sexist and unparliamentarily behavior of elected representatives:
a) Amend Section 36(6) (b) of Parliamentary Standing Order/ corresponding sections in respective State Assembly Standing Orders
To amend Section 36(6)(b) of the Standing Order of the Parliament and corresponding sections in respective State Assembly Standing Orders to include prohibition of sexist and abusive remarks and/ or behavior to any other member of the House. And failure in adhering to this Order shall result in suspension between two to six months without allowances (or any other order deemed appropriate).4
b) Implement Code of Ethics (for members of Parliament and State Assemblies)
To implement a set of Code of Ethics of the Parliament and State Assemblies which include prohibition of sexist and discriminatory remark/ behavior towards another member of the House. To encourage elected members to adhere by the Code of Ethics in addition to Standing Orders.
c) Heavier Penalty on Repeat Offenders
To impose a heavier penalty on elected representatives who utter sexist remarks and/ or behave in a discriminatory manner on the basis of gender.
Positive Measures to cultivate sensitivity of all elected members in the Parliament and State Assemblies
a) Orientation for all elected representatives
To conduct orientation for all elected representatives including women to familiarize them on Standing Orders and Code of Ethics which are intolerant against sexist remarks and/or behaviors of elected representatives.
b) Compulsory Gender Sensitivity Courses for all elected members in Parliament and State Assemblies
To conduct regular gender awareness training for all elected members to inculcate gender sensitivity on mannerism in the august House, thus refraining from making sexist and derogatory remarks and also to have a gender perspective on bills and laws which they legislate.5
Note: Recently in December 2008, our Parliamentarian representative attended the Inter-parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) meeting in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam and consensus was reached by AIPA members to conduct orientation for their respective Parliamentarian to enhance professional proficiency.
Speakers of the Parliament and State Assemblies to remind elected members to observe decorum and that sexist and derogatory remarks are intolerable and punishable under amended Standing Orders and Code of Ethics which include prohibition sexist and discriminatory remark/ behavior towards another member of the House.
With this memorandum, we hope that the government would look into this matter seriously and have the political will to take necessary action to uphold the principle of gender equality and non-discrimination as enshrined in Article 8 of our Federal Constitution.
备忘录 - 在国会及州议会贯彻两性平等与消除歧视
I. 前言
我们和其它妇女组织,尤其是“性别平等联合行动小组”(Joint Action Group for Gender Equality)自1990年代以来一直紧密监督民选议员在国会涉及性别歧视的辩论。至目前为止,没有任何一位曾发表性别歧视言论的国会或州议会成员,受到议会的对付。
我们必须提醒的是,马来西亚已经为贯彻两性平等及消除性别歧视而做了几项承诺。在国内阶段,联邦宪法第8(2)条文的修改,即禁止针对任何人基于性别的任何形式的歧视,就是一项在本地贯彻两性平等的清楚声明。在国际阶段,马来西亚自1995年开始作为“消除所有形式的女性歧视大会”(Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW)的签署人,我们必须落实两性平等及消除性别歧视的精神。
II. 建议
a) 修改国会议事程序条例(parliamentary standing order)第36(6)(b)节/或相关州议会的议事程序条例
修改国会议事程序条例(parliamentary standing order)第36(6)(b)节/或相关州议会的议事程序条例,加入禁止对其他议员发表性别歧视以及辱骂性言论。违背此条例者,将被处以2至6个月的无薪或停职处分。(或任何其他适当的处分)
b) 重新检讨道德规范条例(Code of Ethics)(国会与州议会)
c) 对重犯或惯犯者施以更重的刑罚
a) 对议员进行议会导航课程
b) 规定国会与州议会的民选议员参加性别敏感课程
c) 在每季会议开始时向议员们发出禁止性别歧视言行的严厉警告
Monday, January 12, 2009
詢及是否女議員不可打扮漂亮,他說,此課題並非只針對黃美美,而是認為女議員應該瞭解議員是為民服務,而不是為了自己。 謝詩堅是昨天出席韓江學院《韓視論壇》開講時,這么指出。
他說,政治人物不需刻意通過模特兒的打扮博出位,她可以穿著端莊,而不是如同模特兒。"做議員就要有所犧牲,如果你要做議員,那又要'扮靚'來做什么,她必須想到已是人民代議士。" ;記者詢及,漂亮沒有準繩,是因個人眼光而異時,他同意漂亮是好,但這雜誌封面讓他第一印象是做議員需要"扮靚"嗎?
馬華婦女組主席拿汀巴杜卡周美芬說,個人從政形象,應由自己定位。 她說,女性政者配合媒體上封面打扮,是有某種原因。
他認為,日后的政黨婦女組應舉辦更多與政治和民生相關活動,減少與華團爭角色,也要重視國際三八婦女節的紀念。 他說,行動黨婦女組成立于1972年,表現以領袖魅力而定,組織體系有待提升,仍很脆弱,在章瑛接任前,幾乎都是由誰的夫人上任。 他指出,馬華婦女組成立于1975年,整體表現有需要加強,令人印象只留在邱比特天空及排舞。 "而民政黨婦女組成立1982年,力圖表現多元種族,但政治活力尚未形成。"
她同意謝詩堅指馬華婦女組對外形的看法,並指對"邱比特的天空"活動又愛又恨。 她說,因為活動辦得好時,人家會特別注意有關活動,忘記她們在其他方面也曾做過的努力。
Welcome to "FROM COLD, WET FISH TO SUSHI !" seminar
DATE : 19 January 2009 (Monday), TIME : 1.00 PM - 5.00 PM
VENUE : Auditorium, 3rd Floor, Wisma MCA, 163, Jalan Ampang, KL
Dr. Ted Johns has been the ABE Examiner for more than 15 years. Dr. Ted recently played a major role in the development of a specialised HRM stream at the Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels, for which he is now the ABE Chief Examiner (HRM). The other major part of Dr. Ted activity concerns his role as Chairman of the Institute of Customer Service. The mission of ICS is to lead customer service performance and professionalism in the service industry. More information about the ICS can be found on the Institute website (
Dr. Ted publications include Perfect Customer Care (Arrow), Perfect Time Management (Century Business), The Sociology of Organizational Change (Pergamon), and Ethical Leadership (written with Stephen Connock). He regularly contributes articles to the ICS journal, Customer First, and to other periodicals, notably People Management, Customer Management, Marketing Insights (Singapore), Employee Relations Review and Management Today. A controversial and provocative Dr. Ted Johns column appears in the online Customer Management Newsletter every fortnight (accessible through website and he also produces a bimonthly feature for Customer Management magazine itself.
We specially invited an expert from UK, Dr. Ted Johns, who is well known for his expertise in the area of customer service, time management, organizational change and ethical leadership. Dr. Ted Johns will share with us business solutions, tools and strategies to survive this economic downturn by illustrating examples to show how these principles work in action as practised by international well known brands, example, the Shangri La group a Malaysian iconic brand. We focus on economic issues, which directly affect the livelihood of many Malaysians. Currently, Malaysia is no exception to the rest of the world in facing the economic uncertainly. Malaysian businesses and individuals will be greatly affected by the economic downturn, therefore it is timely that we organise this case study cum academic seminar to provide effective and actionable world class solutions on how to create added value from your people / employees and your customers to survive this economic downturn.
The seminar will also be a platform to bring together SMEs, academics, professionals, policy makers and students to share their interests, concerns, learning and experience in understanding the nature and conduct of doing business in Malaysia during economic uncertainties.
· Practicable proposals for improving your organisation's reputation, performance and bottom line
· Solutions for securing people commitment and engagement throughout your business
· Realistic routes for achieving world-class service excellence
· Ways for creating a contributor culture across your business, with reduced turnover, increased productivity and a "thinking performer" set of core vales
FULL NAME : _______________________________
I/C NO : _______________________________
TEL : _______________________________
FAX : _______________________________
HANDPHONE : _______________________________
EMAIL : _______________________________
ADDRESS : _______________________________
ORGANISATION : _______________________________
Should you be unable to attend for any reason after registering, please inform us by 17th January 2009. A replacement participant is welcomed.
The organizer reserves the right to alter the content and timing of the programme in the best interest of the seminar and reserves the right to cancel this seminar due to unforeseen circumstances.
Walk in participants are welcomed upon availability of seats.
TO REGISTER - Send / fax this entire form (or a photocopy) to:
7th Floor, Wisma MCA, 163, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fax: 03-2161 8211
Ms. Tee Hooi Ling (Beliawanis Wanita MCA Chairperson) Hp: 012-298 8533
Ms. Jessica Lai (Seminar Organising Chairperson)Hp: 012-203 9028
Email :,
Website :
Saturday, January 10, 2009

套一句海南人的话和女导游们共勉:“不用怕.怕就不来番”, 您们今天的争取不是只为您们的同业,也将为许许多多遭受不平对待的女性奠定争取的基础,也是一项教育群众正视女性权益的奋斗,马华妇女组将与您风雨同路,一起克服,直到迎接胜利!
周美芬 9/1/09
Friday, January 9, 2009
Mei Fun: Wanita MCA will be vocal on national issues apart from women’s issues
Mei Fun: Wanita MCA will be vocal on national issues apart from women’s issues
On 4 Nov 08, The Guardian managed to catch up with the newly elected Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun for a short interview where she shared her views and plans on rebuilding, transforming and bringing new ideas to rejuvenate the women’s wing in MCA and parent body as a whole.
Perception on Wanita MCA
Mei Fun started it off by sharing that, “it has been too long that the public and even members in the party have the misconception that Wanita MCA only emphasizes women’s issues. Even the wing’s leaders have also fallen into the trap thinking that Wanita MCA should only focus on issues related to women only.”
She reiterated that, “the public should not forget that Wanita MCA started off as a political body and has always been one.” However, Mei Fun expressed that the special characteristics associated with the wing such as addressing social issues in terms of assisting the needy, disabled and single mothers should not be forgotten.
“It is such characteristics that made Wanita MCA special and which has empower it to continue to work harder to improve the quality of living of women and the disabled in the country. In addition, the wing has never stopped short in its effort to address and resolve issues related with politics, economy, education and culture.”
Rectifying the perception that Wanita MCA is an ageing wing of MCA
Mei Fun urges Wanita members not to be bogged down with the traditional mindset that their responsibilities lie only in voicing out the rights and interest of women. “The wing members should first change their mindsets and recognize their roles as a Malaysian first in addressing issues in a multi-racial approach and not repeating what they had done in the past i.e. looking at issues from the view as a Chinese-based party only.”
She said that it was time for MCA to be seen as a Malaysian political party emphasizing on a more multi-racial approach in addressing issues concerning the interest of all Malaysians. She added that with the change in paradigm mindset, the party could transcend from a Chinese-based political party to a multi-racial Malaysian political party.
“We should not forget our main role i.e. highlighting and addressing issues concerning all Malaysians regardless of race in a more holistic manner,” reiterated Mei Fun.
Mei Fun expressed that, “Wanita MCA should also give fair attention in addressing issues concerning human rights, economy, press freedoms and independence of the judiciary because what Malaysians want to see now is MCA being more vocal and able to voice out the views of the people regardless of race without fear or favour.”
Plans to transform Wanita MCA
Firstly, Mei Fun expressed that she would like to propose to MCA Youth on the need to set up a “Wanita-Youth Joint Working Committee” to sit down and discuss measures to attract interested youths to join MCA Youth and Wanita MCA. She added that the working committee could come out with creative and innovative ideas in designing activities that cater to the interest and needs of the youths today. To prove her point, Mei Fun expressed that she has appointed six Beliawanis leaders from various states as Central Committee (CC) members by invitation and later those who are capable will be appointed as full CC members in due course.
Secondly, she proposed to train a group of young women speakers and writers who are able to articulate their views well on any issues and party stand to the grassroots. Mei Fun acknowledged that, “currently, the wing is facing a drain in quality speakers and writers, who could debate, articulate, write and present their views well to the public as well as members.” Mei Fun stressed that, “only by producing a group of quality women speakers and writers, the wing could make their voices heard and churn out constructive views and stands to address various issues concerning all Malaysians as a whole.”
Thirdly, in creating business opportunities and empowering women with financial independence, Mei Fun proposed to expand and diversify the functions of the MPTC Lifelong Learning Centre to Lifelong Learning & Economic Development Centre by providing vocational training, business opportunities, employment research and also guidance on business startups.
Fourthly, Mei Fun proposed to set up a Political Strategic Bureau which will be tasked in providing timely response and provide constructive inputs and suggestions on various issues concerning the public. The Bureau will also be entrusted to play an active and leading role in law-making and policy implementation while identifying areas for reform and improvement. To achieve its objectives, the Bureau will recruit talents from the various fields and to meet regularly to adopt an active and responsive role in national issues and government policies.
Lastly, Mei Fun said that, “it is very crucial to differentiate the roles to be played by the party at the branch, division and national level especially in Pakatan Rakyat states of Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Perlis and Kelantan. Only through differentiation of roles that their roles would not overlap and be seen doing similar things to achieve similar objectives which is a waste of party funds and also human resources.”
The road ahead
After MCA suffered its heaviest setback at the March 8 General Elections, Mei Fun expressed that the party must now move on with concrete measures to rebuild and rejuvenate the party. She added that the party could not afford to be complacent where it will risk being wiped out altogether in the next General Elections. Mei Fun reiterated that, “all quarters have a role to play in strengthening and rebuilding the party in this time of hardship.” She urged all party members to stand united and move forward as one in facing the challenges of the new political landscape in the country. On a last note, she calls upon all members “to move forward with courage and with the belief that with hard work and never-say-die attitude, the party could ride out of the current political challenges and restore the people’s trust and confidence in MCA again.”
Nod from ministry enables female tourist guides to renew licences independently
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Women Tourist Guides Association (MWTGA) has received the Tourism Ministry’s green light to become an autonomous body after its application to be affiliated with a national tourism body was rejected.
The independent status, obtained last month, enables the 110 members of the association to renew their licences without having to fulfil the ministry’s previous requirement of being the Malaysia Tour Guide Council affiliate.
At a joint press conference with the association, Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said that although the matter of renewing their licence had been resolved, rejecting the application for affiliation was unreasonable and unconstitutional.
She said the application was rejected because affiliations were to be granted only to a geographical region such as state or the federal territory and the fact that the council did not want to promote or encourage an element of “gender segregation”.
“The grounds provided by the council are discriminatory on the basis of gender and unconstitutional, contravening Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution which prohibits any form of discrimination on the basis of gender,” said Chew at Wisma MCA yesterday.
MWTGA president Erina Loo said the association wanted a healthy and safe working environment for female tourist guides.
“It (room-sharing) has always been a major problem for us. When we request for separate rooms, we are usually sidelined when assignments are given,” she said, demanding an apology from the council for rejecting their application.
When contacted, council president Jimmy Leong said the rejection was based on the council’s constitution that there could be no two national bodies of the same type at the same time.
“As a professional organisation, we cannot have gender segregation in the council. For example, we don’t have two separate Bar Councils for female and male lawyers, do we? It’s just not possible,” he said, refusing to apologise.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
捍卫女导游权利, 为女导游提供一个安全和有保障的工作环境

捍卫女导游权利, 为女导游提供一个安全和有保障的工作环境
1. “根据马来西亚导游委员会的章程5.1.1.1,会员地位的申请只有在有关地区如州或直辖区内还没有任何该地区的马来西亚导游委员会属下会员的情形下获得考虑“
2. “由于马来西亚导游委员会是一个专业而非实行性别区分的“社会”组织,因此马来西亚导游委员会作为导游专业的母会不提倡或鼓励“性别隔离”。
(i) 旅游业者严格遵守旅游部针对女导游被逼男女同房事件所发出的警告通函规定。
(ii) 酒店业者根据性别为不同性别的旅游工作者提供各别住宿(效法其他国家如越南、中国、柬埔寨、泰国、印尼和日本的做法)
7th Jan 2009

Malaysian Women Tourist Guides Association (MWTGA)
Create Safe and Enabling Work Environment for Women Tourist Guides
Wanita MCA and MWTGA are gravely disappointed with the Malaysia Tour Guide Council (MTGC) for rejecting MWTGA’s application for an affiliation on the grounds of gender. MWTGA persistently attempted to affiliate with MTGC in an effort to fulfil one of the criteria required by the Ministry of Tourism for renewal of license. However, the restrictions set by the MTGC as requirement for affiliation resulted in the halting of renewal of license by members of MWTGA.
Fortunately with the support from the Ministry of Tourism under the leadership of Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman, an official letter was issued by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism confirming the independent status of MWTGA which enables members of MWTGA to renew their license without having to fulfil the requirement of being an affiliate with the MTGC. Thus, this formal recognition of MWTGA by the Ministry of Tourism provides an immediate resolution to the issue of renewal of license for members of MWTGA.
Although the issue of renewal of license is resolved with the recognition of MWTGA as an autonomous body by the Ministry of Tourism, however, we would like to stress that MTGC’s rejection of MWTGA’s application for affiliation with MTGC is unreasonable and unconstitutional. As such, we would like to highlight parts of a letter dated 1 July 2008 received by MWTGA on 17 September 2008 from MTGC rejecting MWTGA’s application for an affiliation which are expressly gender discriminatory:
(1) “that Clause of the MTGC constitution, consideration for such affiliation can be granted only to a geographical region such as State or Federal Territory without a tourist guide association currently affiliated to the council.”
(2) “rejection of ‘gender segregation’ that MTGC as a umbrella body for the tourist guiding profession do not promote or encourage the element of “gender segregation” as MTGC is a ‘profession-based’ organisation and not otherwise as a ‘social’ body with the practice of isolating a single gender into a group.”
Given that the above grounds provided by MTGC in response to MWTGA’s application for an affiliation are expressly discriminatory on the basis of gender and unconstitutional contravening Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution which prohibits any form of discrimination on the basis of gender, we seek an official apology from the MTGC for having caused duress to MWTGA members.
We would also like to take this opportunity to highlight to the general public that no one should be discriminated on the grounds of gender as stipulated under Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution.
Room Sharing between Genders
It is commendable that the Ministry of Tourism issued a circular early last year which served as a warning to all licensed tour agents to address the issue of room-sharing between genders. However, it appears that the circular was ineffective. In fact, subsequent to the circular, women tourist guides were compelled to sign formal documents consenting to share room with male colleagues and failing which, they risk losing assignments.
Wanita MCA and MWTGA are pleased with the receptiveness of the Ministry of Tourism in agreeing to find alternative solution to this issue of room-sharing between genders. The Secretary General has agreed to call for a meeting with all tour operators to resolve this issue effectively and amicably.
In tandem with Malaysia’s commitment both at the global and local front as signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the amendment of Article 8(2) respectively which prohibit discrimination based on gender, Wanita MCA and MWTGA strongly urge all relevant parties to take positive measures such as the following to provide an enabling environment for women, in this particular case, women tourist guides:
(i) Tour/ Travel agency to strictly adhere to the circular issued by the Ministry of Tourism on the issue of room-sharing between genders
(ii) Hoteliers to provide separate dormitories according to gender (as practised in other countries such as Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia and Japan)
Finally, Wanita MCA and MWTGA urge all women tourist guides to join MWTGA as a united front to represent rights and interests of women tourist guides. Let us all work together, as Wanita MCA and MWTGA will continue to advocate for a safe, conducive and friendly working environment for all women tourist guides through resolving the issue of room-sharing between genders.
7th Jan 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009

~ 为贫困单亲家庭及马华妇女组儿童援助计划筹募基金
宗旨 :
· 马华妇女组
· 马华志工团
· 多元互助走廊
· 余仁生
· 时代广场
无论是单身母亲、父亲、祖父、祖母 或兄、姐,只要是家庭的唯一经济支柱,同时家庭收入符合以下情况:
收入RM1200或低于RM1200, 而必须照顾1名或以上孩子
收入RM1500或低于RM1500, 而必须照顾2名或以上孩子
收入RM1800或低于RM1800, 而必须照顾3名或以上孩子
收入RM2000或低于RM2000, 而必须照顾4名或以上孩子
为奖励单亲家长努力推销,为家庭过一个丰盛新年而努力,凡成功推销RM2000 礼篮以上者就有机会参与最佳销售奖的比赛,销售成绩最好的除了佣金之外还可领取现金奖:
第一名 RM888
第二名 RM688
第三名 RM388
我们希望有意愿参与这项计划捐赠红包给100个受惠家庭的人士与公众联络马华妇女组03-21618044, 如反应热烈,我们将要颁发红包与礼篮给更多需要协助的单亲家庭。
TheStarOnLine: Sunday January 4, 2009
MCA relief squad helping single parents earn more
KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA’s Crisis Relief Squad is helping 100 single-parent families to increase their incomes by selling health products.
“This is to help low-income single parents become more self-dependent,” said Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.
Yesterday, Chew launched a project with healthcare product distributor Eu Yan Sang to hand out hampers to single parents.
The project was open to single parents whose income was below RM1,200 (with one child), below RM1,500 (two children) and below RM1,800 (three children).
“If they achieve RM2,000 or more in sales, they will be given a best-seller award,” Chew said.
The top award comes with a RM888 prize while the second and third place winners will receive RM688 and RM388 respectively.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
308大选,兴权会成功唤起了人民对印度人长期受压迫的愤慨,这种愤慨的情绪甚至也深深地掀动了其他非土著的神经线,甚而汇成了同仇敌忾的一股大怨气!大选后,大家都对民联以民为本,不分种族的政治满怀憧憬,甚至希望民联变天成功- 即使变天的手段是不合法统的也在所不惜!
● 为什么号称多元种族政党的公正党在委任所有州主席时,都只清一色委任了马来人?
● 为什么能力备受承认的拿汀巴杜卡刘秀梅就是不能担任雪州发展局的总经理?为什么只能委任马来人?
● 为什么公正党党内的印裔党员在大选后不足一年的时间里就开始怒吼民联政府没有正视印裔社群的问题?
● 为什么95%印裔的村却委任了一位印裔村长?印裔没有符合资格的人选还是担心印裔无法不分种族的照顾各族利益?
周美芬 2/1/09
Friday, January 2, 2009
theStar: Mei Fun quits Pempena post

PETALING JAYA: Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun has resigned as executive chairman of Pempena Sdn Bhd.
“I have completed the first phase of organisational restructuring,” she wrote in her blog Chew Mei Fun ( at 11.30am yesterday.
The second phase would require a longer period, Chew said, and noted that her positions in MCA and Pempena required both time and dedication.
“With my appointment as MCA Wanita Chief two months ago, I have discovered that both MCA Wanita and Pempena require my dedicated time,” she said, adding that she also needed to devote time to rebuilding the party.
She thanked Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, the company’s board and staff for their support and assistance when she was with Pempena.
Chew was appointed executive director of Pempena on May 2 last year and executive chairman on Oct 1.
Azalina said in Parliament on Nov 3 that Pempena had been involved in dubious deals and had made bad decisions on investments.
The ministry appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers to audit Pempena and found that only a few of its 24 companies had showed profits. The audit firm has since wrapped up its report.