Tuesday, April 28, 2009
她说,由于卫生部的疾病控制组(Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit)已经启动特别行动室,以监督猪流感的情况,民众若有任何疑问,应拨电03-8881 0200或03-8881 0300以询问相关资讯。
CRSM chief Chew Mei Fun offers advice on preventing swine flu
Chief of Crisis Relief Squad of MCA (CRSM) Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun today expressed that in view of the global spread of swine flu in many countries, she urged the public to be extra vigilant and careful while taking necessary precautions to overcome the disease.
“Through various channels, the public should equip themselves with sufficient knowledge on swine flu including going to the Health Ministry’s website to obtain important information on the disease. For example, knowing the symptoms of the flu, how it spreads and steps to be taken to prevent being infected with the disease,” emphasized Mei Fun.
She added that besides being extra vigilant, the public should also disseminate information on aspects to their relatives and friends like clean hygiene to deter swine flu to enable them to take care of each other during this period.
“CRSM will mobilize the state and division CRSM within the week to play an important role in disseminating necessary information to the public and assisting the Health Ministry in creating awareness in the community,” Mei Fun said.
She stressed that during this period, “the public should be mindful of a few things which includes avoid from getting too close to patients with health symptoms related to respiratory problems. Next, the public should avoid from getting in touch with swines and they should also stay away crowded areas. When sneezing or coughing, they are advised to use a tissue to cover their nose and mouth to prevent the virus from spreading and infecting others. The public is also advised to always wash their hand with soap.”
For more detailed preventive measures to contain the disease, the public is encouraged to browse the Health Ministry’s website to get more detailed information. Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit from the Health Ministry has set up their operation room to monitor the swine flu. For further information, please call 03-8881 0200 or 03-8881 0300.
Wanita MCA disagrees and condemns statement by Mahfuz
By the National Chairman of Wanita MCA in response to the statement made by YB Mahfuz Omar criticising the Cabinet decision on minor children’s religion should one spouse convert
Wanita MCA disagrees and condemns the statement by PAS Information Chief, YB Mahfuz Omar who is also the Member of Parliament for Pokok Sena over his criticisms against the Cabinet decision which announced that minor children will follow the faith which the parents had agreed upon at the time of marriage. (Harakah, 27-30 April pN2).
Mahfuz had also erroneously accused the Barisan Nasional government of “becoming rougher against the rakyat to the level of confiscating the rights of parents towards their children. (“Barisan Nasional (BN) semakin kasar terhadap rakyat sehingga ke peringkat merampas hak ibu bapa ke atas anak-anak mereka [HarakahDaily.Net, 27 April 2009].)
Wanita MCA strongly views that the announcement by the Prime Minister’s administration serves to counteract some quarters’ attempt at evading their family responsibility through the justification of conversion to Islam. Such irresponsible practices should not be condoned. Thus, we believe that this announcement is a pertinent step forward towards preserving harmony, respecting the rights of non-Muslims and the jurisdiction of the civil court in a plural society with diversities such as faith and ethnicity.
We stand by decision of the Cabinet under the new leadership of Dato’ Sri Najib Razak on this long-standing inter-faith conflict arising from conversion of one spouse to Islam and subsequently converting their children to Islam without the consent of the other non-converting spouse. Further, we support the statement by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz that there is “implied and constructive contract between husband and wife that their children should be brought up in accordance to the common religion at the time of marriage” (“Malaysia bars conversion of children by 1 parent”, Associated Press, 23 April 2009).
This announcement reflects the government’s commitment in recognising equal rights and shared responsibilities of both parents in making decisions which are of paramount interest for their children. Also, this announcement is in tandem with the spirit of amendment to Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 at the end of 1999 which guarantees equal rights of mothers to guardianship.
In addition, we laud the statement by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz’s that “amendments are expected to be made to the law to prevent conflicts from surfacing when one spouse converts” (“Malaysia bars conversion of children by 1 parent”, Associated Press, 23 April 2009).
We truly believe that the government’s decision is sensible and sensitive in resolving amicably the issue of conversion of children to Islam by one parent.
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Wanita MCA National Chairman
Monday, April 27, 2009
林明防災方式 周美芬:仍待改進

Saturday, April 25, 2009
首相的第一项经济改革是政府经济政策迈向自由开放的第一步,提供了市场自由竞争的环境,不但在吸引外资方面营造了友善的环境,也促使业者在面对竞争下不得不致力于提升各自的竞争力,从长远角度看,将为国家经济的长足发展制造推动力,更重要的是这项政策也挽回来了许多土著精英的尊严 ,让他们有机会证明他们是可以在没有保护扇的情况下和他族同步竞争,而不再因此感觉低人一等!
Friday, April 24, 2009


Family support centre to back community-based programmes
GEORGE TOWN: The National Population and Family Development Board is concentrating more on community-based programmes by setting up the first ever Family Support Centre in Selayang, Selangor.
Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said the centre, a joint effort by the Government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), should be up and running by June.
“This will be the first centre of its kind providing services and assistance to people and families at risk. These include those with family or parenting problems, victims of domestic violence or families who have members involved with drugs.
“The counselling, therapy and mediation will be provided by NGOs who can provide professional skills,” she said after launching the Resilient Families Discourse: Research and Evidence-based Interventions at a hotel in Batu Feringghi here yesterday.
Chew added that Yayasan Salam Malaysia and the Malaysian Psychological Association had already pledged their services to the upcoming centre.
“We welcome and urge other NGOs to register with us and get involved, especially those who speak Tamil and Chinese dialects. As it is a community-based programme, we hope to get volunteers as well.”
She added domestic violence was on the rise, mainly because of financial constraints brought about by the economic downturn.
The board’s director-general, Datuk Aminah Abdul Rahman, said Selayang had been chosen as police had identified it as a hotspot.
“We are in the process of renovating a building to be turned into the centre which will also provide refuge and shelter for families and individuals at risk.
“The running of the centre will be completely given over to NGOs with the board maintaning a skeleton staff to assist,” said Aminah who was overseeing the two-day forum.
The Resilient Family Discourse was jointly organised by LPPKN and the Doha International Institute of Family Studies and Development.
Some 50 participants from eight countries are taking part in the forum.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
与周美芬文告内容100%雷同 杨顺兴被指抄袭
“杨顺兴是州议员兼市议员,也是行动党槟州社青团团长,近期更传为出任槟岛市议会主席的热门人选之一,是否因此没有时间做功课?” 出席记者会者包括马华公共服务与投诉局主任陈德钦、妇女组主席陈清凉、秘书陈显裕等人。
Monday, April 20, 2009
MCA counsellors to help women

Off to a start: Chew putting up a giant purple ribbon to mark the opening of the Wanita MCA Para-Counsellors Training Course in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. With her are Wanita MCA National Women and Children’s Aid Bureau chief Chew Lee Giok (centre) and Life Line Association volunteer group leader Leow Han Ping (right).
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA has started training its members to be para-counsellors in an effort to reach out to women in the rural areas who are not getting access to counsellors because of the language barrier.
“The Government does provide counselling services, but there are many women in the rural areas who are not fluent in Bahasa Malaysia.
More than 130 women will undergo four sessions of training this year so that they will have the knowledge on how to counsel other women on various issues ranging from emotional to financial cases.
Chew said that a women and children’s aid bureau would be set up in every state.
“If they cannot handle serious cases but know who to refer their clients to, that is good enough,” she said.
She also said that while there were many women groups that also provided counselling, they were mostly based in the city.
One-stop centre to help those keen on starting own business
KUALA LUMPUR: A one-stop centre to help Malaysians and especially women venture into business will be opened by June.
The Women Entrepreneur Development Centre – the brainchild of Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun – will operate from the party headquarters at Wisma MCA here.
Services would range from providing information on the types of businesses, their potential or viability to a step-to-step guide on setting up a business.
“It is something like the A-to-Z on doing business. For those who prefer to be salaried workers, we will provide the training and help them find placements,” Chew said.
The Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister said the centre, which was planned a year ago, would also be open to men and not just to women.
She said she got the idea for the centre after observing the needs of modern society and also learning from the movement’s past experiences.
“Wanita MCA has all along conducted skills-training via its Multi-Purpose Training Centre in Kuala Lumpur,” said Chew, who is the wing’s fourth national chairman after winning the post uncontested last October.
She said emphasis would be on businesses that offered flexible working hours like IT-based businesses and those using the “soho” (small office home office) concept.

周美芬週二(4月14日)晚上出席《Her World》雜志2008年婦女頒獎禮時發表上述談話。
Benefits for the mentally disabled, too
Photo: CFL
The Star News : Sunday April 19, 2009
PETALING JAYA: Mental patients can now enjoy the same welfare benefits as those provided for the disabled people under the Women, Family and Community Develop-ment Ministry.
Deputy Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said this could be done by adding mental patients as recipients of the benefits under the disabled people category.
Previously, the ministry only classified six groups of people under the category, including the blind, mute, deaf and physically disabled.
However, she said mental patients would have to meet the requirements set by the ministry.
She said successful applicants earning RM1,200 and below would get a monthly allowance of RM300 from the Social Welfare Department while those unemployed would get RM150.
She said the smaller sum of allowance was to encourage the disabled people to work and be independent.
She said the ministry felt that mental patients should also be taken care of as, currently, those suffering from minor psychological problems were not accepted by hospitals and left wondering on the streets.
“We also want to ease the burden of families of mental illness patients,’’ she said after launching a telematch for disabled people here yesterday.
The event was organised in conjunction with the “Be An Angel” voluntary programme organised by Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled.
Chew said the ministry would also ensure that new development, especially in public areas, complied with the ruling to have disabled-friendly facilities.
“We want them to feel that they are part of society and face no problems in moving around,’’ she said.
She also said local councils should be responsible in looking into the needs of the disabled.

周美芬(左3)肯定陽光天使對殘障人士的貢獻,因為所有的參賽者在陽光天使的照料下都笑容滿面。 (圖:星洲日報)
陽光天使運動之“以愛化礙”競技活動是由美門殘障關懷基金會主辦;星洲日報和動力天使協辦;馬華、The Summit、富貴集團贊助;和988電台為支持單位。
陽光天使的宗旨為提昇社會對殘障群體的認知及對他們的關懷,並提供系統化的志工訓練及服務安排。 有意成為陽光天使者需先參加為期3天2夜的陽光天使訓練營,和6個月的陽光天使行動。欲知詳情,可聯絡03-78736579,或上網陽光天使網頁http://beautifulgate.my.diip.net/瀏覽。
Strict Enforcement, Room-conversion to Ensure Safe and Enabling Work Environment for Women Tourist Guides
Strict Enforcement (Protective & Efficient Management to Prevent Gender Discrimination), Room-conversion to Ensure Safe and Enabling Work Environment for Women Tourist Guides
Wanita MCA lauds the recent strong message and stern warning by the Minister of Tourism Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen on 14 April 2009 (The Sun Daily; The Star On-line) that errant tour operators or tour agents who compel their female tour guides to share rooms with their male counterparts will have their licenses revoked with effect from 1 June 2009.
Zero-tolerance on room-sharing was reiterated following the meeting chaired by YB Dato’ Sri Dr Ng Yen Yen on 16 April 2009 with the similar announcement made by her on 14 April 2009, the second (2nd) day she reported her duty as the Minister of Tourism.
YB Dato’ Dr Seri Ng Yen Yen’s expressed non-tolerance on any forms of discrimination against women tourist guides consistent with principle of non-discrimination and gender equality as enshrined under Article 8(2) Federal Constitution is also highly commendable. YB Dato’ Sri Dr Ng Yen Yen’s emphasis that the Ministry would not hesitate to revoke licenses if women were penalized and not employed arising from this policy of no room-sharing between genders illustrates her resolute commitment in ensuring a harmonious work environment for all in the tourism industry.
Stern warning and in particular invoking of the power of Minister which is not often used by a Minister may in effect be the light at the end of the tunnel for women tour guides who have been facing the problem of room sharing all these years. Since the Malaysian Women Tourist Guide Association (MWTGA) approached Wanita MCA November last year, we have been actively assisting MWTGA through various ways such as garnering support from the previous and present Minister of Tourism, facilitating meetings with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism and key industry players, drafting of a memorandum highlighting the plight of women tourist guides including documenting of case studies of women tourist guides who were subjected to the risk of harassment and violence.
We welcome the commitment of Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) and Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) in promoting, regulating and getting the support of their fellow members in response to 1) our proposal on room-conversion and 2) a letter which will be issued by the ministry under the instruction of YB Dato’ Sri Dr Ng Yen Yen to consider i) converting a reasonable number of hotel rooms into hostel-like accommodation for hotels planning on renovation or refurbishment and ii) building hostels for employees in the tour-guiding industry in an effort to ensure separate room accommodation according to gender for tour guides and drivers. This good practice of hostel-like accommodation for separate genders is currently an industry norm in other countries such as Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and Japan.
Wanita MCA would like to remind that creating a safe work environment for all including women tourist guides is imperative. Good practices such as conversion of rooms into hostel/dormitory style as practised in other countries would elevate the image of Malaysia’s tourism industry. We would like to once again congratulate the Minister for her prompt action and this only proves that with more women in decision making, gender equality will become a reality!
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
National Chairperson of Wanita MCA
Saturday, April 18, 2009
回顾过去5场补选,其中有两场是因为公正党为了照顾该党的独自利益而制造的,第一场826峇东埔补选是为了圆安华的916首相梦而由其太太让路给他上阵,刚过去的武吉士南卯则是因为在议员疑受指示下“无端失踪” 并辞职后而导致补选。有关议员至今还欠选民与国民一个清楚和可被接受的辞职与失踪理由!现在补选已过,看来该党和该前议员永远不打算向人民交代了!可怜国家在面对经济低迷之际仍然必须为了他花费巨额金钱进行补选!而民选议员为了赢取有关选区而不得不放下照顾自己选区或公务的时间来往奔波助选!人民利益受损,国家发展被拖慢!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Wanita MCA to expand assistance programme
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said the party decided to expand its programme following its success in Selangor.
The programme will begin at the division level outside Selangor, she said at the Selangor MCA Wanita wing’s fourth meeting here on Thursday night.
Chew said a series of training programmes would also be carried out from April to July to train workers involved in the project.
Some 170 workers are expected to take part in the training at Wisma MCA.
She said the Women and Children Aid Unit was established in April 30, 2006, in 16 divisions in Selangor and it had helped many women facing various problems.
The programmes – Apprentice Aesthetic Therapist Certificate and Aesthetician Certificate Course – are a acollaboration between Wanita MCA and Beaubelle Academy of Cosmetologists & Management.
“Successful applicants will also be given a monthly allowance from the Government,” she said.

Plans for MCA National Crisis
KLUANG: The MCA’s National Crisis Relief Squad (CRSM) is looking into the possibility of moving from politics to becoming a full-fledged uniformed body.
CRSM chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said they hoped to turn the squad into a body where the leaders were chosen based on merit instead of being appointed by MCA state and division chiefs.
“Therefore, the leaders will be selected according to their rankings, as what is implemented by other NGOs like the St John Ambulance and Red Crescent Society,” she said.
Chew added that they were studying the possibility of transforming the squad into a professional organisation that was associated with MCA.
“We will ensure that our members carry out their duties without a hidden political agenda,” she said, explaining that the organisation had nothing to do with politics.
She added that it was more difficult for CRSM to reach out to help those in need because the public would always relate the squad with MCA and felt that the assistance was given because the party wanted their votes.
Chew was speaking to reporters after launching an anti- dengue seminar held at SJK(C) Ping Ming in Kluang recently.
She said CRSM would also establish a community disaster reduction system where they would train the leaders on disaster prevention and how to reduce the impact of disasters.
“We will also provide them with post disaster training,” she said, adding that the leaders should also have a wide network within their local community, especially the relevant authorities that could assist the squad in their disaster relief operations.
Chew said that training conducted by the National Science and Technology Centre for Diasater Reduction from Taiwan would be held in Sungai Lembing in Pahang on April 24 to 26.
She explained that Sungai Lembing was chosen as the training location as it was known as a flood prone area.
There are about 500 CRSM members in Johor.
Wanita MCA: Amend & Rename Internal Security Act to be Anti-Terrorism Act
Wanita MCA, led by its chief, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun today extended the wing’s full support to YAB Dato’ Sri Najib bin Tun Razak who assumed office as the sixth Prime Minister yesterday, for his decision to release 13 ISA detainees and to conduct a comprehensive review of the ISA.
Mei Fun reminded that “in view of the threat of national instability and loss of lives committed by terrorists worldwide, the ISA is still relevant. However, it should not be used flagrantly against civil liberties or civilians.”
“In the proposal to amend the ISA, Wanita MCA holds firmly to the principles that it should be enforced only against individuals or groups involved with terrorist or subversive activities. Secondly, in protecting with human rights, before the authorities impose any preventive laws, they must fulfill very stringent conditions to prevent misuse. Moreover, detainees arrested and held under such preventive laws must have the right to judicial review which is presently not provided in the existing ISA.”
“In this regard, Wanita MCA hereby proposes that the Internal Security Act be amended and renamed as Anti Terrorist Act indicating that its functions are strictly only to curb terrorist activities, and that it may not be abused against civilians,” added the Wanita MCA chief.
“As long as government listens to the people, places strong emphasis on democracy and human rights, pumps up the weakening economy where implementation of any public policy which benefits all layers of society and removes all forms of discriminatory barriers, confidence with Barisan Nasional will definitely be assured. BN must never lose sight of the concerns of the rakyat and act according to the wishes of the rakyat.”
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
