Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thanks to Yang Berhormat Dato’ Sri Azalina Dato’ Othman Said for her confidence in me over the last eight months in regards to my appointment as the Executive Director of Pempena on 2nd May 2008 & subsequently as the Executive Chairman with effect from 1st Oct 2008.
From the beginning of my appointment as Executive Director, I have discovered that the company needs a thorough restructuring and revamp. With the support and assistance from YBM, the Board Members and also the senior management of Pempena, the new Management have devoted our time on restructuring and recovery.
To ensure transparency, we have appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Capital Sdn Bhd (PwC) to undertake a business review of Pempena. While the first phase of organization restructuring on Pempena were undertaken, the new Management has undertaken internal review including having series of sessions with each partner in the investee companies.
Based on the PwC business review report and internal review on all the companies, we have made recommendations to the Board of Pempena, and the Board at its meeting on 24 November 2008 decided that Pempena is to retain and enhance its investment in 14 investee companies and to exit from the rest of 10. No new investment shall be made until Pempena is stabilized.
Meanwhile, the Management has also undertaken various cost reduction measures including tightening up the management of procurement process, organization restructuring as approved by the Board including staff reassignment to ensure that the staff employed are productive and that there shall be no replacement upon leaving.
Pempena has also reported to the relevant authorities where there is strong suspicion of wrongdoings. With all the above-mentioned steps taken, the first phase of organization restructuring and revamp has been completed.
During my stewardship in Pempena for the last 8 months, despite facing unfair allegations and various negative publicity, with the support of the company's management, I had patiently strive to resolve problems and find solutions for the company, including making recommendation to the Board and YBM for Pempena way forward.
I deeply understand that the company, in facing future challenges, besides requiring support of resources, also requires a leader that can dedicate his time on this long recovery and consolidation process. Reorganization and the tasks in restructuring current investments, revamping a new corporate culture, rebuilding and re-branding Pempena and ensuring the 70% two years old investee companies generate the projected financial returns are not something that can be achieved and accomplished in a short period.
With my appointment as MCA Wanita Chief since two months ago, I discovered that both MCA Wanita and Pempena require my dedicated time on one hand in organization restructuring and another hand required my devoted time in transforming and rebuilding the party.
Since I have completed the first phase of organization restructuring, before moving into a longer period of second phase of organization revamping, I felt it is time for me to resign from Pempena as Executive Chairman in order to make way for the Management of Tourism Malaysia, the holding company of Pempena to move the company forward.
With much regret, I hereby announce my resignation as the Executive Chairman and Board Member of the company effective from 31st December 2008.
Lastly, I would like to thank YB Dato’ Sri Azalina Dato Othman Said, the Board and the staff of Pempena in giving the support and assistance to me. I hope the company will move forward as soon as possible, and will again excel as the pioneer and catalyst to Tourism industry.
From the beginning of my appointment as Executive Director, I have discovered that the company needs a thorough restructuring and revamp. With the support and assistance from YBM, the Board Members and also the senior management of Pempena, the new Management have devoted our time on restructuring and recovery.
To ensure transparency, we have appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Capital Sdn Bhd (PwC) to undertake a business review of Pempena. While the first phase of organization restructuring on Pempena were undertaken, the new Management has undertaken internal review including having series of sessions with each partner in the investee companies.
Based on the PwC business review report and internal review on all the companies, we have made recommendations to the Board of Pempena, and the Board at its meeting on 24 November 2008 decided that Pempena is to retain and enhance its investment in 14 investee companies and to exit from the rest of 10. No new investment shall be made until Pempena is stabilized.
Meanwhile, the Management has also undertaken various cost reduction measures including tightening up the management of procurement process, organization restructuring as approved by the Board including staff reassignment to ensure that the staff employed are productive and that there shall be no replacement upon leaving.
Pempena has also reported to the relevant authorities where there is strong suspicion of wrongdoings. With all the above-mentioned steps taken, the first phase of organization restructuring and revamp has been completed.
During my stewardship in Pempena for the last 8 months, despite facing unfair allegations and various negative publicity, with the support of the company's management, I had patiently strive to resolve problems and find solutions for the company, including making recommendation to the Board and YBM for Pempena way forward.
I deeply understand that the company, in facing future challenges, besides requiring support of resources, also requires a leader that can dedicate his time on this long recovery and consolidation process. Reorganization and the tasks in restructuring current investments, revamping a new corporate culture, rebuilding and re-branding Pempena and ensuring the 70% two years old investee companies generate the projected financial returns are not something that can be achieved and accomplished in a short period.
With my appointment as MCA Wanita Chief since two months ago, I discovered that both MCA Wanita and Pempena require my dedicated time on one hand in organization restructuring and another hand required my devoted time in transforming and rebuilding the party.
Since I have completed the first phase of organization restructuring, before moving into a longer period of second phase of organization revamping, I felt it is time for me to resign from Pempena as Executive Chairman in order to make way for the Management of Tourism Malaysia, the holding company of Pempena to move the company forward.
With much regret, I hereby announce my resignation as the Executive Chairman and Board Member of the company effective from 31st December 2008.
Lastly, I would like to thank YB Dato’ Sri Azalina Dato Othman Said, the Board and the staff of Pempena in giving the support and assistance to me. I hope the company will move forward as soon as possible, and will again excel as the pioneer and catalyst to Tourism industry.
感谢旅游部长拿督斯里阿查丽娜的信任于2008年5月2日委任本人担任马来西亚旅游发展机构(PEMPENA SDN BHD)执行董事,并于2008年10月1日在获得部长与董事部的信任下擢升为执行主席至今。
为了透明化处理与清楚掌握公司投资所面对的问题,我们一方面委任了信誉卓著的独立稽查公司PricewaterhouseCoopers Capital Sdn Bhd (PwC) 进行了第一阶段的业务审查与检讨,另一方面也约见属下各公司合营伙伴了解与磋商,并展开了公司的内部检讨和第一阶段的重整工作。
为了透明化处理与清楚掌握公司投资所面对的问题,我们一方面委任了信誉卓著的独立稽查公司PricewaterhouseCoopers Capital Sdn Bhd (PwC) 进行了第一阶段的业务审查与检讨,另一方面也约见属下各公司合营伙伴了解与磋商,并展开了公司的内部检讨和第一阶段的重整工作。
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wanita MCA to Hadi Awang: Hudud laws unacceptable irrespective of economic situation
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun over the remarks made by PAS President Dato’ Seri Hadi Awang that the recession delays implementing hudud
Wanita MCA to Hadi Awang: Hudud laws unacceptable irrespective of economic situation
Responding to remarks by PAS President Dato’ Seri Hadi Awang that “the current economic situation could delay its implementation (of hudud laws),” Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun urged Kuala Terengganu voters and Malaysians in general to look at the larger picture. Voicing alarm, Mei Fun highlighted PAS has never wavered from their long term plan to enforce hudud. “Although Hadi Awang claimed that ‘in order for hudud to be implemented, people must have proper education, jobs as well as economic mobility,’ make no mistake that the PAS’s theocratic state is still in their agenda once recession woes have been quelled.”
Mei Fun also queried whether Hadi Awang’s softening position was uttered to score political mileage in view of the Kuala Terengganu by-elections just 3 weeks away. “While PAS Vice Chairman Dato’ Husam Musa is adamant that hudud laws are meant for all Malaysians, Hadi Awang has taken a contradictory stand that hudud laws only apply to Muslims. Is Hadi Awang merely trying to win over voters who fear hudud laws?”
During the 2004 general elections, PAS insisted on imposing hudud laws which included amputating limbs, stoning and whipping for non-Muslims too. Realizing that such hardline practices were rejected by the non-Muslim community, PAS switched their model towards a welfare state which was seemingly gentler and all embracive for the general elections last March 8th. The flinching positions of PAS on hudud laws were then taken to task by the MCA Wanita chief. “Since PAS’ general elections campaign was based on a welfare state, shouldn’t they embark on policies to alleviate the burden of families of retrenched workers rather than blaming the global economic turmoil as a reason to delay executing hudud laws?”
Earlier Husam Musa ignited fears among the non-Muslim community when he reiterated PAS’ promise to amend the Federal Constitution and implement hudud and qisas once the Opposition seized federal office. Mei Fun reminded Pakatan Rakyat that the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land which applies to all Malaysians. “Changing the Federal Constitution to include hudud and qisas elements will inevitably affect the lives of all Malaysians who are bound by the Federal Constitution.”
Meanwhile, Mei Fun pressed PKR de facto leader, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to state his position on the debate. “He is still so silent after so long. This is a very serious matter. What is PKR’s position?”
Wanita MCA to Hadi Awang: Hudud laws unacceptable irrespective of economic situation
Responding to remarks by PAS President Dato’ Seri Hadi Awang that “the current economic situation could delay its implementation (of hudud laws),” Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun urged Kuala Terengganu voters and Malaysians in general to look at the larger picture. Voicing alarm, Mei Fun highlighted PAS has never wavered from their long term plan to enforce hudud. “Although Hadi Awang claimed that ‘in order for hudud to be implemented, people must have proper education, jobs as well as economic mobility,’ make no mistake that the PAS’s theocratic state is still in their agenda once recession woes have been quelled.”
Mei Fun also queried whether Hadi Awang’s softening position was uttered to score political mileage in view of the Kuala Terengganu by-elections just 3 weeks away. “While PAS Vice Chairman Dato’ Husam Musa is adamant that hudud laws are meant for all Malaysians, Hadi Awang has taken a contradictory stand that hudud laws only apply to Muslims. Is Hadi Awang merely trying to win over voters who fear hudud laws?”
During the 2004 general elections, PAS insisted on imposing hudud laws which included amputating limbs, stoning and whipping for non-Muslims too. Realizing that such hardline practices were rejected by the non-Muslim community, PAS switched their model towards a welfare state which was seemingly gentler and all embracive for the general elections last March 8th. The flinching positions of PAS on hudud laws were then taken to task by the MCA Wanita chief. “Since PAS’ general elections campaign was based on a welfare state, shouldn’t they embark on policies to alleviate the burden of families of retrenched workers rather than blaming the global economic turmoil as a reason to delay executing hudud laws?”
Earlier Husam Musa ignited fears among the non-Muslim community when he reiterated PAS’ promise to amend the Federal Constitution and implement hudud and qisas once the Opposition seized federal office. Mei Fun reminded Pakatan Rakyat that the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land which applies to all Malaysians. “Changing the Federal Constitution to include hudud and qisas elements will inevitably affect the lives of all Malaysians who are bound by the Federal Constitution.”
Meanwhile, Mei Fun pressed PKR de facto leader, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to state his position on the debate. “He is still so silent after so long. This is a very serious matter. What is PKR’s position?”
Saturday, December 27, 2008
除此我们也很疑惑,不知道由他领导,和另外两名雪州行政议员郭素沁与雅谷(Yaakob Sapari)组成的三人遴选小组在敲定人选时是如何确定奥曼奥玛比刘秀梅更有素质、公信力和专业.....因为他说,回教党不曾说过华人与印度人不能出任!
除此我们也很疑惑,不知道由他领导,和另外两名雪州行政议员郭素沁与雅谷(Yaakob Sapari)组成的三人遴选小组在敲定人选时是如何确定奥曼奥玛比刘秀梅更有素质、公信力和专业.....因为他说,回教党不曾说过华人与印度人不能出任!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wanita MCA: Anwar Ibrahim should state PKR’s stand clearly over the remarks made by Husam Musa to implement Hudud laws if they come into power
24 December 2008
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun over the remarks made by PAS Vice-Chairman Husam Musa to implement Hudud laws if they come into power
Wanita MCA: Anwar Ibrahim should state Pakatan Rakyat’s stand clearly over the remarks made by Husam Musa to implement Hudud laws if they come into power
Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun urges PKR de-facto leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to state PKR and Pakatan Rakyat’s stand clearly following the remarks made by PAS Vice-Chairman Husam Musa that they will implement Hudud law if they successfully form the government.
“Husam Musa’s statement has resulted in anxiety among non-Muslims in the country. PAS firmly insisting on introducing Hudud laws has ignored the fact that Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country and also has ignored the spirit of Federal Constitution”, expresses Mei Fun.
Mei Fun reiterates that Anwar Ibrahim as the de-facto leader of PKR and leader of Pakatan Rakyat has a responsibility to explain to the people his stand over the Hudud laws. Moreover, DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng and its chairman Karpal Singh has already urged Anwar Ibrahim to response to the issue which clearly shows that Anwar’s stand is the final stand of Pakatan Rakyat.
“Unless Lim Guan Eng and Karpal Singh’s position in Pakatan Rakyat is not important enough, if not Anwar should respect the request of the two DAP leaders and response to Husam’s remark accordingly. If Anwar decided to keep quiet, there are only two possibilities, one; Anwar agrees with the remark made by Husam to implement Hudud laws or DAP has been marginalized in the Pakatan Rakyat with its Secretary-General and Chairman’s request been ignored,” she reiterates.
When replying to Karpal Singh’s statement, PKR Publicity Chief Tian Chua expressed that Anwar Ibrahim as the future Prime Minister of the country could not be expected to response to petty issues such as cleanliness on the streets and banning of alcohol.
“Tian Chua’s statement is ridiculous. Introducing Hudud laws is a major issue that will affect the country’s Constitution and the livelihood of the people but Tian Chua has treated the problem as a petty issue. This is a very immature remark from him. Even though Tian Chua wanted to rid Anwar from the responsibility, he should have come out with a more persuasive argument and not using this approach when handling the said issue”, Mei Fun argues.
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun over the remarks made by PAS Vice-Chairman Husam Musa to implement Hudud laws if they come into power
Wanita MCA: Anwar Ibrahim should state Pakatan Rakyat’s stand clearly over the remarks made by Husam Musa to implement Hudud laws if they come into power
Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun urges PKR de-facto leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to state PKR and Pakatan Rakyat’s stand clearly following the remarks made by PAS Vice-Chairman Husam Musa that they will implement Hudud law if they successfully form the government.
“Husam Musa’s statement has resulted in anxiety among non-Muslims in the country. PAS firmly insisting on introducing Hudud laws has ignored the fact that Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country and also has ignored the spirit of Federal Constitution”, expresses Mei Fun.
Mei Fun reiterates that Anwar Ibrahim as the de-facto leader of PKR and leader of Pakatan Rakyat has a responsibility to explain to the people his stand over the Hudud laws. Moreover, DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng and its chairman Karpal Singh has already urged Anwar Ibrahim to response to the issue which clearly shows that Anwar’s stand is the final stand of Pakatan Rakyat.
“Unless Lim Guan Eng and Karpal Singh’s position in Pakatan Rakyat is not important enough, if not Anwar should respect the request of the two DAP leaders and response to Husam’s remark accordingly. If Anwar decided to keep quiet, there are only two possibilities, one; Anwar agrees with the remark made by Husam to implement Hudud laws or DAP has been marginalized in the Pakatan Rakyat with its Secretary-General and Chairman’s request been ignored,” she reiterates.
When replying to Karpal Singh’s statement, PKR Publicity Chief Tian Chua expressed that Anwar Ibrahim as the future Prime Minister of the country could not be expected to response to petty issues such as cleanliness on the streets and banning of alcohol.
“Tian Chua’s statement is ridiculous. Introducing Hudud laws is a major issue that will affect the country’s Constitution and the livelihood of the people but Tian Chua has treated the problem as a petty issue. This is a very immature remark from him. Even though Tian Chua wanted to rid Anwar from the responsibility, he should have come out with a more persuasive argument and not using this approach when handling the said issue”, Mei Fun argues.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
文告 24.12.2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
无可否认的,外部的力量已激发国阵内部的检讨与重新出发,但检讨归检讨,现代人生活步骤急促,对于国家发展步伐的要求也非常急迫,因此国阵政府已没有时间慢条斯理,不但必须立即检视所有长期以来备受争议的议题,同时必须放下身段,立即做出符合民“益”国“利”的改革,也必须在带动国家发展上比民联走快一步!让言论自由为国阵的良好施政效劳,而非为民联抨击国阵效劳!因为我始终相信 “纸包不足火”和“欲盖弥彰”,同时我对人民的智慧与判断能力还是肯定和有期待的!
无可否认的,外部的力量已激发国阵内部的检讨与重新出发,但检讨归检讨,现代人生活步骤急促,对于国家发展步伐的要求也非常急迫,因此国阵政府已没有时间慢条斯理,不但必须立即检视所有长期以来备受争议的议题,同时必须放下身段,立即做出符合民“益”国“利”的改革,也必须在带动国家发展上比民联走快一步!让言论自由为国阵的良好施政效劳,而非为民联抨击国阵效劳!因为我始终相信 “纸包不足火”和“欲盖弥彰”,同时我对人民的智慧与判断能力还是肯定和有期待的!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

周美芬呼吁所有黨員、執委及中央代表通過電郵,把名字、身份證號碼、州屬會、區會、手機號碼及電郵地址等資料,傳送至infowanitamca@gmail.com, 以便收集資料,將來通過電郵及手機短信傳送訊息。
中国报:更新: December 14, 2008 18:03
捍卫女性尊严 周美芬:警惕勿口多多
确保瓜登补选胜出 妇女组总动员助选
Published: Sunday December 14, 2008
A check on sexist, indecent behaviour by MPs
ALOR GAJAH: Wanita MCA and several national women’s non-governmental organisations are seeking changes to the Parliament’s Standing Order to check errant MPs, in particular those who utter sexist and indecent remarks against women in the House.
ALOR GAJAH: Wanita MCA and several national women’s non-governmental organisations are seeking changes to the Parliament’s Standing Order to check errant MPs, in particular those who utter sexist and indecent remarks against women in the House.
The group, led by Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, will submit a memorandum to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and his deputy Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar calling for changes to be made.
“We will submit a memorandum to Parliament on the need to regulate its code of conduct with regard to sexist and indecent remarks made by irresponsible politicians against women,” she said, adding the group would also be meeting up with Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz (Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department) to voice their views.
Chew, who had attended a two day meeting and brainstorming session with the wing’s central committee in Alor Gajah on Sunday, said she hoped the matter would be looked into seriously by Parliament and the Prime Minister’s Department.
“A special code of conduct against MPs who hurl sexist and indecent remarks, in particular towards the women, should be included.
“Such irresponsible remarks have brought the House into disrepute and are an embarrasment for the nation,” she told reporters at a press conference here on Sunday.
Chew, who is Wanita MCA political strategic bureau chairman, added that the code of conduct should also be implemented at the state and district levels so that “respect between the two genders is achieved at all levels of society.”
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wanita MCA: Mandarin news should be extended not reduced
Media Statement issued by Wanita MCA Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun in response to the reduction in airtime of RTM Mandarin news
In response to the Information Ministry’s decision to drop the airtime of Mandarin news from one hour to thirty minutes as part of RTM’s restructuring exercise, Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun today called on the Information Minister YB Dato’ Ahmad Shabery Cheek to reconsider its decision, by maintaining the existing airtime of the Mandarin news if not, extending it more. Replying a question at Dewan Negara, Shabery informed that the Mandarin news segment would be broadcast at 8pm on RTM1. Previously, the Mandarin news was telecasted at 12:00 noon and 8pm.
“I have gathered information that RTM1 would change into an information channel. RTM1 may go on air for 24 hours as a news station. Thus, I see no reason for the Mandarin news airtime to be halved,” Mei Fun said. “With the extension for screening hours, RTM1 should continue providing 1 hour for Mandarin news, if not more. It makes no sense to decrease the duration of Mandarin news. Similarly, with the longer broadcast time, the Tamil news should also be given more coverage.”
On another matter, Mei Fun also conveyed her disappointment that the 5-minute magazine programme aired before the 8pm Mandarin news maybe shelved.
Meanwhile, she also emphasized that “RTM2 Mandarin news enjoyed higher viewership compared to RTM’s news broadcasts in other languages, thus enabling more viewership to RTM.”
Comparing the statistics of news programmes, Mei Fun highlighted that, “the 12:00 noon Mandarin news held a viewership of 150,000 to 200,000 which was comparatively higher that the hourly news viewership which stood between 100,000 to 120,000. The 8pm Mandarin news audience grew higher with 400,000 to 500,000 viewers. This indicates that RTM’s Mandarin news competes on par with Mandarin news of other TV stations if not better.”
Owing to the outrage when the plug was pulled on What Say You, a popular Mandarin phone-in talk-show which discussed national issues, the Wanita MCA chief called on the Information to re-televise the said programme. “These days Malaysians pay more heed to transparency and openness. Being more sophisticated, Malaysians hold higher expectations from the government.
By re-broadcasting What Say You, the Barisan Nasional government demonstrates transparency and provides a link for public discussion.”
In response to the Information Ministry’s decision to drop the airtime of Mandarin news from one hour to thirty minutes as part of RTM’s restructuring exercise, Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun today called on the Information Minister YB Dato’ Ahmad Shabery Cheek to reconsider its decision, by maintaining the existing airtime of the Mandarin news if not, extending it more. Replying a question at Dewan Negara, Shabery informed that the Mandarin news segment would be broadcast at 8pm on RTM1. Previously, the Mandarin news was telecasted at 12:00 noon and 8pm.
“I have gathered information that RTM1 would change into an information channel. RTM1 may go on air for 24 hours as a news station. Thus, I see no reason for the Mandarin news airtime to be halved,” Mei Fun said. “With the extension for screening hours, RTM1 should continue providing 1 hour for Mandarin news, if not more. It makes no sense to decrease the duration of Mandarin news. Similarly, with the longer broadcast time, the Tamil news should also be given more coverage.”
On another matter, Mei Fun also conveyed her disappointment that the 5-minute magazine programme aired before the 8pm Mandarin news maybe shelved.
Meanwhile, she also emphasized that “RTM2 Mandarin news enjoyed higher viewership compared to RTM’s news broadcasts in other languages, thus enabling more viewership to RTM.”
Comparing the statistics of news programmes, Mei Fun highlighted that, “the 12:00 noon Mandarin news held a viewership of 150,000 to 200,000 which was comparatively higher that the hourly news viewership which stood between 100,000 to 120,000. The 8pm Mandarin news audience grew higher with 400,000 to 500,000 viewers. This indicates that RTM’s Mandarin news competes on par with Mandarin news of other TV stations if not better.”
Owing to the outrage when the plug was pulled on What Say You, a popular Mandarin phone-in talk-show which discussed national issues, the Wanita MCA chief called on the Information to re-televise the said programme. “These days Malaysians pay more heed to transparency and openness. Being more sophisticated, Malaysians hold higher expectations from the government.
By re-broadcasting What Say You, the Barisan Nasional government demonstrates transparency and provides a link for public discussion.”
Saturday, December 13, 2008
淡江国际山庄土崩悲剧发生后, 我们看到了人民的悲愤、看到了朝野互轰、也看到了雪州苏丹温情送饭和某些人在伤口上撒盐,趁火打劫的一面。
玛拉工艺大学测量与几何系教授赛查马鲁丁预测,由于国际山庄土地正在移动,若未及时采取行动,在6个月内爆发更严重土崩的可能性是存在的。 他指出,如果当局允许居民继续居住,当局应在有关地区进行持续性监督工作,以及研究再次土崩的可能性问题。
国际山庄内的房屋价格高昂,禁止居民居住谁“能/将”赔偿他们的损失是一个大问题,即使解决了国际山庄的问题,国内到底还有多少个类似国际山庄的住宅区需要同等对待,因此禁止居民居住的这个方案可行性不高。 那要求安邦市议会定期检查并采取适时的修复与防范行动可行吗?可行!但监督工作的松紧、精准与有效度往往取决于执行者的素质,因此我认为如果政府尝试或人民要求政府在防灾工作方面完全一手抗起的话,那是不切实际的。
淡江国际山庄土崩悲剧发生后, 我们看到了人民的悲愤、看到了朝野互轰、也看到了雪州苏丹温情送饭和某些人在伤口上撒盐,趁火打劫的一面。
玛拉工艺大学测量与几何系教授赛查马鲁丁预测,由于国际山庄土地正在移动,若未及时采取行动,在6个月内爆发更严重土崩的可能性是存在的。 他指出,如果当局允许居民继续居住,当局应在有关地区进行持续性监督工作,以及研究再次土崩的可能性问题。
国际山庄内的房屋价格高昂,禁止居民居住谁“能/将”赔偿他们的损失是一个大问题,即使解决了国际山庄的问题,国内到底还有多少个类似国际山庄的住宅区需要同等对待,因此禁止居民居住的这个方案可行性不高。 那要求安邦市议会定期检查并采取适时的修复与防范行动可行吗?可行!但监督工作的松紧、精准与有效度往往取决于执行者的素质,因此我认为如果政府尝试或人民要求政府在防灾工作方面完全一手抗起的话,那是不切实际的。
Saturday, December 6, 2008
尊贵的副议长“肯定”了问题的存在也“裁决”了问题的是非,但却“忽略”了问题的处理,因为他同时说了一句,议会不会指示达祖丁收回有关言论,反而将此言论作为今后参考, 他说,他参考了英国、加拿大、澳洲和纽西兰的国会,发现这些国家都未禁止种族性言论。
同样的,性别歧视的黄色言论似乎也成了国会最热门的议题,在上届国会回教党议员说女性犯“痒” ,巫统京那峇丹岸区议员莫达拉汀、野新区议员拿督莫哈末赛益的“月漏论”课题记忆犹新之际,上个星期巴西沙叻区议员拿督达祖丁发表意淫“出水论”,才刚道歉,结果两天前, 无党籍的巴西马区国会议员依布拉欣竟然发表三妻四妾,皆因“女性欲望强”的低级言论,国会越来越像“性事讲堂”。过去我们嘲笑台湾立法院常常大打出手如猴戏,今天我们似乎也应嘲笑大马国会只关注性事,已沦为“黄色架步”?
因着国会的言论自由,我们也许暂时还等不到国会议长“判罚”这类议员,但我们希望国会议长褫夺他们的“YB”称号,以体现孔子作春秋,一语定褒贬的作法!因为国会议员有两种,一种是“Yang Berhormat”, 一种是“Yang Tidak Dihormati” !
尊贵的副议长“肯定”了问题的存在也“裁决”了问题的是非,但却“忽略”了问题的处理,因为他同时说了一句,议会不会指示达祖丁收回有关言论,反而将此言论作为今后参考, 他说,他参考了英国、加拿大、澳洲和纽西兰的国会,发现这些国家都未禁止种族性言论。
同样的,性别歧视的黄色言论似乎也成了国会最热门的议题,在上届国会回教党议员说女性犯“痒” ,巫统京那峇丹岸区议员莫达拉汀、野新区议员拿督莫哈末赛益的“月漏论”课题记忆犹新之际,上个星期巴西沙叻区议员拿督达祖丁发表意淫“出水论”,才刚道歉,结果两天前, 无党籍的巴西马区国会议员依布拉欣竟然发表三妻四妾,皆因“女性欲望强”的低级言论,国会越来越像“性事讲堂”。过去我们嘲笑台湾立法院常常大打出手如猴戏,今天我们似乎也应嘲笑大马国会只关注性事,已沦为“黄色架步”?
因着国会的言论自由,我们也许暂时还等不到国会议长“判罚”这类议员,但我们希望国会议长褫夺他们的“YB”称号,以体现孔子作春秋,一语定褒贬的作法!因为国会议员有两种,一种是“Yang Berhormat”, 一种是“Yang Tidak Dihormati” !
Friday, December 5, 2008
Chew Mei Fun: Pasir Mas MP Ibrahim Ali should undergo compulsory course on respecting women
5 December 2008
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun over Pasir Mas MP YB Ibrahim Ali’s remark that “men marry many wives due to the women’s strong desire”
Wanita MCA National Chairman Chew Mei Fun today strongly condemns Pasir Mas Independent MP YB Ibrahim Ali for allegedly irresponsibly uttering gender-bias remarks that “men marry many wives due to women’s strong desire” and she urges Parliament to take serious action against him to prevent the same incident from happening again.
After the recent uproar over Pasir Salak MP YB Dato’ Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s obscene remark, Parliament is once again rocked with another sexist remark from Ibrahim Ali.
Mei Fun did not spare expressing her disappointment over the attitude of certain male MPs in the Parliament.
“MPs in Parliament do not appreciate the opportunity to participate in healthy debates. They would rather pull cheap stunts seeking publicity and resort to discriminatory espousals which humiliate women,” expressed Mei Fun.
“Wanita MCA urges the Parliament to take strong action against MPs who fail to abide to the Parliament’s code of conduct because Parliament has descended into a place to spew vulgar slurs which not only offend women but the country’s image has been deeply affected thereby becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of the public,” reiterated Mei Fun.
Mei Fun expressed disappointment that “those who hurl sexist spews deride women and should learn how to respect women.”
“We would like to suggest that such a group be given a compulsory course on how to respect women and improve their understanding on the relationship between the different genders. This is an effective measure to prevent them against dishing profanities in Parliament,” stressed Mei Fun.
“We, together with the other women’s association, will submit a memorandum to the Parliament to voice out the urgency that Parliament needs to regulate the code of conduct for MPs,” said Mei Fun who is also the Wanita MCA Political Strategic Bureau Chairman.
She also urges Ibrahim Ali to apologise openly to all women in the country and to convey his regret over his derogatory remark which hurts the dignity of women.
Press Statement issued by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun over Pasir Mas MP YB Ibrahim Ali’s remark that “men marry many wives due to the women’s strong desire”
Wanita MCA National Chairman Chew Mei Fun today strongly condemns Pasir Mas Independent MP YB Ibrahim Ali for allegedly irresponsibly uttering gender-bias remarks that “men marry many wives due to women’s strong desire” and she urges Parliament to take serious action against him to prevent the same incident from happening again.
After the recent uproar over Pasir Salak MP YB Dato’ Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s obscene remark, Parliament is once again rocked with another sexist remark from Ibrahim Ali.
Mei Fun did not spare expressing her disappointment over the attitude of certain male MPs in the Parliament.
“MPs in Parliament do not appreciate the opportunity to participate in healthy debates. They would rather pull cheap stunts seeking publicity and resort to discriminatory espousals which humiliate women,” expressed Mei Fun.
“Wanita MCA urges the Parliament to take strong action against MPs who fail to abide to the Parliament’s code of conduct because Parliament has descended into a place to spew vulgar slurs which not only offend women but the country’s image has been deeply affected thereby becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of the public,” reiterated Mei Fun.
Mei Fun expressed disappointment that “those who hurl sexist spews deride women and should learn how to respect women.”
“We would like to suggest that such a group be given a compulsory course on how to respect women and improve their understanding on the relationship between the different genders. This is an effective measure to prevent them against dishing profanities in Parliament,” stressed Mei Fun.
“We, together with the other women’s association, will submit a memorandum to the Parliament to voice out the urgency that Parliament needs to regulate the code of conduct for MPs,” said Mei Fun who is also the Wanita MCA Political Strategic Bureau Chairman.
She also urges Ibrahim Ali to apologise openly to all women in the country and to convey his regret over his derogatory remark which hurts the dignity of women.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
即時新聞 2008-11-28 14:50
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