自从上届马华党选黄家定开启了让大家自由公开竞选的文化后,马华的党选少了烟火味,反而增加了几许的嘉年华会气氛.本届党选翁诗杰标榜没有派别只有团队,他的拉票行程欢迎各路英雄自由参与,于是乎管他ABCD队,只要有团结宴,有拉票聚会,大家都可以出席,尽管知道 ‘道不同不相为谋’,也许私底下还会窃窃私语,暗自拉帮结派,但表面上总算有说有笑,甚至互相交换拉票心得,再没有过往那种仇人见面分外眼红的紧绷. 即便是主要职位在选举期间的交锋,个人觉得和过去的你死我活比较也宛如小巫见大巫.加上这几年中委会的透明与民主操作,奠定了成熟的论政氛围,除了对某些课题因看法不同而偶有火花外,也都是对事不对人,因此在选情激烈下所举行的最后一次中委会,温馨的离别依依之情反而盖过了选举进入倒数阶段的剑拔弩张,让人完全感受不到锋火.
此次马华党选在不被看好的情况空前热烈,让许多预测党职将比后候选人多的时评者跌破了眼镜,整个竞选期间各报竞相分析与预测,有扑风捉影的,有唯恐天下不乱的,有更多半夜吃黄瓜不知头尾,让知情者啼笑皆非的,更有被 ‘放风’ 者利用以借刀杀人的评论,让受影响的候选人恨得牙痒痒却不敢抗议以免死得更为难看!
无论如何,由于没有明显的派系,加上各区会无干预的开放让候选人会见代表,因此选前虽然 ‘菜单’ 满天飞,但作用不大,大多数的代表在几个月里赶赴了多场饭局,体重稍增,阅读了多张竞选传单后,心下都有了底,因此我们看到不被看好的候选人因为连续两届勤于跑动,结果诚意感动了代表而中选;我们也看到了上一届以特出的宣传品结果虽然寂寂无名却以最高票落选的李伟杰,随者其不舍不弃的坚持,不但带动拉了本届各候选人竞相下重本印制精美宣传品与纸袋,也从最高票落选到以最高票当选,笑傲本届党选!他在最后一分中推出的完整候选人名单,让代表们感受到他的体贴不但为他加分也让许多挖空心思想借宣传品出位的候选人掏心锤肺,可见党选也很讲究宣传技巧呢!然而,值得一提的是,这次最威的莫过于是公开表明没有竞选宣言,也没有特别印制任何宣传品,有的只是一张没有时限,电话随时可接通的律师名卡的王乃志,他的中选说明了只要平时有表现,竞选不一定得花钱!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
the Star online
Thursday October 30, 2008
Chew supports MB’s decision
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun has urged Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to stand by his decision to appoint Low Siew Moi as acting general manager of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).
In supporting Low’s appointment, Chew said Khalid should not back down on his decision.
“Even though I share a different political ideology with Tan Sri Khalid, I believe in the Selangor Mentri Besar’s trust and confidence in women’s capabilities to helm PKNS,” she said in a statement yesterday.
Chew stressed that the appointment of top government posts should not be based on skin colour or gender but on the ability to perform.
She criticised Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali and former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who questioned Low’s appointment.
Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation executive council member Tan Sri Robert Phang questioned why Low’s appointment was only temporary. “So long as the person is experienced and professionally qualified, she should be given the fair opportunity to lead a corporation, and even upgrade the social economy status of bumiputras,” he said in a statement. Shah Alam Umno information chief Mohd Azhar Othman said the appointment was against the main aim and policies behind the setting up of corporation and marked the first time it would be led by a non-bumiputra since it was set up in 1964. “It is as though he is belittling the experience and credibility of the Malay officers in PKNS,” he said in a statement yesterday. Mohd Azhar said that two candidates who should have been considered were deputy general manager (administration) Md Nasir Md Arshad and deputy general manager (technical) Abdul Ghani Hassan. On Tuesday, the Selangor Malays Residents Action Body held a protest against Low’s appointment outside the Selangor state secretariat building. The group’s chairman, Kamaruddin Raja Ab Wahid, said the appointment infringed on Malay rights and insulted the Sultans.
Thursday October 30, 2008
Chew supports MB’s decision
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun has urged Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to stand by his decision to appoint Low Siew Moi as acting general manager of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).
In supporting Low’s appointment, Chew said Khalid should not back down on his decision.
“Even though I share a different political ideology with Tan Sri Khalid, I believe in the Selangor Mentri Besar’s trust and confidence in women’s capabilities to helm PKNS,” she said in a statement yesterday.
Chew stressed that the appointment of top government posts should not be based on skin colour or gender but on the ability to perform.
She criticised Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali and former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who questioned Low’s appointment.
Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation executive council member Tan Sri Robert Phang questioned why Low’s appointment was only temporary. “So long as the person is experienced and professionally qualified, she should be given the fair opportunity to lead a corporation, and even upgrade the social economy status of bumiputras,” he said in a statement. Shah Alam Umno information chief Mohd Azhar Othman said the appointment was against the main aim and policies behind the setting up of corporation and marked the first time it would be led by a non-bumiputra since it was set up in 1964. “It is as though he is belittling the experience and credibility of the Malay officers in PKNS,” he said in a statement yesterday. Mohd Azhar said that two candidates who should have been considered were deputy general manager (administration) Md Nasir Md Arshad and deputy general manager (technical) Abdul Ghani Hassan. On Tuesday, the Selangor Malays Residents Action Body held a protest against Low’s appointment outside the Selangor state secretariat building. The group’s chairman, Kamaruddin Raja Ab Wahid, said the appointment infringed on Malay rights and insulted the Sultans.
Press statement by Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Wanita MCA supports the appointment of Low Siew Moi as Acting General Manager of PKNS
- Chew Mei Fun to Khalid Ibrahim: Don't compromise on Siew Moi's appointment
Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun today urged Selangor MB YB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to be firm in his professional view and stand over the appointment of Sdri Low Siew Moi as Acting General Manager of Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).
Emphasizing that, "Tan Sri Khalid should not be influenced by PAS or any quarters and then compromise on his decision on the appointment Sdri Loh Siew Moi to the top post in PKNS," Mei Fun concurred that, "even though I share a different political ideology with Tan Sri Khalid, however I believe in the Selangor Menteri Besar's trust and confidence in women's capabilities to helm PKNS."
She stressed that, "in this globalised world, the appointment of top government posts should not be based on skin colour or gender. Those with capabilities and are able to perform should be given the opportunity to serve." She added that, "if the person appointed performs well meritoriously, they should be allowed to continue their service in their respective positions. However, if they failed to perform, it is never too late to terminate their services."
Mei Fun also criticized the statements made by Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali and former Selangor MB, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who questioned the appointment of Sdri Low Siew Moi PKNS as Acting General Manager based on her race and gender.
She added that, "the behaviour of these two leaders who questioned and prejudiced the capabilities of women will not increase the country's competitiveness and encourage economic growth. At the end of the day, the country will experience brain drain with more and more talented professionals leaving Malaysia for other countries to seek work and pursue their ambitions."
Wanita MCA supports the appointment of Low Siew Moi as Acting General Manager of PKNS
- Chew Mei Fun to Khalid Ibrahim: Don't compromise on Siew Moi's appointment
Wanita MCA National Chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun today urged Selangor MB YB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to be firm in his professional view and stand over the appointment of Sdri Low Siew Moi as Acting General Manager of Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).
Emphasizing that, "Tan Sri Khalid should not be influenced by PAS or any quarters and then compromise on his decision on the appointment Sdri Loh Siew Moi to the top post in PKNS," Mei Fun concurred that, "even though I share a different political ideology with Tan Sri Khalid, however I believe in the Selangor Menteri Besar's trust and confidence in women's capabilities to helm PKNS."
She stressed that, "in this globalised world, the appointment of top government posts should not be based on skin colour or gender. Those with capabilities and are able to perform should be given the opportunity to serve." She added that, "if the person appointed performs well meritoriously, they should be allowed to continue their service in their respective positions. However, if they failed to perform, it is never too late to terminate their services."
Mei Fun also criticized the statements made by Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali and former Selangor MB, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who questioned the appointment of Sdri Low Siew Moi PKNS as Acting General Manager based on her race and gender.
She added that, "the behaviour of these two leaders who questioned and prejudiced the capabilities of women will not increase the country's competitiveness and encourage economic growth. At the end of the day, the country will experience brain drain with more and more talented professionals leaving Malaysia for other countries to seek work and pursue their ambitions."
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

星洲日报 2008-10-18 11:47
the Star online
Sunday October 26, 2008
Ling does not expect all to agree with his views
GEORGE TOWN: No individuals can get 100% agreement for his or her opinion.
This was what former MCA president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik said when asked to comment on reports in the Chinese press of him coming under fire from women leaders for saying “men have to release their extra energy, and as long as they don’t talk about it (cheating on their spouses) and don’t get caught, there is no problem”.
“If they disagree, they disagree. If they agree, they agree. No individual can get 100% agreement for his or her opinion,” he told newsmen after launching the Malaysia Festival of the Mind IV at Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College Penang branch yesterday.
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun had said Dr Ling was sending a wrong message on moral values to the public as he had not only attempted to rationalise a wrong sexual behaviour but also insulted men who are faithful to their wives.
Sunday October 26, 2008
Ling does not expect all to agree with his views
GEORGE TOWN: No individuals can get 100% agreement for his or her opinion.
This was what former MCA president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik said when asked to comment on reports in the Chinese press of him coming under fire from women leaders for saying “men have to release their extra energy, and as long as they don’t talk about it (cheating on their spouses) and don’t get caught, there is no problem”.
“If they disagree, they disagree. If they agree, they agree. No individual can get 100% agreement for his or her opinion,” he told newsmen after launching the Malaysia Festival of the Mind IV at Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College Penang branch yesterday.
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun had said Dr Ling was sending a wrong message on moral values to the public as he had not only attempted to rationalise a wrong sexual behaviour but also insulted men who are faithful to their wives.

the Star online
Wednesday October 22, 2008
Mayang Jaya folk get futsal court
AFTER a three-year wait, SS26 Taman Mayang Jaya folk finally have a futsal court.
“Many who come to the park here are older folk. We hope the futsal court can help bridge the gap between them and the younger generation,” said Futsal Sports Club committee chairman James Teo.
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, who officiated at the court’s launch, was glad she could fulfil the last promise she made to residents before the general election.
“Funds for the court were provided by the Housing and Local Government Ministry.
“The project was approved by the Petaling Jaya Municipal Council (MBPJ). Since the local councillors had not been elected at that time, the tender could not be carried out. Hence the delay,” she said.
In addressing the issue of the Taman Megah Mas tunnel and flash floods in Petaling Jaya, Chew said: “When approving high-rise buildings, we take into account the drainage system, traffic congestion and other problems that may arise.
“If the tunnel is closed, some residents will be happy while others won’t. Thus, to solve one problem, make sure you do not create another problem.”
Meanwhile, Teo urged residents to become members of the Futsal Sports Club to enjoy the court.
“It costs RM60 a year to be a member. Non-members have to pay RM120 a year to use the court. The funds will be used to maintain the court,” he said.
SS26 resident’s association chairman Liew Wei Beng said the association would approach MBPJ to install lights for the court.
For more information or to sign up for the Futsal Sports Club membership, email the committee at futsalsc.tmjra@gmail.com.
Wednesday October 22, 2008
Mayang Jaya folk get futsal court
AFTER a three-year wait, SS26 Taman Mayang Jaya folk finally have a futsal court.
“Many who come to the park here are older folk. We hope the futsal court can help bridge the gap between them and the younger generation,” said Futsal Sports Club committee chairman James Teo.
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, who officiated at the court’s launch, was glad she could fulfil the last promise she made to residents before the general election.
“Funds for the court were provided by the Housing and Local Government Ministry.
“The project was approved by the Petaling Jaya Municipal Council (MBPJ). Since the local councillors had not been elected at that time, the tender could not be carried out. Hence the delay,” she said.
In addressing the issue of the Taman Megah Mas tunnel and flash floods in Petaling Jaya, Chew said: “When approving high-rise buildings, we take into account the drainage system, traffic congestion and other problems that may arise.
“If the tunnel is closed, some residents will be happy while others won’t. Thus, to solve one problem, make sure you do not create another problem.”
Meanwhile, Teo urged residents to become members of the Futsal Sports Club to enjoy the court.
“It costs RM60 a year to be a member. Non-members have to pay RM120 a year to use the court. The funds will be used to maintain the court,” he said.
SS26 resident’s association chairman Liew Wei Beng said the association would approach MBPJ to install lights for the court.
For more information or to sign up for the Futsal Sports Club membership, email the committee at futsalsc.tmjra@gmail.com.
theStar online
Monday October 20, 2008
Wanita wing wants to be a serious player
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA needs to break the stereotype that it only focuses on women’s issues.
Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said yesterday this stereotype has over the years resulted in many in the community regarding the wing as pursuing petty issues.
“The perception is a strong one. People have put us aside. People will not give attention to whatever matter we raise,” she told reporters at the end of the party’s 55th annual general assembly.
Chew said the wing would no longer confine its struggle to only women, children and family issues.
“Until today, there are people who consider women’s issues as petty issues. What is most important is to transform and rebuild our image and give people hope,” she said.
Chew added that the wing would be more vocal in a pragmatic manner in its struggle for the people.
Monday October 20, 2008
Wanita wing wants to be a serious player
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA needs to break the stereotype that it only focuses on women’s issues.
Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said yesterday this stereotype has over the years resulted in many in the community regarding the wing as pursuing petty issues.
“The perception is a strong one. People have put us aside. People will not give attention to whatever matter we raise,” she told reporters at the end of the party’s 55th annual general assembly.
Chew said the wing would no longer confine its struggle to only women, children and family issues.
“Until today, there are people who consider women’s issues as petty issues. What is most important is to transform and rebuild our image and give people hope,” she said.
Chew added that the wing would be more vocal in a pragmatic manner in its struggle for the people.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
针对敦林良实:[ 男人须发泄多余精力,只要出轨的事没有讲出来,也没有让人知道,就不会有问题。他还举例,国父曾在国会挑战不曾有过“通奸”行为的国会议员举手,当时除了陈志勤,没有一位敢举手说自己不曾通奸 ] 的言论,马华妇女组谨此声明如下:
针对敦林良实:[ 男人须发泄多余精力,只要出轨的事没有讲出来,也没有让人知道,就不会有问题。他还举例,国父曾在国会挑战不曾有过“通奸”行为的国会议员举手,当时除了陈志勤,没有一位敢举手说自己不曾通奸 ] 的言论,马华妇女组谨此声明如下:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
拨云见日(28) - 无关交情,只因马华要赢!
拨云见日(27) - 寂寞难耐!
媒体要的是有“价值”的新闻,而“价值”是可以设计的,是可以制造的 - 只要你敢!敢讲他人不敢讲,敢做他人不敢做,就有机会让媒体聚焦于你!而现实中确实有很多人,尤其是政治人物敢!因此我们的报纸永远热闹,永远有“新闻”!而政治的“肮脏”形象也因此一而再,再而三的被强化!!
媒体要的是有“价值”的新闻,而“价值”是可以设计的,是可以制造的 - 只要你敢!敢讲他人不敢讲,敢做他人不敢做,就有机会让媒体聚焦于你!而现实中确实有很多人,尤其是政治人物敢!因此我们的报纸永远热闹,永远有“新闻”!而政治的“肮脏”形象也因此一而再,再而三的被强化!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
YB魏家祥以马青举办许多活动获得女青年参加但由于不隶属马青所以白白流失了许多女青年党员作为要还原马青原貌的理由,要让40岁以下的马华女性党员同时成为妇女组与马青团员,引起了许多女同志的非议,也让许多现有的女青年感觉不是味道!我个人觉得要招收更多年轻人入党的目标是绝对正确的,但方法很多, 妇女组和马青不应该是各行其是的,不应该是互别苗头竞争的,我们应该是各司其职之余,互相扶持,相得益彰的!我们可以共同成立一个专责处理青年男女入党的计划与工作委员会,为两个组织开启合作的空间,也建立同志间亲爱精诚,团结共进的精神。
周美芬 14/10/08
YB魏家祥以马青举办许多活动获得女青年参加但由于不隶属马青所以白白流失了许多女青年党员作为要还原马青原貌的理由,要让40岁以下的马华女性党员同时成为妇女组与马青团员,引起了许多女同志的非议,也让许多现有的女青年感觉不是味道!我个人觉得要招收更多年轻人入党的目标是绝对正确的,但方法很多, 妇女组和马青不应该是各行其是的,不应该是互别苗头竞争的,我们应该是各司其职之余,互相扶持,相得益彰的!我们可以共同成立一个专责处理青年男女入党的计划与工作委员会,为两个组织开启合作的空间,也建立同志间亲爱精诚,团结共进的精神。
周美芬 14/10/08
Resounding vote for Wee and Chew
Tuesday October 14, 2008
Early winners: Chew and Wee being chaired by their supporters after winning the Wanita and Youth number one posts uncontested. — ONG SOON HIN / The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun became the new MCA Youth and Wanita MCA chiefs after they won the positions uncontested.
Incumbents Datuk Liow Tiong Lai and Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen did not seek re-election as they are vying for a vice-president post in the parent body.
Dr Wee and Chew were lifted onto the shoulders of their supporters after party election steering committee chairman Tan Sri Wong See Wah announced they had won the posts uncontested.Dr Wee thanked the Youth members for giving him the confidence and support to lead the wing for the next three years. “It is very rare to see a no-contest for the wing’s top post. I will take my new role with a huge responsibility to serve the party and the people,” he said. Dr Wee promised to work harder to fulfil his commitment, which is to speak up and make changes without fear.
Chew said the movement would emphasise on national issues, including the economy and education, and change the public’s perception that it only focuses on women’s problems.
“I must thank the central delegates for supporting me and I will try my best to deliver what I have promised in my manifesto and work with the party leadership,” she said.
Newly-elected Wanita deputy chief Datuk Yu Chok Tow, who also won uncontested, said she would work with Chew and the new leadership to further develop the movement. “We have always enjoyed a good working relationship and we will continue to work together to unify the movement,” she said.
The four vice-chairman posts in the movement went to Datuk Lee Pit Chern, Tan Ah Eng, Tan Cheng Liang and Datuk Lim Bee Kau. The Youth wing’s deputy chief post will be a contest between Perak Youth chief Dr Mah Hang Soon and Kapar division chief Datuk Soong Kee Chai.
Soong, who had challenged Liow for the Youth chief post in the 2005 party election, said he decided to contest at the last minute to bring reform to the wing. “Most of the people in the wing are ‘yes men’. For me, the wing should not be controlled by people other than the wing’s members,” he said. When asked why he did not go for the chief’s post, Soong, 55, said Dr Wee was capable of leading the wing but he felt he was more capable than Dr Mah. Dr Mah said he respected Soong’s decision as every delegate was eligible to contest. “I believe the delegates have the wisdom to choose the right candidate for the post,” he said.
Soong, who had challenged Liow for the Youth chief post in the 2005 party election, said he decided to contest at the last minute to bring reform to the wing. “Most of the people in the wing are ‘yes men’. For me, the wing should not be controlled by people other than the wing’s members,” he said. When asked why he did not go for the chief’s post, Soong, 55, said Dr Wee was capable of leading the wing but he felt he was more capable than Dr Mah. Dr Mah said he respected Soong’s decision as every delegate was eligible to contest. “I believe the delegates have the wisdom to choose the right candidate for the post,” he said.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wanita MCA chief aspirant, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun launched her election manifesto yesterday @ Wisma MCA
Watch The Star Online video: please log on to http://thestaronline.tv/default.aspx?vid=2192

the star on line
Friday October 10, 2008
Chew to inject life into Wanita MCA
Mei Fun: New Hope (TheStarOnline.tv)
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA chief aspirant Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun has pledged to turn the wing into a young, dynamic, energetic and joyful organisation.
“Let us go beyond our traditions and set ourselves free from the current predicament by adopting a new thinking, new perspective and new direction to become leaders for the people.
“We will also be political workers for the people so as to project a new image and create a new hope for the people,” she said at the launch of her manifestos at Wisma MCA yesterday.
Chew, who is deputy Wanita chief, said she had outlined seven plans to achieve her target.
“We will build teams comprising talents in the respective fields and devote more time in the deliberation and study of government policies and legislation,” she said.
Chew said the wing should continue to carry out more effective community projects and activities for women to empower and help them integrate with their community.
Friday October 10, 2008
Chew to inject life into Wanita MCA
Mei Fun: New Hope (TheStarOnline.tv)
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA chief aspirant Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun has pledged to turn the wing into a young, dynamic, energetic and joyful organisation.
“Let us go beyond our traditions and set ourselves free from the current predicament by adopting a new thinking, new perspective and new direction to become leaders for the people.
“We will also be political workers for the people so as to project a new image and create a new hope for the people,” she said at the launch of her manifestos at Wisma MCA yesterday.
Chew, who is deputy Wanita chief, said she had outlined seven plans to achieve her target.
“We will build teams comprising talents in the respective fields and devote more time in the deliberation and study of government policies and legislation,” she said.
Chew said the wing should continue to carry out more effective community projects and activities for women to empower and help them integrate with their community.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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